
Chapter 1475 Full of helplessness, life and death challenge!

Chapter 1475 Full of helplessness, life and death challenge!
Kunlun Mountain, ascend to the sky!The entire Ascension Tower has a hundred floors, and inside it is not only full of traps, but also secretly forges a group of powerful monsters, and this kind of monsters are heaven-defying beasts.

The Heaven-Defying Beast is actually very similar to the Monster Beast forged by the master demon refining master Long Yangling, but it is not a monster beast, because it is not included in the monster beast category at all, but between zombies, demons, ghosts, and divine beasts. Time, or in other words, is the combination of these four creatures.

Originally, Dengtianlou belonged to Kunpeng's Fengtian League, but as the Holy Gate entered the world, the Dengtianlou also changed owners, and even the Fengtian League ceased to exist, and were all replaced by the Holy Gate.

Although I don't know how Kunpeng joined the Holy Gate and became the deputy head of the Holy Gate, but one thing is certain, that is, the Holy Gate, like the previous Fengtian League, is to lead the Three Realms and to become the leader of the Holy Gate. That lofty Three Realms Supreme.

The tenth floor of the Dengtian Building and the ninety floors above are all forbidden areas, so the tenth floor is already where the main hall of the Holy Gate is located.

At this time, there were not many people in the hall, except for Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate who was sitting behind the screen, the rest were his bodyguards, maids and his guests.

Who is this guest of honor?It was none other than Tong Yan who was "invited" here.

Sitting in the guest seat, Tong Yan was not polite, he ate the fruit on the table in front of him, and he vomited all the fruit pits on the ground.Logically speaking, he should not be a casual person, but at this moment, he does not seem to understand etiquette at all, which is really unpredictable.

Eating fruit and spitting out fruit pits everywhere is nothing, but at this moment, he actually put his legs up on the table again, like a playboy looking for fun here.

Maybe because he couldn't see his performance, a guard standing in front of the screen immediately said angrily: "Tong Yan, don't be too presumptuous. This is the Holy Gate Hall, how can you be allowed to act wild here?"

Tong Yan acted as if he had never heard of it, picked up a grape and put it in his mouth, and said vaguely: "The master is not doing well, but the dog started barking. Maybe it's because I think it's not suitable for me to eat this fruit." Mouth, do you want me to have some meat?"

When the guard heard this, he immediately said angrily: "Tong Yan, who are you calling a dog? Believe it or not, I will kill you right away?"

Tong Yan smiled contemptuously and said, "Just relying on you? What a sensationalist! Regardless of whether you are not my opponent at all, even if you are stronger than me, do you think your master will let you do it? It's just a dog, so behave yourself Alright, otherwise, be careful of being skinned and made into dog meat and burned."

His continuous insults made the guard extremely annoyed. Finally, the guard broke out and rushed forward with a stride, about to attack him.

But at this moment, the master of the Holy Gate, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Presumptuous! Brother Tong Yan is an honored guest invited by this seat, how can you be so rude? Why don't you apologize to the honored guest immediately?"

The guard was about to lose his temper, but he didn't dare to do anything after hearing what the door master said, although he didn't want to, but he obediently gave Tong Yan a salute, and then said a little darkly: "My honored guest, the villain was reckless just now. I also ask the honored guest to forgive me!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted softly and said, "It's just a dog, how can I have the same knowledge as a dog, sir?" Having said this, he suddenly spit the grape seeds in his mouth at the guard, and extremely There was an arrogant "pooh".

The guard's face was flushed, and his eyes were full of killing intent, but because the sect master was here, no amount of anger could be swallowed.

Tong Yan stopped looking at the guard, picked up a banana and started to eat it again.

The master of the Holy Gate behind the screen might be a little helpless, so he heard him say: "Brother Tong Yan, you have been eating and drinking with me for two days. I don't know what you think about what I told you before?"

Obviously, the master of the Holy Gate is very fond of Tong Yan, or it is necessary to make use of Tong Yan, so he doesn't even use the title of "this seat", but replaces it with "I".

Hearing this, Tong Yan slammed the banana peel in his hand onto the ground, and said with a sneer, "Senior Situ, isn't it a bit difficult for you to say that? My Tong Yan's life is worthless, but I can't just let it go." Throw it away for nothing? You let me think about it? How should I think about it? Let me die, and I agree?"

The master of the Holy Gate laughed and said: "Brother Tongyan, you can't say that. When did I let you die? As long as you can help me with this matter, I will be successful in the future, and I don't want you Besides, with your strength and status, how can you be so easy to die?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Senior Situ, you think too highly of me. There is only one life. What is the difference between what you ask me to do and sending me to die for nothing? I think you should let me go." Well, I really can't help it!"

The master of the Holy Gate laughed and said, "Brother Tongyan, you are really stubborn! It doesn't matter, I can wait, I believe there is always a way to make you compromise. I know you are a person who values ​​love and righteousness, you You can disregard the life and death of your friend, but I think you will always care about the life and death of your brother, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's eyes immediately showed a strong murderous intent, but soon his eyes returned to normal, and he said with a relaxed face: "I have many brothers, but you can catch them." Who? You might be able to do it with your strength, but with your useless subordinates, do you think you can succeed? Senior Situ, I advise you to stop thinking about it. Either you kill me, or you let me go Leave. You may have no other choice than that."

The master of the holy gate laughed softly: "Then let's continue to wait. I think you will see your brother soon."

Tong Yan let out a soft sigh, lay back and said leisurely, "Okay, I'll wait! Oh, I'm so sleepy, I'll take a nap first. Let's talk!"

Seeing this, the master of the holy gate didn't say anything more, but he could faintly see that his face hidden behind the screen was already full of fierce light.

Tong Yan said to sleep, but how could he really fall asleep?He secretly prayed in his heart, "Brother Qing, you must have nothing to do, please don't come here. Otherwise, I will really die for this Situ Yuxin."

Sadly, his prayers were not answered.After only half a day, he sensed that familiar aura, and then opened his eyes suddenly.

He knew that the master of the holy gate had indeed succeeded, and his good brother had really come.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs leading here, and at the same time, Kunpeng's triumphant laughter floated into the hall. "Haha...haha... Sect Master, I have invited someone here."

Tong Yan frowned, and immediately looked towards the stairs. First, he saw Kunpeng's disgusting face, and then he saw Qing Ming with a serious face.

The two brothers finally met again after being separated for more than a year.But what awaits them is yet another separation, as well as that undeniable challenge of life and death!
(End of this chapter)

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