
Chapter 1456 Passive retreat, coincidentally see the sky!

Chapter 1456 Passive retreat, coincidentally see the sky!
After a while, the big bowl of porridge was almost wiped out by Tong Yan, and after he swallowed the last mouthful of porridge, he had already made a decision.

"Gao Qian, thank you for cooking porridge for me. This porridge is delicious, and I am full. But like me now, eating is troublesome. It is better to be hungry all the time. I want to retreat for a while. During the period of my retreat, you should stop delivering food to me."

As soon as this remark came out, Gao Qian flatly refused: "No, how can this be? You need someone to take care of you now. If I don't bring you food, how can your body take it? If you have something wrong, what do you think? Am I still alive?"

Tong Yan said bitterly: "If I'm dead, you won't live anymore? Kuafu and brothers are in danger for me again, and they may die at any time. You treat me like this, what virtue can I do in Tong Yan? Can you bear it? I owe you enough. I don't want to go on like this anymore. I want to be alone. Gao Qian, I understand your heart. But I am a mortal person, it is impossible to give you happiness Yeah. If you still think of me as a friend, stop being so obsessed with it please? I need space, and I think you do too. I'm tired, exhausted, and I just want to be alone. Maybe when I figure it out , I’m out of the level. But if I can’t figure it out forever, just forget about me!”

Having said that, he directly closed his eyes, not wanting to see Gao Qian's pitiful face again.

Gao Qian looked at Tong Yan in a daze, tried to speak a few times, but closed her mouth.Finally, she compromised, and she gave Tong Yan the space he wanted.Perhaps, to love someone is to give him freedom. When a love becomes an unbearable burden for the other party, then he will no longer be able to experience the sweetness of love, and the only thing left is exhaustion and collapse.

"Okay, I got it. Don't worry, I won't come to the temple to disturb you again. I'll wait for you outside, until you figure everything out, and when you recover. Also, Yitian has already left, and he wanted to Chatting with you. It can be seen that you fell into a coma, so he left. Before leaving, he asked me to tell you, they are all insisting, and they are all waiting for your king to return! Tong Yan, have a lot of yourself Take care!"

After saying this, Gao Qian, who was holding back tears, turned and left the temple, until she flew away from the ruins, the tears in her eye sockets did not shed.

Hearing Gao Qian's footsteps fading away, Tong Yan opened his eyes again.

Although his face was calm, tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

"Gao Qian, I'm sorry, I don't want to be your burden, and I don't want to drag you down. Yitian, Kuafu and brother, everyone, thank you for everything you have done for me. But I am like this, how can I honor the return of the king? I'm tired, really tired. Maybe I will sleep here forever, maybe I won't wake up. For you, I can only say sorry. Yu'er, you must be well. If there is an afterlife, I just I hope I can be an ordinary person and stay with you for the rest of my life.”

Although Tong Yan was strong, under repeated blows, he was really tired and tired.His fighting spirit was gone, and he was completely defeated in the face of reality.

A person's life will inevitably have ups and downs, and there will be peak moments, and naturally there will be trough years.And after successive troughs, no matter how strong or tough a person is, they may develop some negative emotions.

And Tong Yan at this moment is precisely in such a situation.

Nuwa's descendant Xue'er was captured by the sea monster, her cultivation base was banned, the three forces in her body devoured each other, and the Kuafu family members were uncertain about their life and death because of him, all these made Tong Yan extremely anxious.But at this moment, he even lost feeling in his limbs. As a result, all the pressure accumulated before broke out at this moment, making him completely lose the ability to resist, and directly fell into extreme negativity.

He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't stop this negative thought from getting stronger.So he made a decision, a life or death decision.That is retreat!

For a useless person like him, retreating is not much different from waiting to die.He couldn't move his limbs, and his whole body's cultivation was imprisoned. Apart from his heart still beating, what else could he do?Even if he retreats, what can he change?

He didn't even know where to start, so the only thing left was to close his eyes and wait for death to come, waiting for himself to become a "dead man".But for a person like him, it might not be so easy to want to die.After all, his body was made of Chaos Divine Wood, and based on this alone, he was no longer an ordinary person.In addition, he still has so many magic tools available, how could the magic weapon spirit watch his master die?

So it can only be said that there is only one way for him to really rest and get rid of the pressure that made him almost collapse, and that is to face it bravely.After all, he has no possibility of evasion, and he has no way to retreat.

With his eyes closed, he hoped that he would fall asleep soon, and when he fell asleep, his troubles would disappear.Unfortunately, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't fall asleep.

In this way, he began his sober days with his eyes closed.

The first day passed quickly. Although he tried his best to keep his eyes closed, he still couldn't fall asleep.

On the second day, he closed his eyes for 24 hours and tried not to think about those disturbing things, but he still couldn't fall asleep.

Soon, on the third day, on this third day, he felt hungry, and the discomfort brought by hunger made him not only not sleepy, but extremely awake.Then came the fourth day, the fifth day... until the eighth day.

For seven whole days, he couldn't fall asleep, not even for a minute.He planned to sleep here forever, he planned to stay awake, but he was defeated by reality again.

Life cannot live, death cannot die, so life is better than death.Isn't that what he is now?
Since he couldn't fall asleep, he gave up this idea and simply opened his eyes to look at the ceiling of the temple.Maybe after watching for a long time, his eyes were tired, and he fell asleep naturally.

But the irony is that he once again backfired.It's okay not to look at the ceiling, but looking at it like this, he became more sober and more serious.

Why is this so?Because he found some very small inscriptions on the ceiling of the temple.If it is an ordinary person, or someone who is not careful, it is impossible to find these engravings.

Although Tong Yan may not be very careful, but he saw these engravings in a crooked way.

Just following his gaze, these engraved characters are not common Chinese characters.It's crooked, and I don't know what words it is.

etc!Although the meaning of these lettering is unknown, it seems as if they have seen it somewhere.

By the way, the Heavenly Book, aren’t these words the same as those on the Heavenly Book?But how could the words in the heavenly script appear on the ceiling of the Wu Family Temple?And who engraved these "heavenly characters" on it?
PS: Yaren hereby wishes everyone a happy new year and all the best!

(End of this chapter)

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