
Chapter 1461 Tianzi emerges, face-to-face confrontation!

Chapter 1461 Tianzi emerges, face-to-face confrontation!
As soon as the armored woman finished speaking, she immediately grabbed the void with both hands, and two black short swords appeared in her two hands immediately.She clenched the two swords tightly, stepped forward with one stride, and the tip of the sword pierced Tong Yan's chest.

Tong Yan is sitting cross-legged at this moment, with his eyes closed, the three forces in his body are about to complete a cycle.And as long as this Zhou Tian can be successfully completed, the three forces in his body will no longer fight each other, and he can completely achieve the so-called dual cultivation of magic and path.

At such a critical juncture, he dared not relax at all. Now that the armored woman's swords stabbed fiercely, he had no way to hide, no way to avoid it.But if he didn't make some countermeasures, how could he survive under the double swords of this armored woman?

In the blink of an eye, the two swords of the armored woman had already approached his body infinitely, but what people did not expect was that at this moment, a miracle happened!

What miracle?I saw a beam of golden light suddenly shoot down from above Tong Yan's body, the speed was jaw-dropping, this golden light was the first to block in front of him, just in time to block the two swords stabbed by the armored woman.

Only two sounds of "Dangdang" were heard, and the armored woman's double swords pierced the golden light, and the golden light was like an indestructible shield, snapping away the armored woman's double swords, allowing Tong Yan to Unscathed.

The woman in black armor was startled, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

And in such a short period of time, Tong Yan completely completed the circulation of the three forces, not only completely restored his cultivation, but also improved significantly.He opened his eyes, looked at the shocked armored woman in front of him, then noticed the golden light in front of him, and then showed a happy smile.

"No... Impossible! How could this be? How could this be? Why did Tianzi help you? Why did you stop me from killing you? What did you do? Could it be... have you already comprehended these Tianzi?"

The armored woman kept asking questions, and her whole body was trembling with emotion.

Tong Yan didn't put away his smile, but stood up directly, and then took a step forward and said, "Girl, even God won't let you kill me. Why do you have to put me to death? As the saying goes, enemies should be solved." No matter how much you misunderstand me, I still hope that from now on, we can stop fighting each other. Okay?"

The armored woman gritted her teeth and said: "Misunderstanding? What I have for you is not misunderstanding, but hatred! Devil, don't think that I can do nothing to you if you have the word of heaven to help you. Yes, maybe I can't kill you. But I It can trap you here forever, so that you will never be able to get out of here forever."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled wryly: "Doing this will resolve the hatred you said? If I really can't get out of here in the future and you and I get along day and night, will you be happy? Obviously the enemy is in front, Can you bear this kind of pain? Girl, I don’t want to be your enemy, and I don’t want to hurt you. I admit that you are strong, but you may not be my opponent. I only hope that you can I live in peace with you, I just hope that I can turn enemies into friends with you. Why are you so obsessed with your obsession?"

Hearing this, the armored woman fell silent for a while.Tong Yan's words might indeed have irritated her somewhat, but there are many truths in these words.But there was one thing she was unwilling to admit.

"You said that I am not your opponent? If it weren't for the help of these days, do you think you can live until now? You want to leave here and live with me in peace, right? Okay, I will give you this chance. As long as you Don't use the power of Tianzi, fight with me fairly and justly, if you win, I will let you go, if you lose, you will die here. Do you dare?"

Tong Yan almost didn't even think about it, so he agreed straight away: "Dare! Of course I dare! But I think you should add one more condition to the one you mentioned."

The armored woman frowned slightly and said, "Add one? Add one what?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple, I won, you let me go, and from now on, you will never trouble me or my Wu family. If I lose, don't say that you will kill yourself So, I will do whatever you want me to do. What do you think?"

The armored woman knew in her heart that if she really lost, she would not have any chance to seek revenge from Tong Yan in the future, so the conditions Tong Yan said were nothing to her.

She nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you. I hope you can keep your promise!"

Tong Yan replied with a smile: "Don't worry, once a man says something, it's hard to follow, I will never break my word!"

The two reached a consensus, and the battle soon began.

Because Tong Yan couldn't bear to destroy the temple of the Wu family, the two changed the place of the competition to a floating boulder not far from the temple.This boulder has an area of ​​forty to fifty square meters, so it should be a good place for competition.

Tong Yan was anxious to resolve the conflict between himself and the armored woman, so after he and the armored woman stood on both sides of the boulder, they were ready to attack at any time.

"Girl, I don't know your name yet, can you tell me?"

The armored woman snorted coldly and said, "I'll tell you if I win! Look at the move!" As soon as she finished speaking, the black armor all over her body lit up, and she rushed forward, kicking Tong Yan directly with a high whip kick. head.

This armored woman didn't use a weapon, so Tong Yan naturally couldn't use her magic weapon directly.Seeing that the armored woman wanted to fight hand-to-hand, he was also happy with the beauty of an adult, so he clenched his fists and greeted the kicked by the armored woman.

Hearing a "pop", Tong Yan's fist hit the armored woman's feet hard.A punch and a kick confronted each other head-on, and both of them retreated due to the force of the rebound.

This round was considered to be the end of the fight, and none of them gained the upper hand in pure hand-to-hand combat.

There was a cold light in the armored woman's eyes, and she flew towards Tong Yan's neck again with a pair of jade legs like a pair of scissors.In fact, her move is quite lethal to men.Not to mention how strong the clamping force of these legs is, but the white and slender legs are enough for a man to refuse.But Tong Yan had already experienced the strength of this armored woman, if he didn't go all out at this moment, his neck would probably be pinched off the next moment.

So he didn't relax, instead he went all out to slap his palms, trying to slap this pair of alluring legs away.But the armored woman seemed to have been on guard against this move long ago, before Tong Yan's palms could touch her, spikes suddenly appeared on her knee-high boots.

If Tong Yan slapped him with both hands, his hands would be pierced by the sharp thorns, but if Tong Yan didn't use his hands to block it, it would be his neck that would be pierced.

How will Tong Yan respond?

(End of this chapter)

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