
Chapter 1474 Hitting the weak spot, gather at the Holy Gate!

Chapter 1474 Hitting the weak spot, gather at the Holy Gate!
Massacre, pure massacre.With his own power, he easily wiped out the seven elders of the Holy Gate.This is the true strength of the Azure Dragon King, and this is the unchallenged might of the God of the East.

Qing Ming is still the cold Qing Ming, but his strength has been greatly improved beyond imagination.

Looking at the seven Holy Gate elders lying in a pool of blood, the coldness in his eyes did not subside, because he knew that another unexpected guest had come quietly, and this unexpected guest was the enemy he most wanted to defeat.

"Haha...Qing Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect your strength to reach such a terrifying level. There is a saying that people should treat each other with admiration after three days. It seems that I can no longer treat you as before. But so what? In front of me, you can only be reduced to food. The natural enemy is the law of heaven and earth that you can never challenge. Haha..."

The murderous intent in Qing Ming's eyes became more and more intense, and he wished he could directly tear the enemy in front of him, which he hated so much.

Finally, the enemy appeared and stood ten meters in front of him.

Who is it?It is none other than Kunpeng who likes to eat dragons!That's right, it was the Kunpeng who entered the illusory realm with Tong Yan and did not know his life or death.

But who would have thought that Kunpeng would appear here today?What is going on here?And it stands to reason that he should no longer have a physical body, but looking at him now, it is obvious that he has a soul and a body.Where did he get his physical body, and how did he leave the illusory realm?

Of course, Qing Ming didn't think about these questions, because he didn't know that Kunpeng and Tong Yan entered the illusory realm together and what happened there.

All he wanted to care about now was whether he could tear the Kunpeng in front of him into pieces with his current strength.

"Kunpeng, I didn't expect that you were still alive and dared to come to this king's Qinglong Palace. It's also good that you come to die yourself, so that this king will not look for you elsewhere in the future. Stop talking nonsense and prepare to die!"

Having said that, he is about to pounce on it.

But at this moment, Kunpeng suddenly took out something, and showed it to Qingming: "Wait a minute! You should see what this is first? You have a deep friendship with Tong Yan, I think you should recognize it ,Right?"

Hearing this, Qingming suppressed the killing intent, and immediately looked at Kunpeng's hand.Soon, he recognized the thing.What Kunpeng is holding in his hand at this moment is nothing else, but Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.But what does this mean?Kunpeng had taken away Tong Yan's physical body along with this vajra subduing pestle, and when he was in Kunlun Mountain, Kunpeng had used this vajra subduing demon pestle to fight him.

He really didn't understand, now that Kunpeng had revealed the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd?
"Kunpeng, are you trying to play tricks on me? This is my brother's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. How can I deny it? But this thing has already fallen into your hands. What is the purpose of taking it out now?"

Kunpeng laughed and said, "It's good that you recognize this thing, maybe it doesn't explain anything. But if I show you another thing, I believe you will understand."

As soon as he finished speaking, he really took out another thing from the bag, and what people didn't expect was that the thing he took out this time turned out to be... the Blue Soul Sword!

When Qing Ming saw the Blue Soul Sword, his heart trembled, and he immediately asked, " do you have the Blue Soul Sword? The Blue Soul Sword is my brother's magic weapon, how could it be in your hand?"

Kunpeng did not continue to show the Blue Soul Sword, but put it away directly, and then smiled triumphantly: "Qing Ming, you are a smart person. Both of Tong Yan's magic weapons are in my hands now, what is the reason, you Can’t you guess it? Let me tell you the truth, Tong Yan is at our Holy Gate right now. If you want him to live, you just follow me obediently. If not, you will never see him again in your life.”

If there is anything that can really threaten Qing Ming, it is definitely not his life, but his family and only brother Tong Yan.He and Tong Yan have been through life and death for so many years, and they have formed a deep brotherly relationship since they were in the Guile Gate.Tong Yan can die for him, and he can also die for Tong Yan.

Now that Kunpeng showed Tong Yan's two magic weapons in succession, he couldn't help being confused.

But he still overlooked one thing, that is, the Blue Soul Sword is a magical weapon that Tong Yan has carried for many years, and it has already been refined.And since it is a natal magic weapon, others will never take it away easily, unless Tong Yan is dead, otherwise this blue soul sword will definitely not appear in Kunpeng's hands.

In addition, why did Kunpeng show the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle first?And why was the time for displaying the Blue Soul Sword so short?In fact, there is only one reason, that is, the Blue Soul Sword that Kunpeng showed just now is a fake at all, and its purpose is to deceive Qing Ming, so that he will submit.

It's a pity that Qing Ming still chooses to believe. In the final analysis, it is just four words, "Caring makes chaos!"

He didn't know what Tong Yan was doing now, and Kunpeng dared to come to Qinglong Hall with confidence, as if he was saying that Tong Yan had already fallen into the hands of the Holy Gate, and because of Tong Yan's handle, Kunpeng dared to threaten him .

But how did he know that Tong Yan didn't really fall into the hands of Shengmen at this time, but just became a "guest of honor".

On the contrary, Tong Yan will never become a handle used by Shengmen to blackmail Qing Ming, and Shengmen just wants to use Qing Ming to blackmail Tong Yan.

There is no way, in terms of conspiracy and tricks, Qing Ming is not this Kunpeng's opponent after all.And that Kunpeng could become the deputy head of the Holy Sect in one fell swoop, what Situ Yuxin took a fancy to was precisely Kunpeng's scheming.

In fact, Kunpeng's status in the holy gate can be roughly guessed from his current clothes.

He was wearing a golden cloak with a golden gown inside.And what about the elders of the Holy Gate?They were wearing red cloaks, and the clothes alone were enough to tell the high status of Kunpeng.

But even though he has a high status in the Holy Gate, he still feels somewhat guilty when facing Qing Ming.After all, Qing Ming completely inherited the mantle of the Qinglong King and became the God of the East in one fell swoop.And because of this reason, Kunpeng is no longer Qingming's natural enemy, and they are not one-sided suppression, but mutual restraint.

If he really started to move his hands, Kunpeng might really not be able to withstand Qingming's powerful divine power.It is for this reason that he will finally show up after the death of all the seven elders.And while Qing Ming was dealing with the seven elders of the Holy Gate, he not only thought of a countermeasure, but also used a wooden stick to transform a blue soul sword to confuse Qing Ming.

Unexpectedly, his conspiracy actually worked.

But then again, what is the purpose of the Holy Gate to "invite" people to the Holy Gate so deliberately?What kind of conspiracy is hidden behind this?

(End of this chapter)

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