
Chapter 1494 It's interesting to join in the fun!

Chapter 1494 It's interesting to join in the fun!
Fortunately, the sea monsters in the country of returning to the ruins spoke the same words as humans, otherwise Tong Yan might not understand a word.

I heard an octopus siren next to him complaining to another octopus siren: "Brother, do you think we can win? I heard that there seems to be elders from the Demon Emperor's Palace participating this time. We scattered monsters, How do you fight them? I see, let's go!"

Hearing this, another octopus sea monster snorted coldly and said: "What's wrong with the elder of the Demon Emperor? This is a martial arts contest to recruit relatives. Whoever has the most skills can marry the daughter of the city lord. Second brother, don't even think about it, if we I really won by luck, and when I become the son-in-law of the city lord of the Turtle Shell City, will those elders of the Demon Emperor's Palace dare to provoke us? So, let's go to the competition with confidence and boldness. If we win, we will spend the rest of our lives. Don't worry about it."

Hearing this, the first octopus sea-monster smiled and said, "Brother is more thoughtful, let's go, let's go there quickly, don't fail to report."

Saying that, the two octopus sirens immediately squeezed forward quickly.

Tong Yan looked at them, turned his head to Xuan Mo and said with a smile: "Look, martial arts competitions are also popular in this country to recruit relatives. It seems similar to people on land!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said: "People have human nature, but monsters have their own ways! Each has its own way of life. Brother Tong, what shall we do next? Are we joining in the fun? Or should I directly reveal my identity?"

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked with a smile: "Xuan Mo, logically speaking, you are the young master of Xuanming Palace, have you already married? Why haven't you mentioned your child and wife?"

When Xuan Mo heard this, he quickly denied it: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not married yet. How could there be a wife and children?"

Tong Yan said softly, then slapped his thigh and said, "It's easy to handle. Since you are not married, then you can participate in this contest to recruit a relative. If the daughter of the city lord is good-looking, you can marry directly. Even if you don't want to marry, you can pass this competition and show off your strength. When the time comes, you will reveal your identity as the God of the Sea, and it will definitely cause a sensation. What do you think?"

Hearing Tong Yan's words, Xuan Mo finally came to his senses. "Okay, are you plotting against me? Why don't you go to the martial arts competition yourself?"

Tong Yan said innocently: "I'm a human being, and the one who recruits relatives in the martial arts contest is a banshee. How can humans and sea monsters live together? There's no way to carry on the family! Besides, I already have my own heart. I can't do anything too much." Is it okay? Look at you, you happen to be a sea god, so it’s okay to marry a sea monster. Isn’t what your Xuanwu tribe needs most is inheritance? You should have started a family long ago, right?”

Xuan Mo said with a helpless face: "Okay, okay, I can't say no to you. But I have to make it clear in advance that I only compete in martial arts, and I will not marry. If you insist on me getting married at that time, I will definitely never end with you. do you know?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "I know, I know, you are innocent, I have wronged you! Hehe..."

After the two discussed it, they also began to squeeze forward slowly.And when they squeezed to the front of the ring, the competition above had already started.

The arena is not big, but the surrounding area of ​​the arena has been sealed.In this way, no matter how the two opponents fight in the arena, it will not cause power leakage, and it will protect the surrounding buildings or onlookers.

Behind the arena is a small building.Upstairs is sitting an old demon wearing a black robe at the moment. The old demon has a dragon head, but it should not be a dragon. If Tong Yan's guess is correct, this is probably the lord of the Turtle Shell City. Deep Spirit Turtle.The city lord of the Turtle Shell City watched the battle in person, no wonder the contest attracted so many participants.

Tong Yan took a closer look inside the small building, hoping to see the demeanor of the city lord's daughter, but unfortunately, he didn't even see a banshee.

Seeing Tong Yan staring at the small building endlessly, Xuan Mo complained: "I said Brother Tong, you asked me to participate in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives. Are you paying attention? When will I appear on stage?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan withdrew his gaze, and then smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's watch the show for a while. A character like you has to be the finale, right? Otherwise, how can you become a blockbuster? If you can't stay idle, Let's go there and sign up first." Then, he pointed to the house next to the small building.There is already a long queue in front of the door, and there must be at least a hundred applicants.

Seeing this, Xuan Mo smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Tong, you are not kidding me, are you? There are so many people, how long do I have to wait in line?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "You're right, then let's watch the play here with peace of mind. Look, the play is pretty good. The two guys above are not low-minded."

Xuan Mo glanced at him and said, "However, 2000 years of Taoism is not low? Look at that one, that person's Taoism is barely passable."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately looked in the direction of Xuan Mo's finger.

Seeing this, Tong Yan's eyes suddenly turned cold. "That's right, that man's morality is indeed not low. If I read correctly, he should be one of the top ten sea clansmen. Although I don't know his name, the sea monster who kidnapped Nuwa's descendants in Yingzhou Mountain that day There is him inside. Xuan Mo, wait for this guy to come on stage before you go on stage. Give him a good greeting, as this kind of evil-doing evil will not relieve his anger even if he kills him."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo nodded and smiled, "Okay, I remember this guy. As long as he plays, I will definitely let him crawl down."

Martial arts competitions pay attention to the point to the end, so until now, not a single defeated sea monster has died because of it.

Time passed bit by bit, and more than a dozen games had passed in the blink of an eye.Although this competition is a one-on-one contest, the winner can continue to fight until he defeats his opponent.Of course, if the demon power is consumed too much, you can temporarily withdraw from the competition.After the monster power has recovered, it's okay to compete on stage again.So overall, the competition is relatively fair.

The competition between sea monsters is mostly hand-to-hand combat, only a few use weapons, and the least use magical powers to attack.So after a competition ended, the scene was still very bloody.There are many losers who were carried down with bruises all over their bodies.Although not fatal, the injury was horrifying.

It might be exciting to watch one or two such competitions, but if you watch too many, you will feel a little "aesthetically" tired.

Tong Yan is fine, after all, he is more concerned with observing the fighting skills of both sea monsters.But Xuan Mo couldn't do it anymore, he fell asleep standing up.Of course, with his strength, there is no need to watch such a clumsy competition.

But after a while, unexpectedly, a wonderful duel really ushered in.

What was especially surprising was that it was a banshee who took the stage.

This is a martial arts contest specially held for the daughter of the city lord, what is this banshee doing on stage?Could it be that she thought she could play the role of a husband?Or is there something wrong with her orientation and doesn't like the opposite sex?
All the sea monsters watching almost uttered insults to the banshee on stage, but Tong Yan laughed "hehe".

"This banshee is interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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