
Chapter 1477 Return of the treasure, this is the purpose!

Chapter 1477 The return of the treasure, this is the purpose!
With Tong Yan's efforts, Yitian, Qiangliang and others who were captured by the Holy Gate were all released.And Qing Ming reluctantly returned to Qinglong Hall under Tong Yan's persuasion.

In any case, such a result is acceptable to Tong Yan, and in this way, he will have no worries.

Standing on a round platform next to the Dengtian Building, his face was full of indifference, and he was not fettered by the fact that he was about to leave this place.He waited quietly, waiting for the elders of these holy gates to completely arrange the teleportation array.

And the moment the teleportation array was completed was when he left here.

There are five Holy Gate Elders in red cloaks working together to arrange this teleportation array that leads to nowhere. They obviously dare not be negligent, because this is something that the Holy Gate Sect Master personally explained. There was a slight mistake in the formation, and none of the five of them could survive.

Apart from Tong Yan and the five elders on the round platform, there was that disgusting Kunpeng.He was standing about three steps away from Tong Yan, but Tong Yan never looked at him from the beginning to the end, completely treating him as air.

Tong Yan didn't want to talk to him, but this guy had the cheek to talk to Tong Yan endlessly.No, he started talking again.

"Hey, Tong Yan, are you deaf? Let me ask you, what exactly does the sect master want you to do? Why do you have to do this? It stands to reason that no one is better at going up the mountain into the sea than me. That's right. Why does he prefer to use you?"

"Okay, don't you say it? I'll see how long you can pretend to be deaf and dumb. When you leave, I will attack your Wu family. At that time, you will be truly lonely. Haha...haha... "

Tong Yan still acted as if he had never heard of it, he just looked into the distance and didn't know what he was thinking.

Being ignored continuously, Kunpeng finally couldn't take it anymore. With his face full of anger, he pointed at Tong Yan and said fiercely: "Tong Yan, you are amazing, you are amazing, but I am afraid it will be difficult for you to come back alive if you go here? I know you With the support of the head of the sect, don't worry that I will attack your Wu family. But don't forget, your Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is still in my hand. As long as you answer my question honestly, I will take the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle How about giving it back to you? You have made a lot of money with this deal!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally turned his head to look at Kunpeng, then chuckled and said, "Kunpeng, you want to make this deal with me because you can no longer use my Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle? My physical body has been taken back by me. And without my original physical body, the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle will no longer recognize you as a false master, so now that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is in your hands, it is no different from scrap copper and rotten iron, I said right?"

This is exactly the fact. The reason why Kunpeng was able to use the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle during the fierce battle with Qingming and Qiangliang last time was precisely because the body he used at that time was Tong Yan's body. After entering the illusory realm together, Tong Yan stepped out of the illusory realm first, and took back his original body.And it was precisely because Tong Yan regained his original body that the clone appeared.Tong Yan's avatar is the body that was taken away by Kunpeng.

etc!What seems wrong?
Tong Yan showed a thoughtful look, and then asked: "I have taken back your physical body, even if you have rushed out of the illusory realm, there is only a wisp of beast soul left, so what about this Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle?" Is it still in your hands?"

Kunpeng laughed and said, "Do you still remember that day when the chief of the palace gave you half an hour to settle Qingming and the others who were injured by me? It was at that time that I handed over the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to Fengtian. Let them keep it safe. In fact, before that, I expected that the trip to Tianfu Palace would be a narrow escape, so I kept a backup in advance. But what I didn’t expect was that something happened, and not only my body was taken back by you , and almost died in that illusory realm. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, not only survived, but also kept the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. You didn’t think of all this, did you? Haha..."

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "Yes, I really didn't think of it. I didn't even think that you would become a dog of the Holy Gate, and even give all your wealth to the Holy Gate. You guy, you really have no bottom line ah!"

Hearing this, Kunpeng said coldly: "As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. The sect master's supernatural power is far above me. It is reasonable for me to take refuge in him. But what I didn't expect is that the sect master To think so highly of you. How can you be so virtuous?"

Tong Yan stared at Kunpeng with great interest, and then said mockingly: "You are just a beast, compared with me, do you deserve it? It is reasonable for the Master of the Holy Gate to look down on you Things. After all, you are just a dog, and you will never be the master."

Kunpeng gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes seemed to burst into flames. If it wasn't for fear of the head of the sect, Situ Yuxin, he wished he could tear Tong Yan to pieces.

But this guy's mind was quick enough, he knew he couldn't do anything to Tong Yan, so he comforted himself not to be angry with Tong Yan.But regarding Tong Yan's previous question, he thought of something.

"Tong Yan, you just asked me why the Vajra Subduing Pestle is still in my hand? Didn't you take back your physical body? Could it be that you didn't notice the whereabouts of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle? ?”

Tong Yan realized that he had indeed neglected his words before, but he still replied with an unchanged expression: "If I told you, I would have burned my body. Do you believe it?"

Kunpeng snorted coldly and said, "Burn? Would you be willing to destroy such a good body? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

Tong Yan laughed and said, "What's the difference between you and a three-year-old child? My previous body was a mortal body after all, but my current body is made of steel and steel. If it were you, which one would you choose? "

Kunpeng thought about it, and finally chose to believe it. "No wonder I feel that you are different from before. It turns out that you have changed your physical body. Your physical body is indeed not a mortal body. Can you tell me how you obtained this physical body?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "What? You want to know? Didn't you say before that you would exchange the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle for me to answer your question? Is this question the condition you want to exchange?"

When Kunpeng heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "Of course not. Where did you get your body? What does it have to do with me? What I want to know is, what exactly did the sect master ask you to do? But is there any special order? "Speaking of the next two sentences, he obviously lowered his voice.

Tong Yan smiled, then stretched out his hand and said, "The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle will be returned to its original owner, and I will answer your questions, and I will never break my promise!"

Kunpeng seemed to be extremely interested in Tong Yan's movements and goals, and he returned the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to Tong Yan without hesitation.

Tong Yan took the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and a familiar breath immediately entered his body.

"Old man, after all these years, you are finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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