
Chapter 1479 Rush into the vortex, God of Heaven and Water!

Chapter 1479 Rush into the vortex, God of Heaven and Water!
According to Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate, Tong Yan should dive down now so that he can see the vortex deep under the water.But in fact, it was not an easy task for him to dive at this moment.He didn't know how deep his current position was, but the strong pressure around his body already made him feel a little uncomfortable.If he continued to dive, he didn't know if he could hold it.

As we all know, the pressure of the liquid is related to the density and depth of the liquid. In water, the deeper the dive, the greater the pressure.

However, Tong Yan's body is not an ordinary mortal body. The physical body reshaped by the chaotic god wood has extraordinary endurance, but I don't know how far the whirlpool mentioned by the master of the Holy Gate is from him. You can find it sooner.

Gritting his teeth and diving down, he carefully observed the surroundings, probably because the depth here was too terrifying, this dive, he didn't even see a sea fish.It seems that the huge pressure here is no longer suitable for ordinary sea fish to survive.

He didn't think too much, and continued to dive, no matter how bad the environment was, he would not give up easily.

The short depth of 100 meters allowed him to dive for more than ten minutes.With his cultivation base, he still has to work so hard, which shows how terrifying the water pressure here is.

It seems that it is not easy to dive quickly with only brute force. In desperation, he used the power of the gods, hoping that he could quickly find the vortex leading to the country of returning to the ruins.

Indeed, after using the power of the gods, his diving speed did increase a little, but after diving more than 500 meters in this way, even if he used the power of the gods, it became difficult for him to dive faster.

He was a little depressed, even using the power of the gods, he still couldn't dive faster. He really doubted whether he could still enter the country of returning to the ruins in half a day?If he can't, then he will die in the deep valley of the sea today.

"Situ Yuxin, you are really ruthless. Let me do things for you that you don't want to do. You wait for me, as long as I don't die today, when I return in the future, I will definitely demand ten times more of you." Give it back!"

At this moment, he needs to cheer himself up. If he has no fighting spirit, he may not be able to bear the huge pressure around his body.

"If you want me to die, it's not that easy! Kingdom of Return, I must find your entrance!"

Thinking so in his heart, he continued to dive forward, completely ignoring the crackling of his bones due to the pressure of the sea water.

Time passed bit by bit, as if he was being baptized, not only the clothes on his body were damaged, but his skin was even bloodshot.But he still persisted, still clenched his teeth and refused to give up.

Now he can't remember how long he has been diving, and he doesn't know how much time is left before the half-day deadline. He only has one thought in his mind now, and that is to find the vortex leading to the country of returning to the ruins, and then swim into it with all his might. in.

It's a pity that the vortex still didn't enter his line of sight, and his body was in severe pain because of enduring such strong water pressure for too long.

It may be because of the pain that it made his mind a little clearer.He reached out to touch the imprint of the stars between his eyebrows, and the warm power of Jupiter instantly poured into his body, which relieved the pain in his whole body a lot.

Just relying on his own body and wanting to continue diving, even if his body is not crushed by the powerful water pressure, the pain he endured is enough to swallow him up.At this time, he wanted to continue diving, and only by using all his abilities could he have a chance of survival.

At this last moment, he finally didn't hold back any more, not only released the Heavenly Demon Bone Wings and Heavenly Demon Armor, he also pulled out the Tarzan Blade.

The appearance of the demon armor can greatly bear the huge pressure of the sea water for him, and the appearance of the bone wings of the demon can greatly speed up his diving speed. Not only that, this time he showed the ten wings of the demon, five By cooperating with the wings, his speed can be increased to the extreme.

Of course, he also used the Tarzan Blade.What can Taishan blade do?Don't forget that one of Taishan Blade's tool spirits is Shi Ling.What can Shi Ling do?Can manipulate rocks!
At this moment, there are ravine stone walls in both directions of Tong Yan. If the stones on these two stone walls can not be broken here, they must be able to withstand the squeeze of water pressure.He wanted to dive faster, and if he could summon a huge boulder as a load, his diving speed would definitely increase again.

He thought so, and he did so.

After he maximized his speed, he dived to a depth of thousands of meters.

Finally, Emperor Tian paid off, he finally saw a vortex, a black vortex like a huge maw.

In order to determine whether this was the vortex mentioned by Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate, he deliberately looked around, and when he found that there was no vortex around him, he decided to enter the vortex.

At this moment, his expression was very solemn, and he did not relax at all because he found the whirlpool.Because he knew very well that this vortex was also a test, and if he was lucky, he would be able to enter the Kingdom of Return.But if he was unlucky, this vortex would be his crematorium.

At this point, he has nothing to hesitate.Whether it is life or death, he can only resign himself to fate.

Speeding up, he swam towards the vortex as much as possible.And as he gradually approached the edge of the vortex, the pressure exerted on him suddenly increased sharply.There was only a sound of "bang", my God, the demon armor and bone wings of the demon on his body were crushed by strong pressure at the same time.At this time, he himself was bleeding from his seven orifices and fell into a coma.

But even so, he still held the Taishan blade tightly, and the Taishan blade also emitted a faint red light, protecting him from being completely submerged in the black vortex.

Yes, he entered that terrible vortex.Whether it can pass through the vortex and enter the country of returning to the ruins smoothly is unknown.

An hour later, in the hall on the tenth floor of the Kunlun Mountain Ascension Building.Situ Yuxin, who was sitting behind the screen, suddenly had his eyes lit up, and then showed a smug smile.

"Hehe... Skywalker, you really didn't disappoint me. You actually passed the Tianshui seal! The Tianshui seal that I didn't even dare to try easily was rushed by you. The way of heaven, the way of heaven, it seems You really put everything on this guy this time. But this guy is going to go this time, I am afraid that he will never return. Even if he is Skywalker, he will have no chance to stop my great cause. Lord, it must be me! Haha...haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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