
Chapter 1487 Seagod's Light, Power of Inheritance.

Chapter 1487 Seagod's Light, Power of Inheritance.

The blue light gradually shrank, and the tall and straight Xuan Mo appeared.

Xuan Mo still wore the same clothes as before, still wearing black scaly armor and a black cloak on his back, but his original black hair turned blue now, and even his original pair of black as ink The pupils also became as clear and extraordinary as sapphires.At this moment, a faint smile appeared on his handsome face, and two sharp canine teeth also appeared at the corners of his mouth.The feeling it brings to people is no longer that cold and invincible, but gives people a lofty, but admirable noble atmosphere.

He just stood there, and the sea water automatically rushed him to Tong Yan.

At this moment, he saw him gently raising his hand, and the sea water around Tong Yan's body receded quickly, so that Tong Yan no longer needed to be immersed in the sea water.

"Brother Tong, stay safe!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's true that you're fine, but when we meet again, I almost won't recognize you."

Xuan Mo reached out and touched his long blue hair, he laughed and said, "This is the change brought about by the Sea God Orb, but no matter what I become, I am still me, and I am still your brother." Having said that, He took a step forward, opened his arms and gave Tong Yan a warm hug between brothers.

It is naturally a joyful thing for the brothers to reunite, but these sea monsters are still on the sidelines, and they cannot be left here.

The two embraced and parted, Xuan Mo and Tong Yan's gazes all fell on these sea monsters.

Before the two of them could speak, the sea snake elder asked Xuan Mo first: "Your Excellency, you...are you really the sea god?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "I have just inherited the seat of Sea God, you can call me Sea God."

Upon hearing this, Elder Hai Snake widened his eyes and said, "My God, I... I actually saw Lord Sea God? Am I dreaming?"

Hearing this, the Fourteenth Elder at the side hurriedly reminded: "Thirteenth Elder, do you really believe him when he says he is the God of the Sea? Don't be fooled by him!"

Upon hearing this, Elder Sea Serpent immediately said angrily, "What are you talking about? Are you still unwilling to admit that Lord Sea God is here? How can you bear the consequences of blasphemy?"

Hearing this, the Fourteenth Elder snorted coldly and said, "blasphemy? He can't prove his identity, so he's not the sea god. Brothers, let's not believe this person. I think he is in the same group as that kid. It is to deceive us, so as to achieve some ulterior purpose. He..."

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Mo stared at him fiercely, and then heard Xuan Mo say in a deep voice: "You either kneel down and admit your mistake now, or I will be ruined now!" You have a whole body of cultivation. Two choices, you choose yourself!"

Xuan Mo's voice was not loud, but the words came out with a strong coercion that could not be violated.

The fourteenth elder was already trembling under Xuan Mo's gaze. Although he still didn't want to believe that the blue-haired man in front of him was the sea god, this terrifying and sacred aura made him completely powerless to resist.

Finally, he could no longer bear the fear from the bottom of his heart, and knelt down in front of Xuan Mo.

"Sea...Master Sea God, I...I know I was wrong. I shouldn't offend your majesty, please forgive me!"

After Xuan Mo heard this, he withdrew his fierce gaze and returned to his original warm expression. "Knowing your mistakes can make things better. I have no intention of harming the creatures in the sea. I hope you can do it yourself!"

When the fourteenth elder heard it, he didn't dare to talk too much, and immediately obediently kowtowed three times.

With just one look, the majestic Fourteenth Elder knelt down and begged for mercy. With such a powerful strength, coupled with such a sacred and inviolable aura, none of the sea monsters present doubted Xuan Mo's identity as the sea god anymore.

Then I saw them all knelt down spontaneously, looking at Xuan Mo with eyes full of admiration.

Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said: "Since you have recognized me as the new sea god, then I will bestow upon you the light of the sea god. I hope you will practice hard, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, have kindness in your heart, treat yourself and all sea creatures kindly."

Having said that, he stretched out his finger to touch the center of his eyebrows, and a beam of dazzling soft blue light immediately shone from the center of his eyebrows, sprinkled on all the sea monsters present.

Illuminated by this blue light, all the sea monsters present showed a pious look, lowered their heads deeply, and remained motionless.

After like this for about 3 minutes, Xuan Mo put away the blue light, and then said with a smile: "You have all been illuminated by the Seagod's Light, and it will definitely bring you a lot of benefits. Experience my presence on you with your heart. Don't disappoint my kindness with the divine light left behind."

Hearing this, all the sea monsters raised their heads and said in unison: "I am waiting for the Sea God's blessing, and I will never let God down!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo nodded in satisfaction.

The tall image of the Sea God has been established, and Tong Yan is overjoyed. With what happened today, I believe it won't be long before the name of the Sea God will resound throughout the Kingdom of Return.And by then, the sea monsters' belief in the Demon Emperor will definitely be shaken, and the Demon Emperor's rule over the Kingdom of Return to Ruins will become weaker and weaker.If the four major tribes can be united smoothly, they will be able to compete with the Demon Emperor in separate courts. Maybe it won't take long to completely overthrow the Demon Emperor's rule, and then attack them in groups. It will be difficult for the Demon Emperor not to die.

Xuan Mo didn't let these sea monsters stay here, but let them all leave according to Tong Yan's intention.

These sea monsters are the sounding boards, as long as they spread the great grace of the sea god in the country of returning to the ruins, it will have an extremely important impact on Tong Yan's next plan.

After the sea monsters left, Tong Yan and Xuan Mo returned to the house.

Although Xuan Mo didn't know Tong Yan's purpose in coming to the country of ruins, he expressed his unconditional support.But Tong Yan couldn't hide anything from him, so he told him in detail the reason and purpose of the trip, as well as some things about the Holy Gate and the world.

After hearing this, Xuan Mo was already full of murderous intent, especially when he heard that the reason why Tong Yan came here was that he was threatened by Situ Yuxin, the master of the holy gate, he was trembling with anger.

The reason why the Xuanwu clan was almost wiped out was entirely at the hands of the Holy Gate. Xuan Mo's father was also killed by the master of the Holy Gate, and the Holy Gate had a blood feud against Xuan Mo.How can he not be angry when he hears that the Holy Gate is stirring up trouble in the world?How can you not be angry?

"I didn't expect that bastard Situ Yuxin to come to the human world. That's good, so I won't have to go to Ashura Road to seek revenge on him. Brother Tong, we will return to the human world as soon as the matter here is over. Kill him with your own hands!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, bloody revenge must be avenged. But you'd better exercise restraint now and improve your strength as much as possible. Maybe you don't know yet, but Situ Yuxin's strength is not weaker than God King. If we don't take revenge, that's all. If we want to take revenge, we must not give him the slightest chance to survive."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo couldn't help frowning deeply. "The strength of the god king? How could his cultivation base improve so quickly? Could it be... Could it be that he, like me, has obtained the power of inheritance? But what kind of power of inheritance will allow him to reach the realm of the god king in one step? ?”

For some reason, upon hearing Xuan Mo's words, Tong Yan unconsciously thought of the word "Heaven".Situ Yuxin was able to leap thousands of miles in such a short period of time and reach the terrifying power of a god-king. Could this have something to do with the "Tianzi"?

(End of this chapter)

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