
Chapter 1454 Is the cold-faced female general sure to die?

Chapter 1454 Is the cold-faced female general sure to die?
"Ah... ah..." The severe pain between the eyebrows made Tong Yan scream uncontrollably.He reached out and tried to cover the painful brow, but the more he did this, the more intense the pain in his brow was.

He yelled in pain, because the severe pain between his eyebrows made him unable to stand up, and he knelt on the ground directly.

Looking at the painful Tong Yan, Gao Qian was at a loss for a while.She looked at Tong Yan anxiously, and asked with concern: "Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Tong Yan, don't scare me, what's wrong with you?"

But at this moment, Tong Yan, who was in excruciating pain, couldn't speak at all except for shouting.

Gao Qian was obviously frightened by Tong Yan, and burst into tears because of her anxiety. "Tong Yan, talk, tell me, what's wrong with you? How about I take you out of here? Tong Yan..."

While speaking urgently to Tong Yan, she knelt down and hugged Tong Yan who was in unbearable pain.

Such severe pain made Tong Yan feel that his consciousness was about to disappear. Although he tried hard to hold on and stay awake, he was still on the verge of collapse.

And at this moment, a cold woman's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Sky Demon Star, you are still here. I thought I would never see you again in this life, but the world is impermanent. I didn't expect that we would meet again. This time, you can't run away. This is your burial place!"

Although Tong Yan felt unbearable pain between his brows, but for some reason, the woman's voice sounded so clear in his head.

He tried to respond, but he didn't expect that his eyes suddenly went dark, and he found that his consciousness had entered a special space.

The place is full of stars, and it is like a quiet starry sky. He cannot see his body, only his consciousness is still awake.

The pain that made him miserable before has disappeared, but he still feels some discomfort. He feels very cold, but it is not the normal cold, but a kind of cold from the heart.

"Where is this? Who are you?"

He finally opened his mouth to ask questions. He was brought here for no reason, and he had to ask clearly.

Unexpectedly, just as he finished speaking, a black figure appeared in front of him without warning.

After taking a closer look, I realized that the black figure was a beautiful woman.It's just that the woman's dress and height surprised Tong Yan.

I saw that the woman was at least 180 centimeters tall, and her figure could be described as exquisite. The most eye-catching thing was that she was wearing that loose black armor, which could not be seen from its material at all, revealing her fair neck and Arms, with gauntlets on the wrists, and a simple crown-like helmet on the forehead, just stuck between the eyebrows, with that delicate face, it is simply perfect.Of course, since it is armor, it must also have boots.The woman's boots are very beautiful, and they are long boots, fully covering her calves.Taking a quick look, this whole set of armor seems to be shining with black light, which is absolutely extraordinary.

This woman has a high nose bridge and bright eyes, but for some reason, Tong Yan is a little afraid of this woman's gaze, and reflexively avoids meeting her gaze.

The armored woman bit her red lips lightly, and then said coldly, "What are you looking at? Don't you want to tell me that you have already forgotten who I am?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt even more puzzled, how had he ever seen the woman in front of him?But listening to this woman's tone, it seems that they have met each other before and are familiar with each other.

He thought for a while, and then asked, "Girl, have we met? Where did we meet?"

When the armored woman heard this, she immediately said angrily: "Omen Star, are you running away? Don't think that you can get away with it just by changing your appearance. The Omen Starlight in your star imprint will not be wrong, and I don't even You will be mistaken. Let me tell you, this time, you are dead." At this point, she shook her hands down, and a pair of black double swords immediately appeared in her hands.

Seeing that the woman was about to make a move, Tong Yan hurriedly stopped her and said, "Girl, I am indeed the Omen Star, but can you tell me who you are? To be honest, about my memories of when I was the Omen Star , I can’t remember many of them. How about you remind me, do you think so?”

Hearing this, the armored woman did not launch an attack, but she still looked at Tong Yan with sharp eyes, as if she wished to stab Tong Yan to death with a sword.

"It doesn't matter whether you remember me or not, as long as you admit that you are the Omen Star. Many years ago, you destroyed my home and killed my people. At that time, I swore that one day, I would kill you with my own hands. To avenge my dead clansmen. Now, this opportunity has finally come. Therefore, you must die!"

Seeing that the armored woman was about to attack again, Tong Yan could only stop him again: "Wait! Girl, why can't I understand what you said? I am the Omen Star, but when did I destroy your homeland and kill your people? Are you mistaken? In addition, I am not only the Omen Star, but also a Skywalker. If I really deserve to die, why did God choose me? And in this life, I have saved countless people. The devil, is it not right at all?"

The armored woman gritted her teeth and said: "When death is approaching, you still have to argue. The crimes you committed back then cannot be repaid in lifetimes. Don't mention God to me. If God has eyes, why would he let me fall here? "

Fall here?Hearing these words, Tong Yan suddenly thought of something.The ruins were originally created by the explosion of an extraterrestrial rock, and the so-called extraterrestrial rocks are all fallen stars or meteorites.This armored woman appeared in the ruins, and directly entered his consciousness, and greatly affected his star imprint, making him miserable.

All of these seem to explain one thing, that is, this armored woman came from the sky, and most likely, like Tong Yan, is the spirit of a certain star.But if the woman in front of her is the spirit of XingXiu, how could Tong Yan say that she destroyed her homeland and killed her people?

What kind of relationship does she have with Tong Yan?

(End of this chapter)

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