
Chapter 1493 The head of the chapter is the shore, the martial arts contest to recruit relatives!

Chapter 1493 Turning back and doing the right thing, contest to recruit relatives!
In the Demon Emperor's Palace, the Demon Emperor suddenly opened his eyes with closed eyes, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said coldly: "Sea God? You really have some skills, even the widow's clone can't kill you. Okay, the widow Just do it yourself. You wait for the widow, half a month later, the widow will definitely wipe you out."


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already three days later.In the past three days, Xuan Mo has been actively recovering the divine power that was consumed before, while resting and recuperating.And Tong Yan was not idle, he not only cultivated, but also continued to try to comprehend the "Heavenly Word" found in the Wu Family Temple. Apart from these, he was still practicing the second form of Dizangpo.

Ksitigarbha is broken, the so-called Ksitigarbha is as unmoving as the earth, and meditation is as deep as a secret storehouse; the so-called broken means that everything is not broken.There are three forms of this Ksitigarbha, and each form has nine variations.If they can master all of them, ordinary monsters will not be able to bear the power of one style.

At that time, Tong Yan could only use the first form of Ksitigarbha to destroy demons and subdue demons. Later, he had the opportunity to practice the second form, but he was plotted against by Kunpeng, not only lost his body, but also lost the Vajra Demon Subduing Pestle and Demon Slayer Stick .The Demon Extinguishing Stick is a magic weapon made by himself, its power is mediocre, but it is not a big deal.But the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was his main magic weapon before. Without the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, he would not be able to perform Di Zang Po, let alone practice the second form of Di Zang Po.

Now that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle has been lost and recovered, he has won the contest with Zhan Tian again, so it means that he has re-refined the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. Significantly increased in a short period of time.

Speaking of the contest with Zhan Tian, ​​the winner was actually decided from the very beginning.Who is Tong Yan?The majestic young master of the Guilin Sect, although the Guilin Sect is now in decline and may no longer exist, but Tong Yan is the heir of the Guile Sect after all, and is the number one on the Qilin list after all.Wouldn't it be easy for him to plot against the Buddha's spirit fighting against the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle?He asked Zhan Tian to punch him three times, and he had the green bead bestowed by Nuwa Empress to protect his soul, which is already said to be immortal.No matter how Zhan Tian attacks his soul, it is impossible to cause fatal injuries to him.And the strength of the soul also greatly improved his soul's ability to withstand, not to mention Zhan Tian's three punches, even if it was thirty punches, it could not pose a threat to his soul, and it would not be easy to knock him down.

Of course, how could Zhan Tian really kill him?So after three punches, he won the victory unscathed.And Zhan Tian seemed to know that he was tricked by him, but he was still willing to admit defeat after all.

The name of the second form of Ksitigarbha is different from that of the first form. The first form is called Extinguishing Demons and Subduing Demons, but the second form is called Turning Back to the Shore.

When you think about it, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also really interesting.It is estimated that when he created this Ksitigarbha, he had already recognized one thing.What's the matter?It is very difficult to persuade a demon directly, the first method of destroying demons and subduing demons is a blow to the head.After giving a stick, he still couldn't persuade the demon, so he gave another stick, and this stick was enough to make it right.

If the second blow can't make the monster wake up, there is only a third blow.And the name of the third form of Ksitigarbha is called, become a Buddha immediately.There is a saying that the end of the devil is the Buddha.If you eliminate the demons, don't you become a Buddha?

To reorganize, Dizang is divided into three styles, the first is "destroying demons and demons", the second is "turning back to the shore", and the third is "becoming a Buddha immediately", and each style has nine changes.That is to say, when you practice the second form of "turning back and staying on the shore", there will be ninety-nine and 81 changes in one swing.And practice to the third form "becoming a Buddha on the ground", that stick will have 720 nine changes.

And with the increase of each type of change, the difficulty of practicing also increases.Of course, it depends on human effort, and it also depends on personal perception.

In just three days, Tong Yan actually had a feeling for the second form of Ji Zangpo's "turning back to the shore".However, he only thought of 63 changes, and when he thought of ninety-nine and 81 changes, the second form of "turning back to the shore" was completely completed.

Naturally, he really wanted to practice the second form of Dizangpo completely successfully, and then deal with the Demon Emperor.But he was even more aware that it was impossible for the Demon Emperor to give him such ample time.The reason why the Demon Emperor didn't attack again was because the avatar self-destructed last time, hurting his vitality.And when the demon emperor's vitality recovers, he will definitely make a comeback. At that time, how can he resist it?

So for the sake of safety, he can't continue to practice here.He needs to make plans for the next step, only in this way can he really buy time for himself.

After three days of practice, Xuan Mo's divine power recovered to [-]%.The divine power injected into the Sea God Orb also reached half.

Now it's time to do something else, which is to find the four major tribes of the Kingdom of Return.Combine the forces of the four major tribes, and then rely on the name of the Sea God to jointly crusade against the Demon Emperor and his henchmen.

In this way, Tong Yan and Xuan Mo left Xiao Lan's house and headed for the Turtle Shell City, which is about a hundred nautical miles away.

In fact, Xiaolan doesn't know where the old nests of the four major tribes are, so if they want to find the four major tribes, they have to rely on themselves.Where are there more Krakens and more news?That is naturally the city in the country of returning to the ruins.

The reason why Tong Yan decided to go to the Turtle Shell City is actually very simple, that is because the Turtle Shell City is the closest city to them.Of course, proximity is one aspect, and he has another aspect to consider.What to consider?He wanted to spread Xuanmo's reputation as the god of the sea further in Turtle Shell City.

Only when the name of the Sea God becomes more and more famous in this country of returning to the ruins, will the crusade against the Demon Emperor be able to get the most support, and at the same time be able to be justified and famous.

For Tong Yan's plan, Xuan Mo greatly appreciated it. With supporters, it is still very possible to unite all forces that can be united to bring down the Demon Emperor.

But to some surprise, when the two of them rushed to the Turtle Shell Castle under the guidance of Xiaolan, they found that the Turtle Shell Castle was not simple.

The area of ​​the Turtle Shell City is actually not that big, it is equivalent to a small town on land.But the number of sea monsters in this city was far beyond the expectations of the two of them.

Entering the city, it is simply a monster mountain and a sea of ​​monsters (a sea of ​​people).A large area of ​​black and white, all of which are sea monsters.

Not only that, but the Taoism of these sea monsters is not low, most of them are more than a thousand years old.Isn't it too strange that there are so many sea monsters in a small town?
Fortunately, Tong Yan and Xuan Mo understood why the Turtle Shell City was so lively after hearing the sea monster's discussion nearby.

A big event is being held in the Turtle Castle of Emotions, what kind of event is it?Four words, match martial arts to recruit relatives!
Because before entering the city, Xuan Mo changed his appearance slightly for Tong Yan, and then concealed his popularity. At this moment, Tong Yan looks like a sea monster, a sea monster with a fish head.

There is such a grand event in Turtle Shell City, isn't it just to promote Sea God?How could Tong Yan and Xuan Mo miss it?
A wonderful contest to recruit relatives is about to be staged!
(End of this chapter)

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