
Chapter 1488 Poseidon's Abilities Return to Market!

Chapter 1488 Poseidon's Abilities Return to Market!
Tong Yan's thought flashed through his mind. Although the "Tianzi" contains the power of good fortune, how can it be so easy to comprehend it?Even though Situ Yuxin is smart, he still can't believe that someone can comprehend the mystery of "Tianzi".Maybe it is true as Xuan Mo said, Situ Yuxin got the power of inheritance, so he can reach the strength of the god king step by step.

Of course, now is not the time to delve into this matter, and even if it is to delve into it, it is meaningless. After all, what they can do is to improve their own strength, so that they can defeat Situ Yuxin after returning to the world, and serve as the Xuanwu clan. Revenge, revenge for Master Zi Yi, revenge for those innocent people who died tragically at the hands of the Holy Gate.

The two talked for a while before finally getting back to business. "Brother Tong, what should we do next? According to what you said, the Demon Emperor should be very strong. If we forcibly break into the Demon Emperor's palace, it may be difficult to kill him, and we may even retreat completely." It is difficult. I think otherwise, I will go to the demon emperor's palace to inquire first, and learn about the demon emperor's strength by the way. If possible, I will kill him directly. If not, I will come back and meet you .what do you think?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said, "No, it's too risky to do so. I already have a plan, so I'll tell you now."

But after a while, Tong Yan told Xuan Mo his plan.

Xuan Mo thought for a while after hearing this, and then said: "Your plan is good, but it's not safe, and the time it takes may not be short. Besides, we not only need to kill the Demon Emperor, but also rescue the girl." The descendants of Nuwa, right? If you don’t go into the palace of the demon emperor, how can you know where the descendants of Nuwa are now? So in my opinion, you still have to go into the palace of the demon emperor to find out. Brother Tong, I know you are worried My safety. Don't worry, I have already inherited the position of Sea God, so I won't die so easily. Besides, this is the sea, even if the Demon Emperor is powerful, I can always protect myself. So don't argue, it will be later I'm going to move."

What Xuan Mo said had some truth, but Tong Yan really didn't dare to let him take risks. After all, he had just reshaped his body. If there was a slight mistake, how could Tong Yan forgive himself?
"Xuanmo, I think it's still the case. Let's go to the four major tribes first. After all, the four major tribes have been in the country of returning to the ruins for many years, and they must have some understanding of the strength of the demon emperor. Even if we want to inquire, we At least you should know yourself and your enemy, so that you can be targeted. Are you right?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo nodded and said: "Brother Tong is very true, I am indeed a little reckless. Then let's set off to find the four major tribes!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't be in a hurry. It won't be too late for us to go to the four major tribes tomorrow. Xuanmo, tell me, what special abilities do you have when you inherit the position of Sea God? That is, what realm is your current cultivation roughly equivalent to? The late stage of the Immortal Realm or the Celestial Realm?"

Xuan Mo said with a chuckle: "Being a sea god doesn't have any special abilities, just being able to manipulate sea water, making sea water my weapon and armor, and whatever I want it to be. Of course, the most important thing is, I can use sea water to create hundreds of clones in an instant. Although these clones are not as strong as my main body, they can also have half of my strength. In addition to these, there are some auxiliary abilities. For example, I can Release the Seagod's Light to help some sea monsters break through the bottleneck of their cultivation. It can also be used to frighten the sea monsters, but I don't know if my Seagod's Light will be useful to the Demon King. If it is useful, the Demon King will be alone It can be settled easily. Hehe..."

After Tong Yan heard it, two words immediately appeared in his mind, "Super strong!"

He really deserves to be the Seagod, the Seagod's Light and the ability to manipulate seawater are enough to make Xuan Mo an invincible existence in the sea.

Of course, we still don't know how strong the Demon Emperor is.If the Demon Emperor also changed from a sea monster to a god, and even reached the level of a god king, then Xuan Mo's Sea God's Light might not be effective against him.But no matter what, apart from the Demon Emperor, there should be no sea monsters in this country that can threaten Xuan Mo. Xuan Mo is the most powerful existence here except the Demon Emperor.

"Xuan Mo, I really didn't expect that you are so strong now. It seems that I have to work hard, otherwise, I will be thrown away by you and Brother Qing."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo laughed and said: "Brother Tong, you are human after all, and you are somewhat different from our beasts. But your upper limit is high, and our beasts have reached the peak after becoming gods. Like you, maybe in the future we can Become a god king!"

"God king? Why don't I want to? But it's easier said than done? Forget it, let's not talk about this. I guess your realm should be in the middle and late stage of the realm of immortality, which is a whole realm higher than mine. In addition, here is Dahai, except for the king of gods who can pose a threat to you, ordinary gods or gods can do nothing to you. With your help, I have a lot of confidence. Let's adjust our status now, and we will set off at this time tomorrow Go and meet those four tribes."

Xuan Mo naturally had no objection, so the two began to practice independently.

But unlike Xuan Mo, Tong Yan started his cultivation this time with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand.He needs to figure out why the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle doesn't recognize him as its master.Is it because of Kunpeng, or because of himself?
On the other hand, after the sea monsters who had been blessed by the Seagod's Light left this place, they spread the news of the Seagod's arrival in the Country of Return.When many sea monsters heard that the Sea God had come to the Country of Return, they naturally wanted to get the Sea God's blessing, but the place where Xuan Mo and Tong Yan were located was relatively remote, and there was a barrier built by Xuan Mo with sea water to block them.Even if those sea-monsters who come here for their fame arrive, they won't be able to get in if they want to.

The news transmission of Sea God spread like wildfire, and more and more sea monsters knew about it. One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands. In less than a day, more than half of the country of returning to the ruins actually knew about the arrival of Sea God. news.

In fact, the reason why Tong Yan didn't rush to meet the four major tribes was because of this consideration. More and more sea monsters know that the Sea God has come, and the most important thing is to let the four major tribes know that the Sea God is coming.When all the sea monsters are eager to see the Sea God and receive the blessing of the Sea God, he and Xuan Mo go to the four major tribes, so the four major tribes will not welcome them warmly?When the time comes, let them unite to deal with the Demon Emperor, and the difficulty will be greatly reduced accordingly.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, this news will also reach the ears of the Demon Emperor.How could the Demon Emperor not take any action after hearing the news?
The first battle with the Demon Emperor is here!

PS: Yaren hereby wishes everyone a happy Lantern Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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