
Chapter 1492 The art of the same death, 1 and a half strength!

Chapter 1492 The same death technique, half the strength!
The strength of the Demon Emperor is terrifying, and the explosive power brought by this black ball is even more terrifying.Many Krakens within these ten nautical miles didn't know what happened, so they exploded to death in an instant.And those sea monsters who were lucky enough to survive were also seriously injured in the explosion, and some of them had their cultivation bases over a thousand years destroyed.

The double-headed shark king ran the fastest, but he couldn't get out of his body, he still spat out a few mouthfuls of blood and suffered some minor injuries.The three sea monster elders who escaped with him, although their cultivation was preserved, their bodies were also covered in blood.

A little farther away from the center of the explosion, they both received such a powerful impact, what would happen to Xuan Mo and Yaohuang who were in the center of the explosion?

It's a pity that the two of them have disappeared at this moment, and it is estimated that they both fell into the black hole created after the explosion.

The black hole is pitch black, and I don't know how deep it is. I just hope that Xuan Mo who fell into it will be safe and escape disaster.

Tong Yan was also affected by the explosion, but he had already opened his eyes just before the explosion, and used all his defensive powers in time.Under the powerful defense of as many as three layers, he was finally not seriously injured.

At this moment, he had already walked in front of the black hole created by the explosion, and lowered his head to take a closer look inside.

"Xuan Mo, it's really hard work for you. If I can wake up earlier, maybe we can deal with that hateful demon emperor together. You must be safe, I will come down to save you right away. Wait for me!"

Having said that, he took a deep breath, endured the injury from the explosion just now, and jumped into the black hole.

Because the explosive force produced by the black ball is too strong, although the country of returning to the ruins is an underwater world, but at this moment, there is no sea water in the black hole, including around the black hole. Those who don’t know it think they are back on land. .

Just as Tong Yan jumped down, the sea water that was blown back just now surged back fiercely.In order to reach the bottom of the cave as quickly as possible, Tong Yan resorted to shifting shape several times in a row.

And as he went deeper and deeper, he finally saw a faint blue light.Although this blue light is like a spark of fire, he still recognizes it at a glance, this blue light is the Seagod's Light.The Seagod's Light still exists, which means Xuan Mo is still alive.

He could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and the speed of landing also increased a bit.

In a few breaths, he was getting closer and closer to the blue light, but when he saw the source of the blue light, his eyes suddenly widened.This blue light is just a ball the size of a fingernail. Could it be... Could it be that Xuan Mo is... already dead?
For a moment, sadness welled up in his heart, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Xuan Mo, you can't die, you must not die. Xuan Mo, it's all my fault, it's all my fault. If I didn't bring you to the Kingdom of Return, how could you fight that Demon Emperor? How could you have come to this point if you didn't fight that demon emperor? I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you..."

He shouted loudly, at the moment he is so painful.

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Tong...Brother Tong, I...I'm not dead. I'm still...alive!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan woke up from his grief instantly, and then said in surprise and joy: "Xuan Mo? Is that you? Where are you? You... are you in this bead?"

Xuan Mo's voice sounded again, "Yes, I am indeed in the bead. To be precise, this... this bead is me. My body is... reshaped by sea water, as long as... as long as the sea god's body is not destroyed , I... as long as I touch the sea water, I can... restore... human form again."

Hearing what Xuan Mo said, Tong Yan could finally relax.Xuan Mo once said that after he fused the Sea God Orb, he could use sea water to reshape his body.And his body before the explosion should have been reshaped by sea water.

As the saying goes, care leads to chaos.Tong Yan was so worried about Xuan Mo's safety that he forgot about it for a while.

Now Xuan Mo only needs to wait for the seawater to rush back, and he can regain his human form.But Xuan Mo escaped a catastrophe, what about the Demon Emperor?How is the demon king now?
Tong Yan hurriedly looked around, but he couldn't find anything. Could it be that the Demon Emperor was reduced to ashes in the explosion?It would be great if that were the case.

But is the demon emperor really so easy to die?
After such a short time, the sea water that was shaken away by the explosion finally flowed back.In less than a minute, the entire black hole was completely filled with sea water.

Xuan Mo, who was in the black hole, reshaped his body the moment he came into contact with the sea water, and it looked exactly the same as before, as if the explosion had no effect on him.

But in fact it was not the case, the reason why he was able to survive this time was actually because of the Sea God Orb.The sea god bead contained the powerful divine power of the former sea god. At the moment when the black ball exploded, the divine power in the sea god bead automatically formed a protective cover, firmly protecting the mysterious ink that was integrated with the sea god bead.Although he survived the explosion, all the divine power left by the previous Sea God was exhausted.

That is to say, if Xuan Mo suffers from such a devastating explosion again and loses the supernatural power of the previous Seagod, he will be unable to resist at all, and will undoubtedly die.

Of course, the previous Seagod's divine power was exhausted, and Xuan Mo, as the new Seagod, could also put new divine power into the Seagod Orb through a period of hard work, but it might take a little longer.

In any case, this time it was a surprise.But whether the Demon Emperor is dead or alive, Tong Yan is still unable to ascertain.

"Xuan Mo, I clearly saw that the explosion of the black ball was between you and the Demon Emperor. You were protected by the divine power of the Sea God in the Sea God Orb to save your life. The Demon Emperor should not have this ability, right? Has he already died?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo shook his head and smiled wryly: "Death? If the Demon Emperor died so easily, he wouldn't have used such perverted supernatural powers. Brother Tong, you may not know. The Demon Emperor who fought me fiercely before , it is not his body at all, but just a clone of him. He wanted to use the clone to get rid of me through the method of dying together. But because of the protection of the Sea God Orb and the divine power of the previous Sea God, he was unable to succeed. But I I think he won't come to trouble us in a short time. After all, the destruction of the avatar will also have a certain impact on his body, and I guess he is recovering through cultivation right now."

Tong Yan frowned upon hearing this.He knew that the Demon Emperor was very strong, but he didn't expect the Demon Emperor to be so powerful.Just one avatar almost killed Xuan Mo, so wouldn't the demon emperor's body be more powerful?
But this didn't dispel Tong Yan's fighting spirit, on the contrary, it made him look forward to the next contest more and more!
"Yaohuang, let's wait and see. I didn't meet you in person this time, and I will definitely not be absent next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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