
Chapter 1455 Causal cycle, is it a dream or an illusion?

Chapter 1455 Causal cycle, is it a dream or an illusion?
Seeing the agitation of the armored woman, Tong Yan said helplessly: "Girl, as the saying goes, the wrong has its head, and the debt has its owner. You and I are both the spirits of the stars, how can I destroy your homeland and kill your people? Your home is the starry sky, and your clansmen are the spirits of the stars one by one. You wouldn’t say, I destroyed the starry sky and killed the spirits of the stars one by one, right? Then I didn’t destroy my homeland by myself and communicate with my clansmen. Killing? Of course, I said these are not important. Why do you want to commit crimes? Are you afraid that you will not find a reason if you want to kill me? If you want to kill me, go ahead and kill me. I am a useless person anyway. If you want to kill me I, isn't it just a matter of moving your fingers?"

Hearing this, the armored woman said angrily: "What do you mean by that? Do you want to say that I wronged you? Or do you still refuse to admit your mistakes to this day? Let me tell you, the serious crime you committed back then, even if you die I can't pay it back even ten thousand times. Today, I will definitely kill you!"

Tong Yan had already given up on persuasion, and said with a wry smile: "If you want to kill, do it! Maybe you don't know, I have lived too tired in this life, I can't stay with the one I love, I can't rescue my sister, and I just want to kill you." At this time, many of my friends are still fighting for me. I owe a lot of people, but I don’t owe you. If killing me can make you feel better, then go ahead and kill me! Anyway, even if you don’t do it, The gods in the heavens will not let me go, so I might as well die by your hands. At least from the current point of view, you should not be a bad person. To die by your hands is a worthy death for me."

Having said that, he relaxed his nerves and quietly waited for death to come.

The armored woman stared at him for a while, then said coldly: "Is killing you like this fulfilling your wish? It's not that easy if you want to die. I've changed my mind now. I'm going to torture you and make you Life is better than death!"

As soon as the words fell, the armored woman retracted her two swords, then clasped a pair of jade hands in front of her chest, and then pulled them away suddenly.And as she pulled her hands apart, four black arrows of light appeared between her hands, just floating in front of her.

"You say you're a cripple? I don't think you're crippled enough. If you lose all feeling in your limbs and you can't even move, I think that's a real cripple. What do you think? Come on, Omen Xing, let me help you free yourself and make you a real useless person. Haha...haha..."

Before the laughter fell, Tong Yan watched the four black light arrows shoot at him. He wanted to avoid it, but his body was imprisoned by a powerful force, making it difficult for him to move.

"Is it useless? Rather than being a useless person, it is better to die. But... But I want to see Yu'er again, even if I just take a look at it from a distance, maybe I have nothing to regret. It's just that I still Is there a chance? Yuer, how are you? Are you still alive?"

Tong Yan thought so in his heart, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Four black light arrows shot at him, but he didn't feel the slightest pain.But when he was fully awake, he suddenly discovered that he could no longer feel the existence of his arms and legs.

He tried to get in touch with his limbs, but the result was that the limbs seemed to have ceased to exist, and there was no feeling at all.

Maybe that woman in armor is right, he hasn't been crippled enough, and now his limbs can't move at all, so he can be regarded as a real cripple.

Thinking back to himself back then, he couldn't move his legs at that time, and could only rely on a wheelchair or a talisman to barely move.After so many years, not only did he not make any progress, but he even completely lost feeling in his arms.

If this is God's test, isn't it too cruel?And if it was his life, what was he doing alive?
At this moment, he showed a faint smile, but there was no expression in his eyes.Is he disappointed?No, what's the point of disappointment without hope?Is he desperate?No, what is despair without expectations?

He was lying on the slightly cold bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above, maybe he couldn't do anything else, right?
After about half an hour like this, he suddenly heard footsteps from far to near.Limbs could not move, but fortunately his neck was still able to move.He tried his best to turn his head to look at the owner of the footsteps, and soon, he saw Gao Qian walking over with a big bowl.

As soon as Gao Qian saw Tong Yan who had woken up, a happy smile appeared on her tear-stained face, and she hurried forward.

"Tong Yan, you woke up! You scared me to death. I thought you would sleep for half a year like last time. Seeing you wake up, I feel relieved. Come on, I helped you up, I cooked porridge for you, and simmered it on low heat for a long time!"

As she spoke, she carried the bowl with one hand, and was about to support Tong Yan with the other.

But Tong Yan shook his head and said, "Don't bother, I'm already a cripple, and I've lost all feeling in my limbs."

Hearing this, Gao Qian couldn't help but tremble all over, and some white sticky porridge flowed out of the big bowl she was holding because of the trembling.

"Tong Yan,'re not joking, are you? Have you really lost feeling in your limbs?"

Tong Yan forced a smile and said, "What I said is true, I'm not joking. No one knows my body better than me. This is my current physical condition. So I didn't exaggerate at all when I said I was a useless person."

Hearing this, Gao Qian burst into tears again from her red and swollen eyes, and then she said with distress: "How could this happen? How could it have become like this? Tong Yan, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. If I don't bring you to Ruins, you won’t become like this. It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault! Huh…”

Looking at Gao Qian who blamed herself, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "What does this have to do with you? After all, this is my own fate, and I can't blame anyone else. Even if you don't bring me to the Ruins Realm, I have to come back to see it myself." Look. At that time, I may be even more miserable than I am now, and it may be possible to die directly. Gao Qian, don't cry. Come, give me your porridge."

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Gao Qian temporarily stopped blaming herself, and carefully brought the big bowl of porridge to Tong Yan.

"It's just plain porridge. I didn't add any seasoning for you. When you get better, I'll make you whatever you want. Let's make do with some porridge today!" At this point, she wrapped the porridge in a handkerchief. He took the spoon out of his pocket, and fed the porridge to Tong Yan spoon by spoon.

Drinking the porridge fed by Gao Qian, he actually couldn't taste the slightest taste at all.Because his mind is not here at all, but hesitant to make a difficult decision.

What kind of decision is he going to make?

(End of this chapter)

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