
Chapter 1468 Wu family territory, trespassers die!

Chapter 1468 Wu family territory, trespassers die!

The arrival of Tong Yan gave the Wu family a lot of confidence.The elder who defended the dignity of the Wu family walked up to Tong Yan quickly, and said, "Patriarch, these guys don't take our Wu family seriously at all, and they are clamoring that one person can destroy our entire clan. Patriarch , you give the order, as long as you give the order, we will fight these beasts to the end!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan had a cold light in his eyes, then reached out and patted the elder's shoulder, and at the same time injected a soft regeneration force into his body.

"Second Elder, don't they want to destroy our entire clan by themselves? Then you don't need to take action. I will destroy them by myself. If they want to act wildly in our Wu family, they must make them pay the price in blood!"

Tong Yan said this not only to the second elder and other clansmen in front of him, but also to the group of men in black in front.

However, these men in black were obviously extremely arrogant and simply took Tong Yan's words as a joke.

After Tong Yan said this, he immediately raised his legs and moved forward.Seeing this, the Wu family hurriedly stepped aside so that Tong Yan could come forward.

Walking in front of these black-clothed men, before they could open their mouths, he asked directly: "Who shot and hurt my Wu family members just now? Do you dare to name them?"

Hearing this, the man in black with a white skull mask on the far left hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped forward and said, "I did it, you... what do you want?" This guy is obviously gone. Arrogant, maybe others don't know Tong Yan's strength, but he somewhat understands it.To be able to kill the Black Wind Snake so easily, Tong Yan's strength should never be inferior to him.But when he thought of so many companions here, even a strong man like Tong Yan, he still took a step forward and responded.Unfortunately, his choice was wrong.Now that he already knew that Tong Yan's strength was not weak, he should just keep his mouth shut.Taking the lead at this moment will only speed up death.

Tong Yan looked at him coldly, then smiled contemptuously and said, "A mere ant like you, dare to come to my Wu family to cause trouble? How dare you hurt my Wu family members? Your time of death is coming!"

The man in black was about to rebuke Tong Yan angrily, but in the blink of an eye, Tong Yan's body disappeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head, and after that, he no longer knew anything.

With a sound of "bang", the head of the man in black was smashed to pieces by a golden fist like a balloon.

The man in black didn't even have time to let out a scream, so he bid farewell to this world forever.

The moment the golden fist appeared, Tong Yan's figure also appeared.The so-called golden fist was Tong Yan's fist wearing the Shenlong gauntlet.One punch is extremely powerful.

The head of the man in black was broken, and his body fell to the ground.When the other men in black saw this, they all backed away without daring to stay where they were.

Tong Yan shook his attacking hand, and then said extremely arrogantly: "It's really weak, it's so weak! What about you? How is your strength compared with him?"

As he said this, he turned his head to look at the other men in black who had already widened their eyes.

Being able to take down a man in black with one move, Tong Yan's formidable strength was fully revealed.

In fact, judging from the masks worn by these men in black, the stronger ones should be the seven men wearing the white skull masks, while the remaining men wearing the black rakshasa masks should be a little weaker.

But even so, the slightly stronger man in black with a skull mask still couldn't stop Tong Yan's move.As for the others, there is absolutely no chance.

Tong Yan's cold eyes had already made them shudder.Until now, they probably didn't understand why their sect master said not to kill, because he didn't want them all to stay here with their lives.

"Ahem... that... that friend, I don't know if you are Tong Yan? We are ordered by the head of the sect, and we are here to invite you to meet each other. I didn't intend to disturb you, so please forgive me! As for my partner's abrupt and rude behavior It was really not our intention to offend the noble clansmen. We would like to apologize for this, please forgive me!"

The one who spoke was also the man wearing the skull mask among the men in black. Obviously, he had realized that Tong Yan might continue to attack, so he admitted his mistake in advance, and maybe he could save his life.

Tong Yan turned around, stretched his neck and said, "Your main sect wants to see me? Why do you see me?"

The man in black hurriedly replied: "The door master said that several of your friends are guests at his place. If you want to reunite with them, you will certainly not refuse."

Tong Yan let out a light sigh, and then said with a sneer: "It seems that your sect master is going to blackmail me with this. But doesn't he know that I always hate being threatened by others the most? Go back and tell him that you want to invite me , it's better to be sincere. Are you looking down on me by sending you young people here?"

Hearing this, the man in black immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I'll go back and report right away." After saying that, he turned around and left with the rest of the men in black.

But at this moment, Tong Yan suddenly yelled: "Wait! Did I tell you all to go back? Only you can go, and everyone else must stay with me!"

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the men in black trembled all over.

Hearing this, the man in black finally plucked up his courage and said: "Your Excellency, we are only carrying letters. Please spare our lives. If we knew that Your Excellency has such abilities, we would definitely not dare to go into your business." Half-step in the family. Isn’t there a saying that those who don’t know don’t sin? Your Excellency, please let us live!” At this point, the man in black knelt down on his knees.In the face of absolute strength, he knew that he had to give up everything if he wanted to live.

It's just that he was the only one who knelt down, but the others didn't mean it at all.

Tong Yan laughed and said: "You are a smart person, but others are extremely stupid! Yes, those who do not know are not guilty, but there is a saying in my Wu family territory, that is, trespassers die!"

As soon as the words were finished, Tong Yan made a move.But this time, there was an extra knife in his hand, which was the blood-red Tarzan Blade.

Tong Yan's teleportation was performed instantly, and the next second he appeared directly among these men in black.Then I saw him like chopping bamboo, one knife at a time, in just a few seconds, except for the kneeling man in black, all the other men in black were brutally killed.

The kneeling man in black trembled all over, because he smelled a strong smell of blood and felt some hot liquid splashing on his body.He tried to save these companions, but these companions were arrogant and refused to bow their heads. When they ended up like this, who else could they blame except themselves?
Just when he felt sorry, Tong Yan was already standing in front of him.

"You are very smart, so I will save your life. Go back and tell the master of the Holy Gate that I, Tong Yan, always take the soft rather than the tough. If he really wants to see me, he should show his sincerity. I think he should know what I mean. What is the sincerity of speaking. Go away!"

Hearing this, the kneeling man in black didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately fled Wu's house quickly.But he didn't have to leave, but really rolled!

holy door?That's right, these men in black are the people in the Holy Gate.Unexpectedly, the Holy Gate finally came to the world, and the world is destined to be bloody again!

(End of this chapter)

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