
Chapter 1466 Finally admit defeat, come to the door!

Chapter 1466 Finally admit defeat, come to the door!
Tong Yan knew that it would be useless to say anything else, so he simply stopped talking. Since the armored woman refused to admit defeat, he could only continue to fight.It's just that he has already completed the so-called battle, and the rest will all depend on the Sword of the Stars.

Only a crisp sound of "bang" was heard, and the giant lightsaber among the two giant swords finally couldn't bear it and broke first.A huge sword was broken into five or six pieces, but the five or six broken blades did not fall downwards, but were quickly reshaped, and directly became five or six smaller swords.

Just as Tong Yan said, the lore-killing stance actually consists of three moves in one sword. After the first sword is broken, the transformed swords will activate the killing-killing stance.And when these big swords are broken again, the Shattering Style will be launched directly.Only when the final smashing style is over, can the lore style be completely completed.

After carrying the first sword, this armored woman is already at the end of her strength, and she has little chance of resisting the killing and smashing moves later.But the temper of this armored woman is very strong, even though she knew that she might lose her life, she decided to fight to the last moment of her life.

Although Tong Yan can't bear to destroy the flowers with tricks, but the flowing water has intentions, and the falling flowers have no "love".He could only turn around and not look at the final result.

He shook his head slightly, his face full of helplessness.He thought that he would have to kill the armored woman in the end, but he didn't expect a turning point to appear at this moment.

"Tong Yan, are already healed? What are you doing? Are you going to kill her? No, you can't kill her. She is the older sister I know here. Besides you, she is the only one who will love me. You Don't kill her, I beg you, don't kill her! Tong Yan...Tong Yan..."

Hearing Gao Qian's shout, Tong Yan immediately followed the sound.Seeing Gao Qian not far away stepping on a small pumice with an anxious expression on her face, Tong Yan knew that this armored woman should have known Gao Qian a long time ago.

In fact, he didn't want to kill the armored woman at all, but the competition always has to decide the winner, the gentleman said something quickly, he had already made a promise, and this competition must have a result.He can't lose, because if he loses, he has to cut himself off from it, so he can only win.But this armored woman was stubborn and refused to admit defeat, so he could only continue this competition.

Well now, since Gao Qian is here, maybe she can persuade the armored woman to change her mind.And as long as the armored woman admits defeat, Tong Yan can immediately undo the Killing Form and the subsequent Shattering Form.

"Gao Qian, it's not that I want to kill her. It's that we have spoken first, and this competition must be won. I asked her to admit defeat, but she refused to agree. What can I do? I can only continue to fight! Gao Qian , if she is your sister, please persuade her for me. As long as she is willing to admit defeat, I will stop immediately, and I will never let my lightsaber hurt her in the slightest."

Hearing this, Gao Qian hurriedly persuaded the armored woman: "Sister, why are you so stupid? If you die like this, I will never have a sister again. Don't you still want to leave here? Don't you still want to leave here?" Do you want to regain your freedom? But if you die, all your wishes will be in vain. People often say that as long as the green hills are left, you will not worry about having no firewood. If you die, you really have nothing No more. Isn't it just admitting defeat? Why can't you accept it? If you lose today, you can fight again in the future. But if you die today, then you have completely failed. Sister, listen to me and admit defeat, okay ?"

Seeing the big swords in front of her piercing her, the armored woman knew that if she continued, even if she didn't die, she would fall into an endless sleep.Of course she knew that she had lost, but she just didn't want to admit it, she just wanted to fight until the last second.But Gao Qian's words made her realize the reality in an instant. There is hope when people are alive, and nothing when they are dead.

She still wants to kill Tong Yan, and she also wants to take revenge, so no matter what, she can't die here today.

Finally, she made a decision, that is to admit defeat!
"You win, I admit defeat!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, with a wave of his big hand, he directly took back those big swords.

The armored woman was exhausted now, and when she saw those powerful swords retreating from her, she immediately re-formed into a human form, and then fell downward like this.

Below is an invisible abyss. If you fall from such a high place, you can imagine the consequences.

Gao Qian's strength is limited, and she can't fly in the air at all.So at this time, Tong Yan could only do it himself.

Seeing him perform shifting and changing positions continuously, he finally caught the armored woman who was falling rapidly.

The armored woman was obviously exhausted physically and mentally, but when she saw that she was hugged by Tong Yan, a cold light suddenly appeared in her eyes. " let me go! You can't touch me!"

Tong Yan ignored her unkind eyes and stubborn words, just hugged her and flew up quickly, and finally brought her to Gao Qian's side.

"The strength of her whole body has been exhausted, and I'm afraid she will have to cultivate well in a short time. Since she is your older sister, I will leave it to you to take care of her!"

As she said that, she handed the armored woman with a fierce look in her arms to Gao Qian, and she planned to go back to the Wu Family Temple to recover from the previous consumption.

Gao Qian took the armored woman, and immediately said to Tong Yan, "Tong Yan, thank you. I'm really happy if you don't make things difficult for her."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "How dare I embarrass her? It's fine if she doesn't embarrass me. I don't want to lose feeling in my limbs again. I don't want to live a life of being a disabled person."

When Gao Qian heard this, she suddenly understood something.No wonder Tong Yanhui would suddenly scream and scream as soon as he entered the ruins, and his body was even more difficult to move. It turned out that the instigator behind this was her sister.On that day, she happened to meet her elder sister in front of the Wu Family Temple. Her elder sister might not really be there to meet her, but her real purpose might be to monitor Tong Yan.

Although she didn't know why her sister treated Tong Yan like this, she knew that her sister was a good person and there must be a reason for what she did.It's just that she doesn't know the reason now.

She looked down at the woman in armor with half-opened eyes, and sighed softly, "Sister, why are you bothering?"

The armored woman wanted to speak, but after biting her lips lightly, she still didn't say anything.

Tong Yan looked at them and said with a smile: "Don't disturb your sisters' reunion, I'll go back to the temple first. If you have anything to do, come to the temple to find me!"

As he spoke, he immediately floated to the temple not far away.

But when he just arrived at the temple and was about to go to practice in it, the Great Elder rushed over in a hurry.

"Patriarch! Patriarch! Big things are bad, big things are bad! A group of people came outside, and they said they want you to go to a place with them. If you don't agree, we will directly destroy our Wu family!"

When Tong Yan heard this, a fierce light appeared on his face. "Destroyed our Wu family? What a big tone! I want to see who the hell is!"

(End of this chapter)

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