
Chapter 1453 Heart to die, pain between eyebrows!

Chapter 1453 Heart to die, pain between eyebrows!
Looking at Gao Qian who was full of tears, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "Gao Qian, I know you are doing it for my own good. Don't worry, I will not leave the old house of the Wu family rashly. Just like Kuafu and brother said, If I can't solve the mutual devouring of the three forces in my body, my leaving here will only add to their confusion and increase their burden. So I decided that I will not leave here until I completely solve my own problems. In this way, you don't have to replace me Worry about it, okay?"

Gao Qian listened to Tong Yan's words, and the grievance on her face faded a little. She reached out to wipe away her tears, then nodded and said, "As long as you don't take risks, I don't have to worry about you, sir. Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow, so don't lie to me."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Of course I won't lie to you. You are so kind to me, how can I have the heart to lie to you? Okay, don't cry, be good!" Speaking of this, he wiped the bruise on Gao Qian's face with his hand. Gently wiped away the remaining tears, and at the same time showed a warm smile.

Seeing Tong Yan like this, Gao Qian finally broke through her tears and smiled: "You are so annoying, you always bully me. Hmph!"

Tong Yan said with a little embarrassment: "Bullying you? No way? I can't even beat you, how can I bully you? If you don't bully me, I'll be very happy. Okay, tell me everything you know Tell me, don't hide it from me anymore, okay?"

Gao Qian nodded and said, "You've already said that, if I keep it from you, I'll really bully you. Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Where did father and brother Kua go? What did they do?"

Gao Qian didn't continue to hide, and immediately told Tong Yan everything she knew.

It turned out that when Tong Yan was in a coma, the Kuafu tribe and Qiangliang were all waiting in the Wu family's old house.I wanted to wait for Tong Yan to wake up, but Tong Yan never woke up.Everyone was worried about Tong Yan's injury and came to visit him every day.

More than a month has passed like this, but the comatose Tong Yan is still the same, without any improvement.Unexpectedly, an old monk came here on this day.

After the old monk saw everyone, he didn't know what to say.After hearing this, everyone showed serious expressions on their faces.Because Gao Qian was far away from them, she couldn't hear the specific content of their conversation.

But on the second day, the Kuafu tribe found Gao Qian and told her that everyone was about to leave the old Wu family house and go outside to do something important.

Gao Qian didn't know, so she asked naturally.The Kuafu people just said that when a strong enemy comes, they must face it, and only when they go can Tong Yan be safe for a while.In addition, the Kuafu clansman also specially explained a very heavy sentence, that is, "If we can't come back alive, let Tong Yan live as ordinary people for the rest of his life!"

After explaining these things, the Kuafu clan and his party left the Wu family's old house in this way, and they have been there until today.

The above is what Gao Qian knew. She told Tong Yan all these, but Tong Yan fell into deep thought again.

"Old monk? A strong enemy is coming? Must fight? What's going on here?"

The more Tong Yan thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was not simple.And the heavy words left by the Kuafu tribe made him unable to let go. "If we can't come back alive, let Tong Yan live as ordinary people for the rest of his life!"

"Could it be? Could it be that the people of the Kuafu clan went here with the determination to die? And what they did was to protect me?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly widened his eyes, and said anxiously to Gao Qian: "Hurry up and bring Yitian, I have something to ask him."

Hearing this, Gao Qian said, "Tong Yan, don't be too anxious. Even if you are anxious, what can you do? Yitian should have started to retreat. If I disturb him now, will he be mad? Why don't you come with me to the ruins to meet him!"

"The Ruins Realm? That's fine, I haven't been to the Ruins Realm for a long time. Let's go, let's go to the Ruins Realm!"

The Ruins Realm is the forbidden area of ​​the Wu family's old house. After returning to the Wu family's old house for so long, he didn't even go to the Ruins Realm to see it. As the patriarch and guardian of the Wu family, he really should go back to the Ruins Realm to inherit everything.

He still remembers the first time his ancestor explained the origin of the ruins to him. He told Tong Yan that the space of the ruins was originally just a stone from outside the sky.The stone had been placed on the side of the ancestral hall all the time, but for some reason, the stone suddenly exploded violently.This bombing didn't matter, even the ancestral hall was blown into ruins, and a huge black hole appeared.Entering from a black hole is such a strange space.The ancestors of the Wu family saw that it was blown up and there were ruins everywhere, so they named it "Xuan".Later, some of the ancestors of the Wu family with high cultivation levels entered the ruins and found that it was an excellent place for cultivation, so they built palaces and overpasses here.Since then, this place has become a retreat place for the ancestors of the Wu family to practice.

The cherished martial arts of the Wu family are all hidden in the temple in the ruins, and other clan members are not allowed to easily step into it except for the patriarch and respected people of the clan.

After being passed down to the generation of the ancestors, this place became his place of retreat and cultivation.There were no more outstanding people among the Wu family members, and the ruins gradually became deserted.

Although Ruins Realm is a forbidden area of ​​the Wu family, Tong Yan became the new patriarch and patron saint of the Wu family after the ancestors entered the Yincao of Mount Tai.Later, he let Gao Qian enter the Ruins Realm to practice, but he himself was unable to return to the Wu family's old house because of other things.

Gao Qian naturally didn't know that the Ruins Realm was a forbidden place, so she rashly brought Yi Tian into the Ruins Realm.

Of course, this is not a fault. After all, when the Wu family encountered a catastrophe, all the Wu family also hid in the ruins.So from then on, the Ruins Realm was no longer a forbidden place, but a place where the Wu family practiced or took refuge.

But after a while, Tong Yan once again stepped into the ruins.It's the same here, nothing has changed.If it has changed, it may be Tong Yan now.He is no longer the frivolous and confident young man, but has become more calm and restrained.

He looked up at the temple floating above, and for some reason, he felt a bit of sadness in his heart.

"Old Ancestor, how great it would be if you were still here? After so many years, how are you doing in the underworld of Mount Tai? Grandson really misses you!"

With a sigh of relief, with Gao Qian's help, he jumped up the steps, and then walked towards the familiar temple step by step.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the temple, but for some unknown reason, Tong Yan suddenly felt a pain in the center of his brow, and then, a beam of red light shot out from the imprint of stars on the center of his brow without warning...

What the hell is going on here?Could it be that he has regained control over the power of the stars?
(End of this chapter)

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