
Chapter 1451 After several inquiries, it is true!

Chapter 1451 After several inquiries, it is true!
Tong Yan paid special attention to the rhizome of the chili pepper, which was still very green, and juice still flowed out from the cut where it was connected to the chili seedling, which meant that the chili pepper had not been picked for a long time.If it wasn't picked by the pharmacist himself, it was probably dropped here accidentally.

Of course, maybe a chili pepper can't explain anything, so if this chili pepper can be used as a clue, it might be of great use.Thinking of this, Tong Yan put the chili peppers in his pocket, and continued to search around the pharmacy to see what else he could find.

After about ten minutes passed like this, the Great Elder hurried back.And the one who came back with him was the doctor of the pharmacy who was full of anxiety.

Seeing them coming back, Tong Yan hastily greeted them.

"Great Elder, did you find anything? But Yitian has already left the old house of the Wu family?"

The Great Elder shook his head and said: "The patrol team said they didn't see Yitian leaving, and neither did the people guarding the entrance and exit. So Yitian should still be in the old house of the Wu family, but I don't know where he went. Wu Doctor, tell the patriarch in detail, how did little brother Yitian walk out of the drugstore by himself?"

The pharmacist heard this, and said worriedly: "I don't know what's going on, Great Elder, just when you went to invite the patriarch to come here, I went to the house to decoct the medicine. But when After I walked out with the medicine, the little brother Yitian disappeared. I thought he had gone out to breathe, so I hurried outside to look for it. But I searched the village all over, but I still couldn't find him. Patriarch , I really don’t know what’s going on, let alone where that little brother went.”

Tong Yan stared into the eyes of the doctor at the pharmacy, and saw that his eyes did not escape, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. It doesn't matter, he might just go out for a walk. As long as he doesn't leave the old house of the Wu family, he will always can find him."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, then reached into his pocket, and took out the pepper he found on the ground before.

"Doctor Wu, did you eat chili today? Why did you throw this good chili on the ground?"

Dr. Wu was taken aback when he heard this, and said in puzzlement, "Chili? I never eat spicy food, how do I pick the chili? Did someone else come and accidentally drop it on the ground?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked the elder, "Elder, is this chili pepper yours?"

The great elder said innocently: "Even if I eat chili, I won't bring it with me. Patriarch, someone else should have dropped it here. What's wrong? Is it important?"

Tong Yan didn't point it out, and asked the pharmacy doctor again: "Doctor Wu, how many people came to your pharmacy today? Do you remember?"

Doctor Wu thought for a while and said, "Apart from you, there is only Ah Fu, but Ah Fu just came to get the medicine and then left. Could it be that he dropped the pepper?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said to the First Elder, "Elder Elder, please go to Ah Fu and ask him if he picked the chili peppers today, and if he dropped the chili peppers in the pharmacy."

Although the Great Elder didn't understand Tong Yan's intentions, he nodded and turned around to check.

Seeing the great elder leave, Tong Yan asked the pharmacist again: "Where does our Wu family have this kind of pepper? This pepper is thick on the top and thin on the bottom. It's quite rare."

Dr. Wu stared at the pepper in Tong Yan's hand carefully, and then said: "This pepper is indeed quite rare. It seems to be called... Yes, this pepper is called big head. Our Wu family is Wu Gang's daughter-in-law who grows this kind of pepper. Chili, she also told us that this chili is much hotter than ordinary chili, and a man who can eat ten is a real man. Those who like spicy food have tried it, but those who can eat five There are not many. Because the big head pepper is too spicy, not many people go to Wu Gang’s wife to pick it. Patriarch, do you think Wu Gang’s wife came to my place? Then accidentally dropped the pepper here gone?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said to the pharmacist, "Go to Wu Gang's wife and ask if she has ever been to your place. Ask her again, who went to her place this morning to pick the Over this chili."

Doctor Wu nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go right away!" He also walked out of the pharmacy quickly.

Now Tong Yan was the only one left in the pharmacy. He pulled the chair beside him and sat down directly, frowning slightly, as if thinking of something.

"Why did this happen? Was Yitian really taken away by her?"

The Great Elder moved very quickly, and ran back after three or two minutes.As soon as he entered the door, he said to Tong Yan: "Patriarch, I asked Ah Fu. He said that he didn't eat chili in the morning, and it is impossible for him to have chili on him. I don't think he lied to me. After all, his cough has been very serious these days. Seriously, if you eat chili again, won’t you be asking for guilt?”

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, I see. You've been busy all morning, sit down and rest for a while!"

Hearing this, the Great Elder said worriedly: "Why are you still resting? How about I go and find little brother Yitian, he is still injured, it's better to find him sooner."

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "No need, I almost already know who took him away. Now when Dr. Wu comes back, the truth will be revealed after he comes back."

Hearing Tong Yan's words, the Great Elder let out a soft sigh, and then sat down on the chair beside Tong Yan.

After a while like this, the pharmacist not only came back by himself, but also brought Wu Gang's daughter-in-law here.

Tong Yan still knew Wu Gang's daughter-in-law.In the month since he woke up, Wu Gang's wife brought him several meals, and Gao Qian also learned her cooking skills from Wu Gang's wife.

Seeing Wu Gang's wife coming, Tong Yan immediately got up and said, "Aunt Wu, I'm really sorry, please come here."

Wu Gang's daughter-in-law heard this and said with a smile: "Patriarch, what are you talking about. You are our patriarch, and we should listen to you. Tell me, what exactly do you want to ask?"

Hearing what Wu Gang's daughter-in-law said, it seems that the pharmacist didn't ask her about the pepper.

Anyway, the person has already been brought, so Tong Yan might as well ask himself.He directly handed the pepper in his hand to Wu Gang's wife, and then asked with a smile, "Aunt Wu, is this the pepper you planted? I picked it up on the ground. Did you come to the pharmacy this morning?"

Wu Gang's daughter-in-law looked carefully at the pepper in Tong Yan's hand, and then replied: "This is indeed the pepper I planted with a big head, but I didn't come to the pharmacy this morning. By the way, Miss Qian'er was here with me this morning." I picked a bunch of peppers, could it be that she dropped them here?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's suspicion was finally confirmed.

If he guessed correctly, the person who took Yitian away from the medicine shop should be Gao Qian.But the question is, why did Gao Qian do this?Could it be that Gao Qian is hiding something?
(End of this chapter)

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