
Chapter 1495 Destroying Flowers with Difficult Hands, Grand Debut!

Chapter 1495 Destroying Flowers with Difficult Hands, Grand Debut!
Probably because he heard the unbearable insults, Xuan Mo opened his eyes. "These guys are really good at booing, participating in a competition, why are there so many complaints? Huh? Why are there banshees participating in this competition to recruit relatives?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "You don't want to sleep anymore? I really admire you, you can fall asleep standing up. Xuan Mo, how about that banshee? How about being your daughter-in-law? "

Xuan Mo was taken aback when he heard this, and then curled his lips and said: "You really know how to arrange, let me have a martial arts contest to recruit a relative, and then let me watch this banshee? Why? You don't plan to let me marry two, do you?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "This banshee is not simple, you'd better take a closer look, maybe there will be surprises."

"Surprise? What surprise?" Xuan Mo became more and more confused, but he still looked at the banshee a few more times as Tong Yan said.

The banshee was dressed in black, holding a long sword, and completely turned into a human form, but no sea monster would really treat her as a human being.Because she exudes a strong demonic aura, one can tell at a glance that she is not shallow.In terms of appearance, her appearance is quite outstanding.Willow-leaf curved eyebrows, exquisite facial features, a head of beautiful hair tied high, a pretty face white and smooth, and a graceful figure, well-proportioned, no extra fat, nor too thin for not enough Plump, it can be said to be just right.

According to human aesthetics, this banshee is definitely top-grade, but I don’t know what the sea monster’s taste is, and I probably think it’s so ugly.Otherwise, how could there be so many sea monsters who don't know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic?

Seeing Xuan Mo watching endlessly, Tong Yan immediately smiled mysteriously: "How is it? It's not bad, right? As for the surprise, you'll find out later. Look, one of the top ten elders of the Sea Clan is about to appear on stage." .You get ready too!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo withdrew his gaze from the banshee, then stretched his neck, and said with a sneer: "Don't worry, I will never spare him, how can I let go of the demon emperor's minions?"

During the short time between the two of them talking, the banshee on stage had easily defeated the siren who had won the stage.

She swung her long sword vigorously, and then shouted loudly: "Just you bastards, you still want to marry the daughter of the city lord of Turtle Shell City? You are also worthy? If you have the ability, you should beat this girl first! If you can't even beat me , then shut your stinky mouths for me. Do you understand?"

It was fine if she didn't say that, but when she said that, the insults from the audience became more violent.

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "This girl is interesting. Although she is a bit stupid, she has a good personality. Xuan Mo, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo laughed and said, "It's really stupid, but it's very interesting. Haha..."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said: "Since you find it interesting, then you have to perform well later, maybe you can win the beauty back."

When Xuan Mo heard it, his face was full of helplessness, he knew that he was "schemed" by Tong Yan again.

The elder of the Demon Emperor's Palace, who had been eager to try for a long time, finally stepped onto the ring.He came to the stage and stared at the banshee, then he laughed and said, "Girl, I'm actually not very interested in the daughter of the city lord. After all, I've never seen it before, but I have a good impression of you. What do you think? If If I win you, you will be my woman. How about it?"

Hearing this, the banshee said coldly: "It's just you who want to marry this girl? You don't even look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you have. Stop talking nonsense and do it!"

The elder of the Demon Emperor's Palace originally wanted to use his noble status to make the female demon in front of him feel good about him, but unexpectedly he was humiliated in public.As one of the top ten elders of the Hai Clan, how could he swallow this bad breath?
"Bitch, it's your blessing that I see you. Instead of being grateful, you dare to humiliate me. I think you are courting death!"

The banshee smiled disdainfully and said, "Whether I am looking for death depends on whether you have the ability. Don't think that you are an elder of the Hai clan, and this girl will be afraid of you. I advise you to use your strength to speak, and don't be fooled by this girl." Looking for teeth all over the place? Humph..."

When the elder of the Demon Emperor's Hall heard this, he immediately became furious, and regardless of his identity, he took the lead in slapping the banshee.

Judging from the degree of demonic aura, the banshee seems to be weaker than the elder of the Demon Emperor's Hall, but Taoism is one aspect, and ability is another aspect.If you have good supernatural powers, it is very possible to kill by leapfrogging.

Seeing that the elder of the Demon Emperor's Hall slapped her with a palm, the banshee immediately slashed away with her sword.

Hearing only the sound of "Dang", the banshee's sword failed to cut the hand of the elder of the Demon Emperor's Palace, but was shaken away by this palm, and she and her whole body retreated several steps.

In just this one round, the strength of strength has already been seen immediately.

The elder of the Demon Emperor's Hall sneered, took advantage of the victory and chased after him, clapping his hands again.The banshee knew that her long sword would not be able to hurt the claws of the elder of the Demon Emperor's Palace, so she jumped up high and turned over, intending to pierce the elder's head from top to bottom.

After all, the elder of the Demon Emperor's Palace was experienced in many battles, and when the banshee stabbed down with her sword, he punched upwards with all his might.

When the face of the fist meets the point of the sword, who is stronger?The answer was surprising, the harder one turned out to be the fist of the sea clan elder.

With two sounds of "bang bang", the banshee's long sword failed to pierce the fist of the elder of the sea clan, but was directly broken by the opponent's punch.

The banshee lost her weapon, so she planned to show her body, but at this moment, the sea elder's fist turned into claws again, and then she grabbed it upwards.

It doesn't matter if you grab it, an invisible force directly and firmly grasped the banshee's neck, causing the banshee's face to turn pale.

Although the banshee struggled with all her strength, there was a big gap in strength, so she couldn't break free at all.

From this point of view, the winner has already been divided, and the winner is naturally the elder of the Sea Clan from the Demon Emperor's Palace.

But this guy didn't intend to stop. Instead, he threatened the banshee: "Bitch, let me ask you again. Are you going to be my woman? If you agree, I will let you go. If you dare to refuse, I will Just pinch your neck!"

The banshee blushed and said through gritted teeth, "You...don't even think about it! Let...let me go!"

The elder of the Hai Clan laughed loudly and said, "Let go of you? You think so well! You humiliated me just now, how can I spare you today?" As he spoke, he suddenly exerted strength in his hand, and the banshee couldn't help screaming stand up.

In this way, the Lord of the Turtle Shell City on the small building was taken aback.He jumped out of the small building, and said anxiously: "Your Excellency, stop quickly! You have won, let her go!"

Hearing this, the elders of the Hai Clan turned their heads to look at the City Lord of Turtle Shell City who was rushing over, and then sneered and said, "I never thought that a mere woman would make the City Lord plead with me. It's not impossible to spare her, but you You have to promise me one condition."

Hearing this, the city lord hurriedly asked, "What conditions does the elder have?"

The elder of the Hai Clan said proudly: "It's very simple, give me the position of the city lord. I will spare her! If I guessed correctly, this chick should be the apple of your eye, right?"

Hearing this, the city lord couldn't help but tremble all over.

Tong Yan saw that the time was ripe, and immediately said to Xuan Mo: "Xuan Mo, it's your grand debut!"

(End of this chapter)

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