
Chapter 1480 Successfully entered, the power of 1 battle!

Chapter 1480 Successful entry, the power of a battle!
"To the east of the Bohai Sea, I don't know how many millions of miles away, there is a big ravine, but it is actually a bottomless valley, and there is no bottom below it. It is called Guixu."

"The great ravine outside the East China Sea, the country of Shaohao, Zhuanxu, the Confucian emperor of Shaohao, abandoned his qin and se. Those who have Ganshan will grow Ganyuan, and Ganshui will flow out!"

Is there a bottom to Guixu?No one knows, maybe even the gods in the sky don't necessarily know.Where is the Kingdom of Return?Naturally, it should be in the ruins.If Guiguixu had no bottom, how would the country of Guixu be built?
These questions will soon be answered.Because of Tong Yan at this moment, he has entered the country of returning to the ruins.

It's just that there is a slight deviation from his previous assumptions. Now he is not only scarred, but also caught in a cage.It was being carried by a giant sea monster and escorted forward by several sea monster soldiers.

Naturally, all the things on his body were taken off by the Kraken soldier, and they were all put into a huge shell, which seemed to be intended to be presented to the superior.Not only that, but his clothes were also torn to pieces, except for a few pieces of cloth that were still intact and blocked the important parts of his lower body, otherwise, there might not be much difference between whether he was wearing it or not.

It might be because the giant sea monster that was carrying him was not honest, and he stumbled along the way, but fortunately, this stumble made him gradually sober up.

And because the place is full of sea water, the moment he woke up, he took a breath reflexively. Good guy, it’s okay if he doesn’t take this breath. Inhaled a big mouthful.

This large mouthful of seawater choked him, and when he coughed, another large amount of seawater rushed into his mouth, almost filling him up all at once.

I believe many people know how bad sea water is.In just two seconds, he almost drank the seawater. It has to be said that he is really unlucky.

Fortunately, he woke up quickly enough, and quickly held his breath and sealed his mouth and nose, so that the seawater did not continue to enter his stomach.

It might be because he drank too much seawater. Now he has the urge to vomit, but in order to prevent the seawater from pouring into his mouth, he can only bear it for the time being.

He calmed down for a while, and then carefully looked around.

Soon, he discovered an extremely serious matter.What's the matter?That is, if the place where he is now is the country of returning to the ruins, then this country of returning to the ruins is likely to be an underwater world.what does that mean?It means that it is difficult for him to survive here, after all, he is a human and not a creature in the water.

Yes, after he reached the fairyland, he can not breathe for a few days, but this is not a long-term solution, he still needs to breathe once in a while.But if there is water everywhere, how can he adjust his breathing?
Well, he really doesn't have any good solution now, so he simply doesn't think about it for the time being.

He glanced around again, and he discovered another thing.That is, there seems to be some kind of special power in the surrounding sea water. The sea water is originally dull, but at this moment, the sea water is actually glowing with a slight blue light.

This is really amazing, just like the underwater world.

Of course, there are very few things he can see at this moment, because the density of the sea water here is not small, and the visibility is really not high.In addition, the sea monster carrying him was very dishonest, jumping up for a while, jumping down for a while, hitting the left side for a while, and rubbing against the right side for a while.He is in a cage, one can imagine what kind of "bumps" he is enduring now.

After figuring out his current situation at the moment, he began to plan.

"Obviously, where are these sea monsters planning to take me. I have injuries on my body now, and the power of immortals and demons in my body is also consumed. If those sea monsters who interrogate me later attack me, I will not even It will become difficult to protect myself. No, I can't let them manipulate me. I should get out first, and then think about how to survive in this country of returning to ruins. Anyway, this place is so big, if I hide, they may also It's hard to find me."

Thinking of this, he had a plan in mind.

The cage that imprisoned him was not metal, but a coral-like plant, very elastic, and felt like a freshly cut tree branch, and there should be some water in it.

Since it is such a thing, it should be a bit difficult to break it, just like breaking the bones and tendons.

In this way, if Tong Yan wanted to escape, the first thing he had to do was to use his magic weapon to suddenly attack those sea monsters, and then let the magic weapon help him break the cage, so that he could escape completely.

All his magic tools have been refined by him, so he can manipulate them with only his thoughts.

Without delay, he immediately sent his voice to Taishan Ren: "Seven brothers, I am imprisoned in a cage. I also hope that the seven brothers will help me and help me get rid of these nasty sea monsters. Thank you very much!"

His mind sent a voice, and he quickly got a response.I saw that the Taishan Blade that was contained in the shell suddenly flashed red, and then immediately slashed at the sea monster holding the shell.

The one holding the shell is a tall shark with an extremely fierce face.

There is an ancient book, "There are sharks outside the South China Sea. They live in the water like fish, and they don't waste their weaving. Their eyes can cry out pearls." The stream of sharks has always existed. Until today, people occasionally bump into them, but the number of times become less and less.

In fact, sharks are by no means as beautiful and kind as mermaids.True mermen are often bloodthirsty and feed on human corpses.Maybe there are quite a few people I saw, but it should be that there are not many people who saw the sharks and came back alive.

The mermen should belong to the category of sea monsters. In the final analysis, there are many monsters that can harm people. There are also really kind monsters, but there are only a small number of them.

There are sharks outside the South China Sea, and there are also sharks in this country of returning to the ruins.It seems that the mermaid race is relatively large.

The sharpness of the Tarzan blade is self-evident, just look at the merman suddenly opened his mouth full of fangs, then fell back with his eyes wide open.

Taishan blade was so sharp that it directly cut off the shark's neck.

As soon as the merman died, the shells he was holding also fell away.At the same time, Tong Yan once again transmitted his thoughts, and the Shenlong Gauntlet, Phoenix Heavenly Sword, and Blue Soul Sword made their moves one after another.

Fortunately, there are not many sea monsters here. Under the surprise attack of several magical weapons, none of these sea monsters were spared, and they were all successfully eliminated.

But in this way, can Tong Yan escape safely?The answer is no!These sea monsters are just small characters, but the giant sea monster carrying Tong Yan is the truly powerful existence.

Tong Yan had to admit that he had indeed ignored the sea monster below him, but it didn't matter, even though he was very weak now, he still had the power to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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