
Chapter 1484 Surprising, come to die!

Chapter 1484 Surprising, come to die!

As the strongest in the Kingdom of Return, the Demon Emperor not only has a group of highly skilled subordinates, but also has an army of sea monsters at his disposal. One can imagine how difficult it is to get rid of him.

With Tong Yan's current strength, I'm afraid he really can't compete with the Demon Emperor.Even though he didn't know how strong the Demon King was, being able to surpass the Four Great Demon Kings and being proficient in both medicine refining and weapon refining showed that this Demon King was not an easy one.

In addition, this is the sea, and Tong Yan is not good at fighting in the sea. On the contrary, the sea monster's strength in the sea will be greatly improved. In this way, one will fade away, and it will be even more impossible for Tong Yan to kill the demon king alone.

But is there no other way for Tong Yan?Through the conversation with Xiaolan, he knew that there are four major tribes in the country of returning to the ruins. Although these four tribes expressed their submission and obedience to the Demon Emperor on the surface, in fact they were more coerced than sincerely. Return to the Demon Emperor.Coupled with the fact that the Demon Emperor often suppresses the four major tribes, there are already complaints among the four major tribes. However, due to the huge power possessed by the Demon Emperor, he has no choice but to swallow his anger. If he can unite the four major tribes to fight against the Demon Emperor, it may not be There is no power to fight.

After all, in the final analysis, the current Demon Emperor is not orthodox. Although he has thousands of troops, how many sea monsters are willing to sacrifice their lives for him in the final analysis?As long as he can support a righteous orthodox holy emperor, maybe he can greatly weaken the power of the demon emperor with a single call.At that time, the power of the Demon Emperor will be gradually eroded, and if they attack them in groups, it will be difficult for the Demon Emperor to survive.

But although Tong Yan thought of the best way to get rid of the Demon Emperor, there are still many problems to be solved.For example, how did he convince the four major tribes that he was an outsider?For example, where is the candidate to support the new emperor?For another example, among the four major tribes, there must be a secret whistle of the Demon Emperor. What if they were wiped out by the Demon Emperor in advance?Either problem is fatal.If these problems cannot be completely resolved, he will not be able to truly bring down the Demon Emperor, let alone get rid of the Demon Emperor.

For the first time in a strange place, he felt alone and alone.If there are a few helpers at this time, they can also work together, but unfortunately, there is only him, and he can only face it by himself.

Maybe he heard his inner voice, maybe he sensed his helplessness, but when he was full of helplessness, he didn't expect a familiar voice to sound from the Xuanming Blade on his neck.

"Brother Tong, can you hear me? Can you tell me where this is?"

When Tong Yan heard this, he was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly replied: "Xuan Mo, you finally woke up. This is the country of returning to the ruins, how do you feel now?"

That's right, it was Xuan Mo's voice that sounded from within the Xuanming Blade.It seems that Xuan Mo has woken up and is safe and sound.

"The country of returning to the ruins? I see, so it is! With such pure water power, besides my Xuanming Palace, there is only this country returning to the ruins. Brother Tong, I'm fine. In addition, I have to tell Yours is, within seven days at most, I can leave the Xuanming Blade and reshape my physical body."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said happily: "Really? You can reshape your body? This is really great. In this way, we brothers can meet again."

Xuan Mo laughed and said: "Brother Tong, I would like to thank you for speaking. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to go so smoothly. Do you still remember the Sea God Orb? It is because of the Sea God Orb that I have the opportunity to reshape my physical body." .Brother Tong, thank you for your kindness, I will definitely repay you!"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "Xuan Mo, is it too far-fetched for you to say that? We are brothers, what do you want to repay? When you helped me through the catastrophe, did you also think about asking me to repay you? So you remember Stop, don't talk about this between brothers in the future. I'm waiting to see you again!"

Xuan Mo laughed and said: "What Tong Yan said is very true, but I'm a little hypocritical. I won't chat with you anymore, I will continue to fuse with the Sea God Orb, and when I fully integrate, we will meet again."

Xuan Mo's voice disappeared in the Xuanming Blade, Tong Yan smiled foolishly for a while, and then began to practice.

Regarding the Sea God Orb, Xuan Mo once told Tong Yan.According to legend, the Sea God Orb was the first god in the sea to be transformed after death. Any other living beings that are not living in the sea will instantly turn into clear water, and their body and soul will be wiped out!The Sea God Orb is a supreme treasure, whoever can get it will not only be able to improve his cultivation, but will also have the ability to control the sea water and command the spirits in the sea.Xuan Mo's physical body has been destroyed, and he has been suffering from the inability to reshape his physical body. By merging with the Sea God Orb, he may be able to reshape his physical body with sea water.

Tong Yan is naturally happy that Xuan Mo can reshape his body, but he doesn't know whether Xuan Mo can really command the spirits in the sea.

In the next few days, Tong Yan concentrated on his cultivation, and Xuan Mo's Xuanming Blade also glowed blue from time to time in the past few days.

Xuan Mo said that he can reshape his physical body in seven days at most.It is now the sixth day, and it is estimated that he will be able to fly away from the Xuanming Blade soon and complete the remodeling in front of Tong Yan.

In a blink of an eye, it was the seventh day.Knowing that Xuan Mo will reshape his physical body today, Tong Yan is not as immersed in cultivation as in the past.

Seeing the blue light on the Xuanming Blade appearing and disappearing, Tong Yan took the Xuanming Blade off his neck and put it on the bed, then quietly waited for a miracle to happen.

But before Xuan Mo finished reshaping his physical body, a group of siren soldiers found here.

A few days ago, Tong Yan used the magic weapon to kill several sea monsters, and he was already discovered by the nearby monster soldiers.And the monster soldier who discovered this reported the matter to the Siren General and Siren Elder above, so there was this large-scale hunt.

In fact, logically speaking, Tong Yan didn't leave many clues after getting rid of those sea monsters, and most of the hunting of these sea monster soldiers was just a formality.But the problem is that the blue light on the Xuanming Blade flickers and disappears, which is too eye-catching.

So it's not so much that these sea monster soldiers hunted here, it's better to say that they were attracted by the blue light released by the Xuanming Blade.

Of course, it doesn't matter.No matter what the reason was for the sea monster soldiers to come here, Tong Yan could only fight, after all, he had nowhere to escape.

Xiaolan was the first to discover those siren soldiers. Xiaolan knew that Tong Yan was practicing, so she was always responsible for guarding silently.

As soon as she saw the sea monster soldiers coming here, she immediately rushed into Tong Yan's hut, and notified in time: "Master, it's not good, there are sea monster soldiers coming!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "How many siren soldiers are here?"

Xiao Lan thought for a while and said, "There are probably eight or nine of them! Master, what should we do? Should we run or run?"

Tong Yan glanced at the Xuanming Blade that was still glowing with blue light, then sneered and said: "My brother is going to reshape his body soon, these little monsters dare to make trouble. Then let them come and go! Xiaolan, don't you want revenge? Let's start today!"

(End of this chapter)

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