
Chapter 1496 Shocking everyone, how ruthless!

Chapter 1496 Shocking everyone, how ruthless!
Being reminded by Tong Yan, Xuan Mo didn't delay any longer, and immediately flew up, and with one hand, he swung his knife towards the arena.

His wave was not aimless, but aimed at the joint between the sea clan elder's palm and the banshee's neck.The elders of the Hai Clan grabbed the banshee's neck from a distance, so it seemed invisible, but it was actually connected by a monster force.

And as long as this demon power is cut off, the banshee in danger can be saved.

With Xuan Mo's extraordinary strength, it is naturally easy to cut off this demon power.So almost in the blink of an eye, the restrained banshee felt light all over her body, and after that, a pair of warm arms gently lifted her up.

"Are you ok?"

Hearing this sound, the banshee looked up. When she saw Xuan Mo's handsome face, she suddenly felt a little hot on her face, so she nodded slightly, not daring to look at Xuan Mo again.

"As long as you're fine, leave the rest to me. Didn't this guy beat you? I'll avenge you!"

Saying that, Xuan Mo brought the banshee in his arms to the front of the Lord of Turtle Shell City.Nodding for a moment, the latter immediately took the banshee over.

The scene where the hero saves the beauty is finally staged just right, which is exactly as Tong Yan planned.

Now, it's time for the hero to show his talents, and as his opponent, the sea clan elder is doomed to suffer.

Looking at Xuan Mo, the Hai clan elder said angrily: "Who are you? How dare you meddle in my business, don't you want to live?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "You have such a big temper, you can still be so arrogant after hitting a woman. You really deserve it."

Upon hearing this, the elders of the Hai Clan said fiercely, "You are looking for death! Do you know who I am?"

Xuan Mo said contemptuously: "Aren't you the demon emperor's dog? Who doesn't know? Why, you want to bite me?"

The elder of the Hai Clan said furiously: "It's really turned upside down! How dare you call the Holy Emperor the Demon Emperor, this is disrespectful. Now, I will punish you!"

As soon as the words were finished, he rushed forward and grabbed Xuan Mo's chest with his claws.

Seeing this, Xuan Mo shook his head helplessly, then raised his foot and kicked it directly.

The banshee saw the elders of the Hai clan make a move, and just wanted to remind Xuan Mo.But in the next second, she was shocked, and then showed an excited smile.

Hearing only a "click", Xuan Mo kicked and broke the wrist of the elder of the Hai Clan.The latter obviously didn't expect such a result, and when he came back to his senses, he cried out in pain.

Xuan Mo frowned slightly, and then asked innocently: "Does it hurt? Why don't you apologize to me and admit your mistake, and I'll spare you once. Do you think it's okay?"

This is an insult, this is a naked insult, the elders of the Hai clan are used to being pampered, how could they suffer such a shameful humiliation?
So he ignored the severe pain in his wrist, and rushed forward bravely again.

But what about the result?He was kicked by Xuan Mo and broke a leg.This time it was so painful that he screamed again and again, and he didn't dare to move again.

But did he really think that Xuan Mo would let him go if he didn't do anything?Obviously not!

Xuan Mo made a one-handed move, also using the airborne grab, and grabbed the neck of the elder of the Hai Clan, and then said flatly: "Tell me, does it hurt?"

The elder of the Hai Clan was not a fool, he finally realized that the strength of the person in front of him far surpassed him, no matter how much he resisted, it was impossible to escape.

Hearing Xuan Mo's question now, he can only answer obediently: "It hurts, it hurts!"

Xuan Mo let out a sigh, and then asked again: "Since you also know the pain, did you ever think about how she felt when you hurt this girl? Why don't you just apologize to this girl now .If you can get her understanding, I will let you go. Okay?"

Xuan Mo's words sounded like a discussion, but in fact they could not be violated at all.

The elder of the Hai clan hurriedly responded: "Okay, I will apologize right away." Having said this, Xuan Mo relieved the power acting on the elder of the Hai clan.

The elder of the Hai Clan lost his restraint, and immediately swam to the banshee with one arm and one leg, and then said very sincerely: "Girl, I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't have shot you. It's all my fault, please forgive me." me!"

One of the top ten elders of the Hai Clan is so humbly and apologetic now.This is unimaginable, and it is a great anecdote.

The banshee raised her eyes to Xuan Mo who was smiling, showing a sweet smile, then looked at the elders of the Hai clan, and said with a straight face: "You almost killed me, and you want to get me so easily understanding? Do you think it is possible?"

Upon hearing this, the elder of the Hai Clan said anxiously: "Girl, can you tell me? What can I do to get your forgiveness? If you don't forgive me, then I'm really doomed. Please, just Forgive me!"

The banshee smiled coldly and said: "It seems that you are really afraid of death. I thought you were a character, but you are also a waste. You want my forgiveness, right? Well, didn't you almost strangle me with your claws before?" Chop off your claws, and I'll forgive you."

Hearing this, the elders of the Hai clan widened their eyes and said, "You...why are you so ruthless?"

The banshee smiled disdainfully and said, "Are you ruthless? Compared with you, I am still far behind. Whether you want to save your life or your claws, you can choose for yourself!"

If eyes can kill, it is estimated that the eyes of the elders of the sea clan have killed the banshee in front of him ten thousand times.

But there is no way, in the face of absolute strength, he has no choice at all.

And sea monsters like them, even if their claws are really gone, it won't take long for them to grow back.It is nothing more than the need to bear the pain of broken claws and sacrifice a certain amount of Taoism.

The Hai Clan elder gritted his teeth, and finally nodded and chose to compromise.

I have to admit that this guy is really cruel to me. In order to live, I can completely abandon my dignity and reputation.

He saw him use the only movable hand to slash at his other broken wrist.

With a scream of "ah", a severed claw was cut off bloody by him.

After he calmed down for a while, he gritted his teeth and said to the banshee: "This time... this time is okay? You... can you forgive me?"

Hearing this, the banshee shook her head and said, "No, not yet!"

Upon hearing this, the elder of the Hai Clan said angrily, "What are you talking about? You...are you kidding me?"

The banshee said innocently: "You tricked me? When did I trick you? I asked you to chop off your own claws! But you only chopped off one. How can I forgive you?"

Hearing this, Elder Sea Demon nearly fainted, but he still managed to hold on: " want me to cut off my two hands? are so ruthless!"

The banshee said innocently: "Don't say that, compared with death, what is two less claws? Are you right?"

Tong Yan and Xuan Mo, who were watching a play, were shocked by the scene in front of them.At this moment, a sentence may have appeared in their minds, that is: Better to offend a villain than a woman!

This big play is really exciting enough.But is this the end of the game?Of course not, the fun is yet to come!

(End of this chapter)

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