
Chapter 1481 Fire devours the sea monster, a safe place?

Chapter 1481 Fire devours the sea monster, a safe place?
All the sea monsters accompanying Tong Yan who were in charge of guarding Tong Yan were killed by his magic weapon. On the surface, it seemed that he was able to get away.

But before his magic weapon came to cut off the cage that imprisoned him, the giant sea monster under him suddenly went berserk.


The sea monster under him roared loudly, turned around suddenly, waved its sharp claws, and slapped several magic weapons that came to rescue.

Although Tong Yan's magical weapons are not weak, they cannot exert their due power without the injection of Tong Yan's power.

Under the sharp claws of this giant sea monster, it was difficult for the magic weapon to penetrate at all, and they were all frantically repelled by the sea monster.

In the cage on the back of this giant sea monster, Tong Yan naturally couldn't see the whole picture of the sea monster below him, but judging from the several fierce attacks of this sea monster, the body shape of this sea monster should be closer to that of the land monster. A fierce beast like a liger, but its size is larger and its claws are sharper.

Being able to block the onslaught of several magical weapons, the strength of this giant sea monster is definitely not weak, at least far stronger than those dead sea monster soldiers.It seems that this big guy is the most powerful existence in this group of sea monsters.

Tong Yan knew in his heart that this giant sea monster must be defeated as soon as possible. Since this is the old nest of the sea monster clan, there might be new sea monsters coming to reinforce it soon.With his current physical condition, he simply cannot continue to fight.

Thinking of this, he immediately grasped the cage tightly with one hand, and immediately used the ability to fetch objects from the air with his free right hand.

Not to mention anything else, as long as there is a magic weapon in his hand now, he can easily destroy the cage, and then give it a go with the sea monster under him with all his heart.

Although this giant sea monster is brave and good at fighting, after all Tong Yan has the upper hand in the number of magic weapons. As long as all the magic weapons are scattered, he will definitely get one of them.

Seeing him pointing fingers, the several magic weapons that were knocked into the air by the giant sea monster immediately regrouped under his guidance, and scattered one after another, soon enclosing the giant sea monster.

Seeing this, he suddenly shouted with his mind: "Musical instruments, return!"

As soon as the word "Hui" came out, Taishan Blade, Blue Soul Sword, Phoenix Heavenly Sword, and Shenlong Gloves all shot towards him like arrows off the string.

Of course, his magic weapon will not hurt him, just to return to the master's side quickly.

The giant sea monster was very vigilant. Seeing that all these magic weapons were shooting at his back, he immediately let out another roar, and instantly dispersed the powerful demonic energy in his body, planning to rely on the impact of the demonic energy to kill Tong Yan. These magical instruments flew away again.

It has to be said that the demonic aura of this giant sea monster is indeed strong enough. Not only did these magical weapons of Tong Yan suffer a violent impact, but even Tong Yan who was on the back of the sea monster was not spared.

Tong Yan's injuries were serious, and the immortal power and demonic power in his body had been greatly consumed in the previous vortex, so he was at the end of his strength at this moment.Fortunately, he still has the power of the stars, so he can barely use the power of the stars.But even so, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, but the spouted blood was quickly submerged by the sea water and turned into a red shadow.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as an unparalleled road. Although the monster aura of this giant sea monster is powerful, it is only a sea monster after all.Water can overcome fire, but fire can also overcome water.As long as there is a more powerful flame, it will definitely evaporate the weak water until it becomes invisible.At this time, the powerful countermeasure ability of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was displayed.

I saw that the Phoenix Heavenly Sword instantly turned red, like red-hot iron. With the sound of the phoenix's chirping, it directly broke through the demonic aura emitted by the giant sea monster, and came to Tong Yan almost in the blink of an eye. in front of.

Seeing that the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was close at hand, Tong Yan immediately grabbed it in his hand without caring about his joy.At the same time, he poured all the little immortal power left in his body into the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, and then made a magic seal with one hand, and quickly said in his heart: "Heaven and earth are righteous, awe-inspiring and boundless, listen to my order, Use the law to kill demons, Heavenly Walking Sword Art, come out!" As soon as the word was written, the Phoenix Heavenly Sword in his hand suddenly shone with golden light.Without any hesitation, he directly threw the Phoenix Heavenly Sword towards the giant sea monster under his feet.And the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, like a ray of golden light, pierced through the obstruction of the sea water, and sank directly into the body of the sea monster with a "poof".

The Phoenix Heavenly Sword is a flying sword, and the Heavenly Walking Sword Art is matched with the supernatural power of the flying sword. In addition, there is not much immortal power left in his body, so it is just enough to use the Heavenly Walking Sword Art.

Now it's up to the Phoenix Heavenly Sword to show its might. If he can kill this giant sea monster with one blow, he can safely find a place to recover his meridians that are about to be exhausted.

The Phoenix Heavenly Sword completely shot into the sea monster's body. Under the severe pain, the sea monster immediately roared loudly and started a rampage.The surrounding reefs, corals, and some unknown underwater plants were all shattered and broken under its impact, and Tong Yan's injuries aggravated again under the repeated tremors and impacts.

If the sea monster tosses about for even a minute longer, I'm afraid Tong Yan will have to confess his life here. Fortunately, the Phoenix Heavenly Sword did not disgrace its mission, and spewed out flames from the body of the sea monster, directly from the body of the sea monster to gradually kill it. Incineration.

Although this sea monster was full of unwillingness, but after tossing for a while, he finally fell heavily on the ground. He could clearly feel the heat wave gushing out from its mouth and nose, and it was estimated that the Phoenix Heavenly Sword had already crushed his body. His viscera were directly burned into coke.

Tong Yan was hurt because of the sea monster's dying struggle, and now he has been knocked to pieces, and his whole body is dizzy.It was a full 5 minutes after the sea monster died before he got up with difficulty.

At this time, how much he longed to have a good sleep and replenish his energy.

But he knew that this place was no longer a place to stay for a long time, and he had to leave quickly, otherwise, when other sea monsters came, he might not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

With one move with one hand, Taishan Blade immediately flew in front of him, and with a reluctant wave of his hand, Taishan Blade directly cut off the cage that imprisoned him, and when he raised his hand again, the cage was split by Taishan Blade in an instant for two.

Swimming out of the cage with difficulty, he knew that he had to take back all his magic weapons and leave here quickly.

And when he put away all his magical weapons, he suddenly remembered one thing, that is, when he was fighting with these sea monsters just now, his Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle did not listen to his orders, but was still lying on the ground. Nothing moves in this big shell.

Could it be that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle has already disowned him as its master?Or does he need to refine this treasure again?
He frowned slightly, and decided to take a closer look at the situation of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle when he had time, but now, he had to leave quickly.

But the question is, where should he go now?Where is it safe?
When he was struggling, the Blue Soul Sword suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light, and then he heard a voice from within the Blue Soul Sword: "Master, follow me. I will take you to a safe place!"

(End of this chapter)

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