
Chapter 1450 Missing, little pepper!

Chapter 1450 Missing, little pepper!

Tong Yan frowned deeply, he had too many questions that he couldn't answer, Yitian's sleep talk would never be nonsense, maybe the person who hurt Yitian was his clone.He was almost certain that the avatar had appeared in Yingzhou Mountain last time, so where did the avatar appear this time?
He clenched his fists tightly, and said in his heart: "Clone, you'd better give me peace of mind. Otherwise, I can create you, and even destroy you with my own hands!"

Thinking of this, there was a cold light in his eyes.

Seeing that his expression was a little off, the Great Elder hurriedly asked with concern: "Patriarch, are you okay? You have only woken up for a month, if you are tired, go back and rest first. I will guard here, as long as this little brother As soon as I wake up, I will notify you. Do you think so?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan withdrew his thoughts, then nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll thank you all." After speaking, he took a special look at the unconscious Yitian, and then walked out of the medicine shop.

On the way to the small courtyard where he rested, he thought about many things.Thinking about it this way, before he knew it, he had already walked to the door of the small courtyard.

Lifting his legs and walking into it, he just remembered the bowl of noodles that Gao Qian cooked for him.But Gao Qian is no longer in the small courtyard. As for the bowl of noodles, she should have been taken away as well.

Yitian's sudden return made him suddenly worried, and he wanted to practice his fists to vent his depression.But he unconsciously thought of the avatar, the Nine-Tailed Fox Tan Yu.

In fact, in his heart, he really wanted to meet the clone and ask him everything about Tan Yu.But he was also afraid of seeing the avatar, and he was afraid of hearing bad news about Tan Yu from the avatar.It was this kind of contradictory psychology that made him very bored and overwhelmed.

Thinking wildly like this, he suddenly figured out one thing, that is, whether he sees the clone or not, he must restore his cultivation base.It is still unknown where the Kuafu tribe is now. If you continue to expect the Kuafu tribe to come back to lift the restraint on him and restore his cultivation, then he does not know when he will have to wait.

What if it is another month, or three months, or even half a year?What if something else happens during this period of time?Or, would the avatar use his banner to commit crimes during this period of time?If these situations happen, then he is really too passive.

It was precisely because of these considerations that he decided to try to restore his cultivation and break the restrictions imposed on his body by the Kuafu tribe.If there is still no effect after several attempts, then he does not plan to stay in the old Wu family house any longer, he will go out to find the Kuafu clan.He is not a person who just sits and waits to die. Even if his cultivation base is banned and his supernatural powers cannot be used, his courage and courage will not be affected in the slightest.

Taking a deep breath, he sat down cross-legged on the ground.

He can't look inside his body now, but he can feel all this through breathing and practicing exercises.He believed that as long as he worked hard enough, he would be able to find a way to break through the restrictions imposed on him by the Kuafu tribe.

After adjusting his breathing, he slowly closed his eyes.

He couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and it was definitely not that easy to break through the cultivation restrictions imposed by the Kuafu tribe.He was naturally prepared for this, and if he still couldn't break through the restriction in the end, then he would try to use his star mark.No matter how powerful the Kuafu tribe is, it is absolutely impossible to seal his star mark. After all, the star mark belongs to the stars and is the mark of the stars.Apart from Xingxiu himself and the ancient gods, there is no one who can shake him.

In this way, he started the simplest breathing, trying to mobilize a certain force in his body by accident.But as he expected, it was difficult, not even as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.It's pure luck and has nothing to do with anything else.

But he didn't lose heart, he kept repeating this back and forth, repeating...

I don't know how long after that, the voice of the Great Elder suddenly sounded at the gate of the courtyard.

"Patriarch, that little brother is awake. Patriarch, do you want to go and see him?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan opened his eyes suddenly, then got up quickly and said, "Are you awake? I'll go right away, I'll go right away!" Saying this, he walked out of the small courtyard quickly, and rushed to the pharmacy with the great elder. go.

Tong Yan's heart was a little excited at the moment, because those questions that bothered him might soon be answered from Yi Tian's mouth.

However, unexpectedly, when they arrived at the pharmacy, Yitian disappeared, and even the doctor in the pharmacy was gone.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked the elder: "Elder, where is he? Didn't you say he just woke up? Didn't you tell him that I will come and see him?"

The Great Elder said with a sad face: "Who says it's not? He obviously just woke up, and I also said, I'll ask the patriarch to come and see him. Who knows why he's still out? Patriarch, you Don't worry, I'll go ask the patrol team, they may know the whereabouts of the little brother."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's all I can do. I'll just stay here and wait. Maybe they will come back soon, but if they don't come back, something may have happened. Besides, you Ask the patrol, too, if the drugstore doctor has been seen. The doctor is not there, and the patient is not there, and it looks like he is hiding on purpose."

Hearing this, the Great Elder immediately responded, "Yes, Patriarch, I'll go find the patrol team right away, and let the people in the village look around as well."

With that said, he walked out of the pharmacy quickly.

The Great Elder went to find the patrol team, and Tong Yan was not idle, he also observed carefully in the pharmacy.

If Yitian and the pharmacist went out for a walk, it wouldn't be a problem.But if they hid on purpose, there would be a lot of fuss about it.

He hoped that Yitian and the doctor from the medicine shop would come back soon, but even he himself felt that such expectations were a bit ridiculous.Now that I'm hiding, I just don't want to see someone.As long as someone is still there, how can they show up?
Tong Yan felt that this certain person was himself.Maybe there is some misunderstanding between Yitian and him, but if they don't meet to resolve it, the misunderstanding will only get deeper and deeper.

After observing so carefully in the pharmacy for a while, let alone Tong Yan found some clues.

He saw a pepper, which had fallen in a crevice in the ground beside the bed.If you don't look down, it is estimated that no one will find the existence of this pepper.

He bent down and picked the chili pepper out of the gap, then put it in his hand and looked at it.For some reason, this reminded him of Gao Qian's bowl of noodles.

You must know that the bowl of noodles is covered with whole peppers, and the peppers in that bowl are obviously the same species as the pepper in front of him.Could this be just a coincidence?

(End of this chapter)

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