
Chapter 1467 I don't know how to live or die, but I'm still here!

Chapter 1467 I don't know how to live or die, but I'm still here!
At the village gate of the old house of the Wu family, the few remaining children of the Wu family lined up with weapons in their hands. Everyone's faces were full of anger and solemnity. They were now confronting a group of men in black in front of them.

There are about 20 people in this group of people in black. They are tall and short. They all wear uniform black cloaks and masks.More than half of these masks are the same Rakshasa masks, only seven of them are wearing white skull masks.

In addition to these, what is particularly eye-catching is the emblem on the cloaks worn by these people. This emblem is located on their chests, with an inverted triangle on the outside and a circle inside. open eyes.

No one knew the identity of this group of men in black, but the aura they exuded was extremely powerful, causing a strong psychological pressure on people, which was all moving.

The seven people wearing white skull masks should be the strong ones in this group. They stood in front with arms folded, just staring at the Wu family in front of them coldly, without making a move, just staring like that.

No need to guess, this group of guys should be the ones who claim to take Tong Yan away, and if Tong Yan disagrees, they will destroy the Wu family.

If it was the previous Wu family, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with such a group of people, but after all, the Wu family suffered a great disaster, and now there are only a few strong ones in the Wu family, and the remaining Wu family children are all lowly cultivated.

There is a saying that a tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs. This is the current situation of the Wu family, which is really embarrassing.

But fortunately, there are not no strong people in the Wu family. At least they still have Tong Yan. As long as Tong Yan is there, the Wu family will still be the Wu family, and it will still be the family that inherits Skywalker's legacy and protects one side.

Maybe it was a little impatient to wait, and one of the seven men wearing skull masks shouted, "Is Tong Yan going to come out? We treat each other with courtesy. If we don't know the current affairs, don't blame our ruthless subordinates!" "

An elder of the Wu family immediately replied loudly: "Presumptuous, how can the alias of my family head be called by a villain like you? Get out of the Wu family immediately, otherwise, I will never forgive you."

Hearing this, the man in black wearing a skull mask on the far left sneered in a low voice. "It's really a life-and-death thing! If our sect master didn't tell us not to kill, do you think you can still survive until now? You weak people are not enough for us to kill alone. It's so shameless, it's ridiculous!"

When the elder heard this, he was furious and said: "Okay, then let the horse come over. I want to see how you can kill us all by yourself!"

Hearing this, the man in black on the far left didn't respond, but suddenly slapped him.He saw a burst of black energy shoot out from his hand, and as soon as he left his hand, it turned into a black snake, biting directly at the elder of Wu's family.

The elder of the Wu family who opened the mouth is not bad. When he saw the black snake biting him, he immediately slashed out with the big knife in his hand.

This knife is very powerful, but it cuts on the black snake transformed by the black energy, as if it is on the air. Although the blade splits the black snake's body, the black snake splits into two in an instant, and continues to move forward. Bite.

Seeing this, the elders of Wu's family turned pale with fright, but even if he wanted to avoid it at this moment, it was already too late.

Fortunately, at this time, the Wu family disciples around him attacked at the same time, and under the shadow of swords and swords, the two black snakes were quickly chopped into several pieces.

Everyone thought that this would eliminate the blow of the man in black, but unexpectedly, the guy suddenly said contemptuously: "Frog at the bottom of the well, do you think this will save your life? Get ready to die!"

As soon as he said this, the black snake that had been cut into several pieces changed again, turning into several small snakes almost in the blink of an eye.But this time, these little snakes attacked not only the elder Wu, but everyone!

With just one move, all the Wu family members fell into a passive situation.The strength of this group of men in black has been fully revealed.

The little black snakes were extremely small and extremely fast. In just one breath, these little snakes bit the members of the Wu family. For a while, there were endless screams.But no matter how the Wu family struggled, they couldn't get rid of the little snake biting him.

At this critical juncture, only a white figure was seen galloping from a distance.The figure flickered and appeared behind the Wu family who had been recruited.

"It's a small skill, but you dare to come to my Wu's house to act wildly, you really don't know how to live or die! Get rid of it!"

As soon as the words were finished, several "puff puffs" were heard, and those little black snakes that had bitten the Wu family members blew themselves up in such a bizarre way.But the injuries suffered by the Wu family can only recover slowly.

The Wu family escaped unharmed, and immediately turned around to look at it. When they saw the person, they immediately called out in unison: "I've seen the patriarch!"

The person who came was none other than Tong Yan who had just come out of the ruins.As soon as he heard the first elder say that someone came to provoke him, he rushed over immediately. Fortunately, he didn't come too late. If he was later, the Wu family might have to suffer.

As for why those little snakes blew themselves up, it was entirely because of his power of the stars. He spread the power of the stars in an instant, and by virtue of his control over the power of the stars, he could squeeze all the black snakes to pieces in an instant.

Tong Yan, who left Ruins Realm, had improved a lot in cultivation, reaching the middle stage of Immortal Realm, the power of stars in his body also became stronger with the improvement of cultivation.Even though his cultivation doesn't seem to have improved much, one must know that it is very difficult to improve his cultivation after reaching the level of the Immortal Realm.From the initial state to the middle stage, if it is an ordinary person, it will take at least a hundred years.But Tong Yan achieved such a feat in less than a year. After all, it had a lot to do with his ability to integrate the three forces in his body.

Now in his body, the three forces are moving in the same direction, it looks like a three-color ribbon flowing through the meridians in his body.And at his dantian, there is no longer only a golden elixir, but also a red cyclone.The golden core represents the immortal power in his body, and the red cyclone represents the power of his heavenly demon.As for the power of the stars, it is to assist the operation of the other two forces. The place of concentration is not in the dantian, but in the star mark between his brows.

At this time, Tong Yan's strength has increased by at least [-]% compared to when he was in Yingzhou Mountain. If he can control and study the Star Breaker he created, his strength will be further improved.

Now that someone came to provoke him, it happened to provide him with an opportunity to join forces, and the Wu family members were injured, which made him full of killing intent.

But when he carefully looked at the attire of the men in black, he couldn't help frowning deeply.

"It seems that what should come, finally came!"

(End of this chapter)

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