
Chapter 1470 In order to become stronger, practice magic skills again!

Chapter 1470 In order to become stronger, practice magic skills again!
How did the yin and yang formula come into being?Naturally, it was created by Wu Bufan, the ancestor of the Wu family.But the real characteristics of Yin Yang Jue are quite different from other exercises.

Normally, the human body has eight extraordinary meridians, which lead qi into the body, that is, it mainly travels through these eight meridians to complete the cycle.But what is mentioned in the Yin Yang Jue is not the eight extraordinary meridians, but the two channels of Yin and Yang.

There is a saying, if you don't break, you can't build, and if you break, you can stand!
Yin Yang Jue is such an alternative, it needs to be broken before it can be established.If one wants to practice this technique, the practitioner must bear the pain of being interrupted from the beginning.The eight extraordinary meridians are all interrupted, and finally connected with each other and recombined to form the two channels of yin and yang.

The yin and yang meridians are actually very similar to the two yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi diagram. The two seem to be opposite, but in fact they have the same root. If they can achieve balance and complement each other, they can be cultivated into supreme skills.

The reason why Tong Yan was able to practice the Yin-Yang Jue before was because his meridians were transformed, changing the eight extraordinary meridians into two Yin-Yang meridians.But what about him now?His body was reshaped by the chaotic god tree, and his eight meridians returned to normal, which is why he couldn't practice Yin-Yang Jue.The reason why he was able to practice before was because he practiced the first Yueling Jue, but now he suddenly realized that if he continued to practice the Yueling Jue, it would be difficult for him to improve in the future.

Now he has to make a choice, either he chooses to practice the Yin-Yang Jue, interrupting his eight extraordinary meridians before the Holy Gate enters the gate again, and reshape the Yin-Yang two channels; There is also the power of the demon, and it can still quickly increase its strength.Apart from these two options, there is only one way to create a self-cultivation method, but he really can't guarantee whether he can create a set of cultivation methods suitable for him in a short time.

After thinking about it this way, he could only make a compromise, that is, to stop practicing the Moon Spirit Art, and not to practice the Yin Yang Art, but to practice the Demon Spirit Art.With his current soul strength, even if he has achieved great success in cultivating demon spirits, he thinks he will never lose his mind.

However, before practicing Demon Spirit Art, he still needs to make a small mobilization of the power of the heavenly demon and the power of the gods in his body, so as to prevent himself from suddenly falling into the devil's way and unable to extricate himself.

How to mobilize it?That is to move the power of the demon in one dantian to another dantian.

There are three dantians in the human body, which are divided into upper, middle and lower.The upper pubic area is the Yintang of the governor vessel, also known as "Niwan Palace"; the middle dantian is the Tanzhong acupoint in the chest, where the Zong Qi gathers; the lower dantian is the Renmai Guanyuan point, three inches below the navel, where the The place where the essence is stored.

Originally, Tong Yan used the middle dantian to practice the yin and yang formula, but because of the remodeling of his body, his immortal power and the power of the heavenly demon ran to the lower dantian.The two forces coexist in a "room", and sooner or later they will cause trouble because they cannot accommodate them.

Therefore, it is extremely important to "relocate" one of the forces. It is only necessary to move the gathering place of the power of the demon to the middle dantian. In this way, the possibility of the two forces fighting again in the future will be directly obliterated , can be said to be once and for all.

After making such a decision, Tong Yan immediately began to transfer the gathering place of the power of the demon.Unexpectedly, this practice took another three days and three nights.

If it wasn't because Tong Yan's cultivation had reached the realm of the gods, he could have continued to practice Yue Ling Jue, but his cultivation had reached such a high level, such a low-level cultivation technique as Yue Ling Jue would no longer be enough. Even if you continue to practice, your cultivation base will never improve in the slightest.

Therefore, there is no need to continue to practice Yue Ling Jue. In this way, Tong Yan will make such a big adjustment in the past few days.

Of course, apart from the fact that practicing Yueling Jue cannot improve his cultivation, there is another important reason why Tong Yan is so anxious to focus on practicing exercises.That is, he wants to improve his strength again in the shortest possible time.

The holy gate has come to the door, which means that the battle with the holy gate is coming soon.The strength of the head of the holy gate is unknown. If Tong Yan is not prepared and cannot win by then, then he will have no chance at all.

It is precisely because of this pressure that he is more eager to become stronger, even if he may take a little risk, he will not hesitate.

Fortunately, the place where the power of the demonic power gathers moved smoothly, and the power of the gods did not get angry because of the "moving" of the power of the demonic power. In this way, he can practice the demon spirit skill again smoothly up.

From the lowest level to the highest level, Demon Spiritual Skills are divided into four realms: body training, ecstasy, emptiness, and selflessness.

What is body refining, in short, is refining the body.This realm is to cultivate physical fitness and forge steel soul.The body is like a diamond, and the physical body is impeccable.There is a huge force in the movement of hands and feet, which seems to be true energy, but it is different from true energy. The source is not from the dantian, but from the muscles and bones of the body.Being able to reach this level means that even if you don't know martial arts, you are still comparable to a top master, which is the pinnacle of external skills!
Besides, this state of ecstasy is actually similar to the orthodox way of cultivating inner alchemy. It draws the aura of heaven and earth into the body, travels between the meridians, completes the big and small circles, and then merges with the qi of the physical body generated by body training, and finally condenses in the body. Dantian place.Since it is called Enchanted, its natural strength has been greatly improved, which can be described as extraordinary and refined.Compared with the previous realm, there will be a qualitative improvement!
As for the state of emptiness and ecstasy, this is where the magic spirit skill is most powerful.

In the realm of emptiness, read into emptiness, gain the power of Shura, and officially enter the magic path.From then on, there is no God or Buddha in my heart, and I am the only one who shakes the universe.Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, gods block and kill gods.

Finally, let’s talk about this state of ecstasy, what is ecstasy, it is not really forgetting yourself, but becoming a demon king.God and will are united, man surpasses the way of heaven, the way exists with the sky, lives the same as the heaven and the earth, does not enter the six realms of reincarnation, and lives freely between the heaven and the earth.

There are four realms, and each realm is divided into three stages, entry, small success and great success.

With the level of Tong Yan's current power of the demon, he should have reached the peak of the realm of emptiness, and he should only be one step away from the realm of selflessness.After all, he is a majestic ten-winged demon, and if he is improved, he will be a twelve-winged demon. The twelve-winged demon can also be called a demon king, and above the demon king is the demon god and the ancient demon god.

But I don't know if the demon king mentioned in this magic spirit skill corresponds to the ancient demon god. If so, it can reach the level of the demon king. Tong Yan is confident that he can fight against all gods under the king of gods.

After turning around, he finally chose to continue practicing Demon Spirit Art.Maybe everything is predestined somewhere, but I don't know if his choice this time is a blessing or a curse?

(End of this chapter)

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