
Chapter 1457 Comprehension of Tianzi, good luck!

Chapter 1457 Comprehension of Tianzi, good luck!
Tong Yan carefully looked at the "heavenly characters" on the ceiling. Although he didn't know these characters, the same characters saved his life in Asura Dao and helped him get rid of the ancient demon god.

It's a pity that he only got half of the heavenly book back then, and these so-called "heavenly characters" are those words in the heavenly book.But "Tianzi" got rid of the ancient demon god, and then disappeared from his star imprint. The power of "Tianzi" is self-evident.However, the remaining half volume of the heavenly book is in the hands of Qilin Pavilion Master Nan Gongyun, so he will not be able to obtain it again.

He didn't expect that after such a long time, he would see these familiar and unfamiliar "Heavenly Characters" again, but he never imagined that such "Heavenly Characters" would appear on the ceiling of the Ruins Realm Temple.

"Could it be that there is a destiny in the dark? Is it God's arrangement to let me see these heavenly characters here?"

As he thought about it, his already cold heart seemed to warm up all of a sudden.

"If it is really God's arrangement, then can I realize something from these heavenly words? I hope so. If not, there is no loss for me."

He smiled wryly, then took a deep breath, and stared at the sky above again.

Time passed quickly, and another three days passed in a blink of an eye.During these three days and three nights, Tong Yan kept staring at the "sky characters" on the ceiling.But unfortunately, it is really difficult for him to understand these mysterious words that he does not know.

Of course, he is not without gains.After staring at it for so long, he could already firmly remember these "day characters" in his heart.Not only can you memorize it backwards, but you can also do some simple reorganization and arrangement.

Although he didn't comprehend anything, he firmly believed that these mysterious "Tianzi" must contain extremely powerful power, as long as he can persevere in comprehending, he will surely gain something.

After regaining his confidence, he no longer gave up on himself, nor wanted to seek death, and his life seemed to become more fulfilling.

After another two days like this, he was still trying his best to comprehend the "Tianzi" on the ceiling, but unexpectedly, an unexpected guest came.It was none other than the armored woman who made his limbs lose consciousness.

The armored woman appeared extremely suddenly, but Tong Yan still noticed it.

Before the woman could speak, Tong Yan spoke first.

"What? Want to see if I'm dead? Thanks to you, I'm still alive. If you want to help me, please do it now!"

When the armored woman heard this, she giggled immediately.

"Help you? You have a good idea! You have been in a daze for the past few days. I think you should be used to this kind of life, so keep going. I am so happy to see that your life is worse than death. Haha... "

Tong Yan sneered and said: "Really? You will be truly happy if you kill me. Why deceive yourself? Tormenting me should only make your heart uneasy. The reason why you came here is not because you can't bear it." ?"

The armored woman snorted softly and said, "I can't bear it? I think you are so useless that you can't move your limbs. Why can't you even turn your brain? If I can't bear it, why should I lose your limbs?" What about perception? To tell you the truth, the reason why I came here is to give you a few words of advice. Don’t think I don’t know what you’ve been up to lately. You discovered the word Tian on the ceiling, right? You want to comprehend it , and use it to restore your body, and even restore your imprisoned cultivation. But do you know who carved these heavenly characters on this ceiling? Let me tell you, it’s me! Even I can’t participate Wu, it’s up to you, do you think it’s possible? In addition, these astronomical words are not complete at all. I’ve tried for thousands of years, but I still haven’t gotten a single sliver of success. What’s more, you are a useless person? I advise you to give up this idea and be obedient. Here you can bear the pleasure that life is worse than death. I am here every day, and you will be here with me all day. This is also very good, at least I still have a plaything. Haha...Okay, you can be in a daze slowly , after a while, I will come to play with you again."

Before the words were finished, the armored woman had disappeared without a trace.

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, then looked intently at the "Tianzi" on the ceiling again.Originally, he just tried to comprehend these "heavenly characters" with the mentality of giving it a try, but now, he has strengthened his belief.The reason is very simple, because of what the armored woman said.

Maybe these "heavenly characters" were really engraved by this armored woman, but if these "heavenly characters" are not important, why did this armored woman spend thousands of years comprehending them?Just because the armored woman failed to comprehend, doesn't mean he couldn't comprehend either.

In addition, the armored woman also reminded him that these "heavenly characters" are not complete.

If what the armored woman said is good, can he perfect these "heavenly characters"?When he can complete these "heavenly characters" smoothly, perhaps, he will be able to comprehend.

As long as the kung fu is ground into a needle, he firmly believes that as long as he perseveres and perseveres, he will be able to do it.

According to the armor woman, these "Tianzi" are not complete, but there are two explanations for incompleteness. In this way, the word "zi" is not the word "good", and naturally it is the so-called incomplete.Second, for example, if a sentence is incomplete, if only the first half of the sentence is spoken without the second half, it is also incomplete.

Therefore, if Tong Yan wants to complete these "heavenly characters", he needs to start from these two aspects.Fortunately, he still has some memories of his previous half volume of heavenly scriptures. The "Tianzi" is almost the same, but some of them do not correspond to each other.

The "Heavenly Character" on the Heavenly Book should be fine, otherwise it would not be able to exert such a powerful force to kill such a powerful person as the ancient demon god in one fell swoop.Comparing the "Tianzi" on the half volume of the book with the "Tianzi" engraved on this ceiling, he believes that there should be some progress.

So, in the next period of time, he started to start from this aspect. He never thought that he really made some breakthroughs by mistake.

And just this small breakthrough has benefited him a lot.The main benefit is that he can manipulate the power of the stars.

And being able to manipulate the power of the stars means that he is no longer a useless person, and can start to repair his body through the power of Jupiter in the star imprint.

The power of Jupiter is comparable to the power of Nuwa. It can not only repair the injured body, but also repair the damaged nerves, and even repair the damaged soul.

Being able to control such a heaven-defying force again, Tong Yan's vitality is glowing.His good luck seems to have come!

(End of this chapter)

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