
Chapter 1469 Woke up suddenly, how to choose?

Chapter 1469 Woke up suddenly, how to choose?
Others could not recognize the emblems on the cloaks of these dead men in black, but Tong Yan would never forget them.The outside of this emblem is an inverted triangle, and the inside is a circle. When you look at it suddenly, it looks like an open eye.

This kind of eye emblem is unique to the Holy Gate, and there are two reasons why such an eye pattern is used as the symbol of the Holy Gate. Tong Yan's analysis should have two reasons. It is their totem; secondly, Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate, also has three eyes, and he should have a special complex about eyes, so he finally used such an eye-like pattern as the emblem of the Holy Gate.

At the time of Asura Dao, this Holy Gate was notorious. Not only has it completely ruled Asura Dao now, but it also killed the patriarch of the Xuanwu clan and Zi Yi, who was very kind to Tong Yan.The Xuanwu family was almost wiped out, so they all worshiped at the hands of the holy gate.

And Tong Yan himself was persecuted by the Holy Gate several times, but luckily he was lucky enough to survive until today.

To Shengmen, Tong Yan treats him as an enemy, although it is not as great as the hatred for the heaven, but it is still the same.Now that the disciple of the holy gate came to provoke him, how could he show mercy?If it wasn't for the need for someone to go back and send a message to Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate, he would have killed them all.

Looking at the corpses of these holy disciples, his face did not reveal a relaxed look, because he knew that the catastrophe of the world had come.As for his friends, they don't know who was captured by the Holy Gate, and now they can only wait for the second "visit" from the Holy Gate.

After finishing these men in black, the Great Elder has already rushed to him.

The Great Elder saluted, and then asked, "Patriarch, what should we do with these corpses?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly, "Burn them all and scatter them in the fields as fertilizer."

Upon hearing this, the Great Elder hurriedly replied: "Yes, I will arrange it now!"

Tong Yan didn't say anything more, but with a flash of his figure, he went back to the small courtyard where he lived before.

At this moment, he was very confused. The reason why Shengmen dared to come to him was naturally something to rely on. He was somewhat worried about his killing spree just now.After all, the messenger of the Holy Gate has already said that his friend is with their gate master.This also meant that one of his friends must have been captured by the Holy Gate, and maybe it wasn't alone.Now that he has killed so many holy disciples at once, he doesn't know if Situ Yuxin will retaliate frantically.How can he feel at ease if his captured friends are affected by this?But in doing so, he is actually expressing an attitude, that is, he will not be threatened by others.And if everything goes as he imagined, maybe when another member of the Holy Gate comes, he will bring him a "big gift".It's just that I don't know if this "big gift" is a living person or a corpse.

He shook his head helplessly, the matter had come to this point, it was too late even if he wanted to regret it.I just hope that Situ Yuxin doesn't do anything wrong, otherwise, he will definitely make that villain pay a heavy price.

Entering the room, he sat down on the chair.After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly thought of something.

He reached out to touch his neck, but luckily the Xuan Ming Blade was still there, but he didn't know if Xuan Mo inside had woken up at this moment.

With a thought, he directly sent a voice to the Xuanming Blade on his neck: "Xuan Mo, are you awake? Can you hear my voice?"

Now that the Holy Gate has come to the world, the Xuanwu clan has a deep blood feud with the Holy Gate. As the future patriarch of the Xuanwu clan, Xuanmo should know this.As for whether Xuan Mo wants to take revenge, it depends on him.But Tong Yan didn't want to hide anything from Xuan Mo, after all Xuan Mo had the right to know the truth.

But unfortunately, the Xuanming Blade still did not give any response.

Tong Yan was a little worried and a little guilty. The reason why Xuan Mo became like this was largely because of him.If it wasn't for his body being overwhelmed when he crossed the catastrophe, Xuan Mo would not give up his life to help.In this way, he succeeded in crossing the tribulation, but Xuan Mo had been in a coma for so long, but he still didn't move at all, and he didn't know what happened to Xuan Mo, he just hoped that Xuan Mo could wake up sooner.

Now instead of thinking about it, it's better to practice hard. He reached out and patted his forehead, then stood up and walked to the bed.After going to bed, he sat cross-legged and started practicing like this.

When a person is cultivating, time passes quickly.Before he knew it, Tong Yan had been practicing in the room for an afternoon and a night.But after practicing for so long, he still didn't walk out of the room. He seemed to be completely immersed in the cultivation, forgetting the time and everything.

In fact, Tong Yan's mind is clear at this time, and the reason why he has cultivated for so long is entirely because of one thing, one thing that he can't figure out, and even said that he has already ignored it.

What is it?This matter has something to do with his cultivation!When he was in Guimen, what he practiced was Yueling Jue, which was an orthodox Taoist practice.And because of the incident with the old sect master, he abolished his cultivation, and by chance, he practiced the Demon Sect's Demon Spirit Art.This is not the end, later he was able to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan, so he practiced the Yangyin Jue under the teaching of his ancestors.

Looking at it this way, there seems to be no problem, but the problem lies in the magic spirit skill and yin yin art he practiced.

Demon Spirit Kung Fu is the strongest kung fu method of the Demon Sect. If one can practice it to the point of forgetting oneself, one will become a Demon Lord.God and will are united, man surpasses the way of heaven, the way exists with the sky, lives the same as the heaven and the earth, does not enter the six realms of reincarnation, and lives freely between the heaven and the earth.

Yangyin Jue is created by Wu Bufan, the ancestor of the Wu family.If you can cultivate the Yang Yin Jue to the extreme, and then cooperate with the Wu family to attack the supernatural powers, you will be able to stand out in the world and be invincible.

The two kinds of exercises have their own merits and strengths, which can be described as fish and bear's paw.But you can’t have both, so how do you choose?With the help of the power of stars, the power of heavenly demon and fairy power in Tong Yan's body have reached harmony, and they circulate and run together.In this way, Tong Yan had to make a decision on which route to manipulate them to take.

In fact, he was more inclined to practice Yang Yin Jue, but since his physical body was reshaped, he actually forgot an extremely important thing.

What's the matter?That means the meridians in his body are already intact.And in this way, he would not be able to properly practice the Yang Yin Jue.If he hadn't subconsciously flowed according to the operation method of Yueling Jue, he might have fallen into the adversity of cultivation long ago!

When he woke up at this moment, he realized that he had gone into a misunderstanding and went back to the old road.

So now he has to make a choice, or choose to create his own cultivation method!

Time is running out, and he doesn't know how to follow the path of his cultivation, but it's time to make a decision!

(End of this chapter)

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