
Chapter 1485 A large number of sea monsters, one person sticks to it!

Chapter 1485 A large number of sea monsters, one person sticks to it!
With Tong Yan's strength, as long as he is not a sea monster above the demon king, he can easily deal with it.Now that these sea monster soldiers came, how could he pay attention to them?

Seeing Tong Yan's decision to make a move, Xiaolan nodded, and immediately transformed into the Blue Soul Sword.

Tong Yan didn't delay, reached out to grab the Blue Soul Sword, and rushed out of the hut with one body.

Soon, those sea monster soldiers saw Tong Yan, a foreigner, and hurried over.

These siren soldiers are nothing more than shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Judging from the evil spirit on them, their Taoism should be less than a thousand years old. Although they hold weapons and wear bluffing armor, they still cannot escape this disaster.

One of the sea monster soldiers with shrimp heads stared at Tong Yan, and then shouted loudly: "Bold mortal, this is the country of returning to the ruins, how can you, a mortal, break in here? Hurry up and catch him!" , otherwise shoot and kill!"

Tong Yan couldn't speak in the current situation, the sea water around him had to pour into his mouth when he opened his mouth.When he entered the country of returning to the ruins, he drank seawater, and he didn't want to taste the taste of seawater again.

He glanced at these sea monster soldiers coldly, a serious smile appeared on his face, and then stepped forward with a stride, and slashed at the nearest sea monster soldier with his sword.

I don't know what these sea monster soldiers are thinking. They regard Tong Yan as a mortal, but how can mortals enter the country of returning to the ruins?Those who can come here, not to mention extraordinary and refined, are at least like gods.

So their deaths were already doomed from the moment they saw Tong Yan.

To deal with such a weak little demon, Tong Yan is completely single-handed.Although he was not used to making a move in this sea, under the pressure of absolute strength, these few little siren soldiers really couldn't pose the slightest threat to him.

In just a few seconds, none of these demon soldiers survived, and all died under Tong Yan's sword.

Looking at the corpses of these siren soldiers, Tong Yan shook his head quite innocently, then turned around and planned to return to the hut.

But at this moment, Xiaolan's voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"Master, have you noticed it? It seems that another group of sea monsters are coming here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately sent out a voice: "How many sea monsters can you possibly judge? How strong are they?"

Xiaolan was silent for a while, as if to confirm, Xiaolan's voice sounded again after a few seconds.

"Master, there seem to be dozens of people here this time, and there seem to be a few sea monsters with good knowledge. I guess it should be the Siren General or the Siren Elder. What should we do? Fight or flee?"

Tong Yan turned his head and took a look into the hut, and saw that the blue light inside was still appearing and disappearing from time to time. It may take a while for Xuan Mo to reshape his body, so where can he escape with the Xuanming Blade at this time?Regardless of whether it was the Kraken General or the Siren Elder who came, he could not take half a step back.

Thinking of this, he said firmly to Xiaolan with his mind: "Let them come, kill one if they come, and kill a pair if they come a pair. If I can't even deal with these little characters, how can I deal with the Demon Emperor?" ? Xiaolan, prepare to fight!"

Xiaolan is a sea elf, so her sensing ability in the sea is very strong, as long as there is a little movement around her, she will be able to detect it immediately.Tong Yan didn't see the other group of sea monsters she mentioned.After about half a minute, this other group of sea monsters slowly appeared from a distance.

Tong Yan held a sword in one hand, and stood astride, with the aura of a man who is in charge of everyone.Although he is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, he is confident that he can kill all the sea monsters that came here with his own strength.

The Country of Return to the Ruins is the base camp of these sea monsters, and their swimming speed is quite fast.In just two or three breaths, they all came to Tong Yan.

Indeed, as Xiaolan speculated, among this group of sea monsters, three sea monsters are the most outstanding. Judging from the strength of their monster aura, they probably have more than 3000 years of Taoism. up.

However, apart from these three sea monsters with relatively advanced skills, the strength of the remaining dozens of sea monster soldiers is not very good.

So from this point of view, it was these three old monsters who could really pose a threat to Tong Yan, and as long as these three old monsters were eliminated, he would basically win [-]% of this battle.

The sea monster's way is deep, so he will naturally live longer, and the longer he lives, the higher his intelligence will be.

After the three old demons stood still, they didn't make a direct move, but looked Tong Yan up and down.Then one of the old monsters with a snake head and a green coat asked first, "Your Excellency is a human? How could you enter my country of returning to the ruins? Did you pass the Heavenly Water God Seal?"

Of course Tong Yan didn't know what the God of Heaven and Water was, and even if he knew, he couldn't answer it.He stared at the snake-headed old monster, and guessed that this monster should be a sea snake who cultivated into a spirit.Looking at the coat it was wearing, it was most likely the Elder Siren.

Seeing that Tong Yan was silent, Elder Haishe smiled and said: "Even if you don't say anything, I can guess that there is only one way to enter my country of returning to the ruins, and that is through the God of Heaven and Water. Whether you are human or God, Tianshui God Seal is the only way to enter the country of returning to the ruins. But the old man doesn't understand, what is the reason that makes you come to my country of returning to the ruins alone? What is the purpose of your coming here? Woolen cloth?"

Elder Sea Snake talked a lot of nonsense, if it wasn't for being unable to speak, Tong Yan really wanted to say a few words to him.

Seeing this, another old demon next to Elder Sea Snake immediately said angrily: "Bold maniac, our Thirteenth Elder is talking to you, aren't you dumb? Thirteenth Elder, in my opinion, let's take him directly." Take it. You can see the blue light in the house behind him flickering and disappearing, maybe there is a strange treasure about to be born. This kid is trying to delay us, why should we delay here? Let's do it directly!"

Elder Haishe looked at Tong Yan again, obviously hesitant.Obviously, it didn't know Tong Yan's strength, so it shot rashly. If it lost, it would be difficult to escape.After all, those who can pass the Tianshui God Seal will definitely not be ordinary people, not gods, and probably close to gods.

The sea snake elder was hesitant, so why did Tong Yan want to do it directly?Yes, in terms of strength, he should be able to deal with these sea monsters.But the problem is that there are too many Krakens.

If these sea monsters suddenly split up and attack them, with his own power, it would probably take a little time to kill them all.At that time, if Xuan Mo was disturbed by them to reshape his physical body, the loss would outweigh the gain.

But how to hold these sirens?After all, he can't speak!

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he finally had a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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