
Chapter 1476 The pressure of the god king, even if he dies, he will go!

Chapter 1476 The pressure of the god king, even if he dies, he will go!

As soon as he saw Tong Yan, Qing Ming said with a face full of surprise: "Little Tong, you're fine! I thought you... Anyway, it's good that you're fine, it's fine!"

Qing Ming had already come, and Tong Yan knew that this time, he could no longer stand in a stalemate with the master of the Holy Gate.

Standing up, he showed a happy smile, and then said: "Brother Qing, I haven't seen you for a long time, so you are safe! How are my wife and the child?"

Qing Ming didn't care about anything else, and immediately walked up to Tong Yan quickly. The two brothers put their hands on each other's shoulders, showing their brotherly affection.

"Okay, everything is fine. But you, how are you? Did they hurt you?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "Senior Situ invited me here just to be a guest. How could he hurt me? Brother Qing, you are worrying too much. Huh? Looking at your powerful green dragon aura, could it be that you have completely Inherited the mantle of the Azure Dragon King?"

Qingming nodded and replied: "That's right! I have indeed become the current Azure Dragon King and fulfilled the duties of the God of the East. Boy, since you have nothing to do, let's go now. We brothers haven't seen each other for a long time. See you, let's catch up on the old days."

When Kunpeng heard what Qingming said, he immediately sneered and said, "Qingming, what do you think of our Holy Gate? Do you come and leave whenever you want?"

Qing Ming said with a disdainful smile: "This king wants to leave, what can you do to me? Boy, let's go! I want to see who can stop our brothers."

At this moment, a powerful pressure instantly diffused from behind the screen, immediately enveloping Tong Yan and Qing Ming.

Feeling this pressure, Qing Ming immediately raised his head and let out a dragon chant. With the sound of the dragon chant, the pressure on him and Tong Yan was indeed relieved a lot.

But soon, more powerful pressure followed, and it was already too late for Qing Ming to send out a dragon chant to resist.

Just as Tong Yan was about to speak, the laughter of the master of the holy gate came from behind the screen.

"Haha... As expected of the God of the East, the Azure Dragon King, you can actually make me use [-]% of the coercion. Your strength is already very strong. But even so, I'm afraid you can't just leave today. Brother Tong Yan , I don’t think you will just tear your face off with me like this? After all, I invited you here as a guest, how can you leave without saying goodbye?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning tightly.Of course he knows the great strength of the master of the Holy Gate, because he has already experienced it since he came here.If not, how could he be a "guest" here safely?It's a pity that even though Qing Ming has become the Qinglong King and the God of the East, he still has no strength to fight against the master of the Holy Gate.The strength of the master of the holy gate may have really reached the realm of a god king.

Qing Ming tried his best to resist the powerful coercion brought by the master of the Holy Gate, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't get rid of the coercion. In just a few breaths, he was already sweating profusely.

Qingming is a god, but compared with the god king, he is still far behind.This is just coercion. If the master of the holy gate made a move, he might die here within three moves.

Even though Qing Ming didn't want to back down, Tong Yan couldn't bear his death.The revival of the Qinglong clan depends entirely on Qingming alone, so no matter what he has to endure, he must ensure Qingming's safety.

After making up his mind, he finally spoke.

"Senior Situ, you can stop. I have already decided to help you fulfill your wish."

As soon as the head of the Holy Gate heard this, he immediately removed the coercion, and then said happily: "Brother Tong Yan, are you serious?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow. Since I, Tong Yan, have made a promise to you, I will never break my promise! However, you must promise me three things. As long as you promise, I will go through fire and water for you." , though death without regret.”

The master of the Holy Gate was obviously extremely urgent, so he immediately asked: "What three things? Let me tell you, as long as it is not too much, I will definitely agree to you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan looked at the puzzled Qing Ming, and said, "First thing, you must release my friend and my elder brother Qing Ming immediately. Since I promised to work for you , you don’t need to use them to blackmail me anymore.”

Upon hearing this, the master of the Holy Gate immediately responded: "No problem, I agree to this matter!"

Tong Yan stretched out his hand and patted Qing Ming who was about to ask a question, and said again: "Second thing, you can't persecute my Wu family and Qinglong clan, especially you, the deputy sect master!"

The reason why Tong Yan put forward such a condition was that he didn't want to be settled by Kun Pengqiu.If Situ Yuxin can still keep his word, then this Kunpeng is an out-and-out dishonest person.If the Sect Master of the Holy Gate were to issue orders now, even if Kunpeng wanted to take action against the Wu family and the Qinglong Clan, he would never dare to disobey the Sect Master's order.

The master of the Holy Gate was quite straightforward, and said directly: "This seat hereby orders that from now on, all members of my Holy Gate must never persecute the Wu family and the Qinglong family. Anyone who violates it will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as this remark came out, Kunpeng was obviously displeased, but there was nothing he could do about it. The master of the Holy Gate was too powerful, and he had no choice but to agree.

There is only one last thing left for Tong Yan, he took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "The last thing, the people of the Holy Gate must not indiscriminately kill innocent people, let alone cause people to die, the world Catastrophe. Senior Situ, you are aiming at the Three Realms, and I don’t think you want to become the Lord of the Three Realms and see the people living in dire straits, do you feel desolate?”

Hearing this, the master of the Holy Gate laughed loudly and said, "I am not a bloodthirsty person. Don't worry, I promise not to let blood flow into rivers. Brother Tong Yan, I have already agreed to three things. I don't know When are you leaving?"

Tong Yan heard this, and immediately replied: "Let me say goodbye to my brother and my friends, and then I will leave."

The master of the Holy Gate said with satisfaction: "Since you are a straightforward person, I will simply be straightforward. Come, invite all the friends of Brother Tong Yan. Let them say goodbye!"

Hearing this, the guards in the hall rushed to lead them.

Taking advantage of this free time, Qing Ming finally said what he wanted to ask for a long time.

"Little Tong, what did you promise him? What did he ask you to do?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, I just fetched something for him. I'll be fine after I get it back."

"Get something? What? Where to get it?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "Brother Qing, you don't need to know this. You only need to know one thing, and that is, I will definitely come back alive. You and my brother will definitely meet again!"

Looking at Tong Yan's firm eyes, Qing Ming could only choose to believe.

Tong Yan, where are you going this time?What exactly was the thing that the master of the Holy Gate asked him to do?The next chapter is revealed!
(End of this chapter)

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