
Chapter 1462 The Origin of the Same Clan is Indistinguishable!

Chapter 1462 The Origin of the Same Clan is Indistinguishable!
Tong Yan can definitely be said to be experienced in many battles. Since he dared to fight this armored woman hand-to-hand, he must have full confidence.

Now the sharp thorns suddenly appeared on the boots of this armored woman, it is indeed hard to guard against, but it can't be guarded, can't it be hidden?If you can't even hide, then you will really be in bad luck.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, the spiked boots of the armored woman whizzed towards him, Tong Yan gave up resisting directly, bent his body backwards forcefully, and then his body disappeared out of thin air.

That's right, his body disappeared after he lowered his waist.The reason is simple, he resorted to his own shape shifting.

Why he dared to fight this armored woman hand to hand, in fact, the biggest reason is because of this.With teleportation, he can move his body in a very short period of time, thereby avoiding danger.

And with the further improvement of his cultivation base, he has reached the mid-stage of the Immortal Realm. In this way, he can perform the transposition more easily, and the time it takes to perform it will be shorter.

Under such favorable conditions, he didn't believe that he would lose to the armored woman in front of him. Even if it was difficult to win, he could still guarantee a tie.

The woman in armor had a pair of jade legs caught in the air, immediately turned over and fell down, and then slammed her back with a palm.

Her insight is indeed very strong, as soon as Tong Yan appeared behind her body, the wind from her palm blew directly over her, making Tong Yan unavoidably a little nervous.

Fortunately, the strength of her palm was limited, Tong Yan raised his arms in time to protect his body, just in time to block the blow of the palm wind.

However, although Tong Yan blocked her palm wind, there was still a numb feeling on both arms, until Tong Yan swung his arms vigorously twice, the numbness disappeared completely.

The armored woman looked at Tong Yan coldly, and said in a provocative tone: "You are still a man, so you dare not fight me. In this battle, you might as well just admit defeat."

Apparently she said that because Tong Yan just resorted to teleportation.Although the supernatural power of shape shifting is not too heaven-defying, it is extremely practical.Whether it is used for surprise attack or for escape, it is a good choice.

If Tong Yan kept using shifting to avoid her attacks, then she would never be able to hurt Tong Yan, and would not be able to win.

Of course Tong Yan understood what the armored woman was trying to express, but he didn't have any plans to give up using shape-shifting and transposition. If he is not allowed to use it, it would be easier to let him commit suicide directly.

"The girl's strength is not bad, I can only avoid the edge temporarily and observe the fighting opportunities at any time. Rather than saying that I dare not let go, it is more appropriate to describe me as being cautious. As for admitting defeat, I think the girl is thinking too much. If you didn't beat me, how could I admit defeat?"

The armored woman snorted coldly and said, "I see how long you can wait. If I guessed correctly, the supernatural power you used just now should consume you a lot, right? As long as I don't give you a chance to breathe, When the strength in your body is exhausted, I will definitely win this battle."

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Girl seems to be thinking too much, do you think I will keep avoiding it? When the opportunity arises, I can defeat you with one move. So in this battle, whoever wins, It's all in one thought. I also hope that the girl can concentrate better, but don't let me seize the opportunity and take advantage of the situation to win."

The armored woman smiled disdainfully and said, "Okay, then let me see how you defeated me with one move."

As soon as she finished speaking, she swung her arms down violently, and the pair of black short swords finally appeared in her hands again.

She used a weapon here, so Tong Yan naturally wouldn't go on with bare hands, so he saw Tong Yan reach into his pocket, and directly showed the Blue Soul Sword, then held the sword with one hand, and put the other hand behind his back.

Compared with Tong Yan's composure, the armored woman now looks a little out of breath.She gave a loud shout, and then rushed towards Tong Yan with two swords in her hands.

But before she got close to Tong Yan, Tong Yan had already resorted to shifting shape again, and this time it appeared above her head.

It's not rude to come and go, and blindly defending won't win, so Tong Yan decided to make a formal move.

Because the armored woman's reaction was too fast, Tong Yan didn't dare to use the supernatural power that was too powerful. If he was interrupted by the other party before the supernatural power was displayed, he would fall into a passive state at that time.

It was because of this consideration that his first move was the simplest smashing method among the Star Sword Art!
The smashing style is to smash three thousand. The essence of smashing three thousand is that thousands of small swords transformed by the power of stars are struck at the same time, making it difficult for people to defend. After the small sword is broken, it can still cause secondary damage , it can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

Originally, Tong Yan still needed seals to perform the smashing style, but with the improvement of his cultivation base and the evolution of the star seal, he can perform the smashing style again, and it can be done instantly.

So in this way, it is definitely the best choice for him to use the smashing style to deal with the armored woman at this moment.

Just watch him inject the power of the stars into the Blue Soul Sword, and then slam down with the sword.When the sword was slashed, the light on the Blue Soul Sword fell like little stars in an instant.And these little stars turned into countless little swords in the process of falling, and all of them stabbed at the armored woman.

The armored woman's reaction was really fast, so fast that she could judge where Tong Yan appeared in an instant.But no matter how fast her reaction was, it would take time for her to attack Tong Yan herself.So Tong Yan's sword slashed, she could only watch, and couldn't interrupt it first.

Seeing countless small swords shooting at her, the armored woman finally showed her strong defense ability.

She held the two swords backhanded, then raised them directly above her head, and swung the two swords down again. A black mask appeared on top of her head and extended downwards, covering her whole body. in.

Countless small swords were shot at the mask one after another, and the sound of "jingle ding dong dong" was heard continuously.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning slightly.The supernatural power used by this armored woman is really familiar to him, almost exactly the same as his star energy.They all use the power of the stars to condense a layer of barrier around their bodies, and then block the attacks from outside.

The star sword art he used is like something branded in his bones, and it should be similar to inheritance.The power of the Star Sword Jue is still very powerful, and it has always been his first choice of supernatural power.

But the problem is, as the spirit of XingXiu, he can inherit the Star Sword Art, so this armored woman is also the spirit of XingXiu, does she also have the ability to inherit it?

Yes, he guessed right.This armored woman does have her own super supernatural power, and soon this powerful supernatural power will appear!

How should Tong Yan resist?

(End of this chapter)

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