
Chapter 1497 One sings one harmony, the response is strong!

Chapter 1497 Singing together, the response is strong!

This sea monster elder is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart.Under such circumstances, he knew that the only way to survive was to satisfy the request of the daughter of the owner of the Turtle Shell City as much as possible.Only if the daughter of the city lord is satisfied, maybe he will have a chance to leave here alive.

The pain of breaking one's wrist is naturally unbearable, even for sea monsters, but compared to being alive, the pain of breaking one's wrist is nothing.Besides, he had already cut off one hand, and cutting off another one was just a matter of gnashing his teeth.

He stopped talking and slowly closed his eyes.Immediately afterwards, a bloody scene took place.

In order to be able to survive, the sea monster elder suddenly raised his wrist, opened his mouth wide, and bit it hard.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of "cracking, crunching" bones breaking, followed by screams of pain.In just three or four seconds, the sea monster elder bit off one of his hands.

The sea monster elder's move shocked the sea monsters present.In order to survive, he can actually abuse himself like this. Is this guy crazy or stupid?
The daughter of the city lord of Turtle Shell City originally just wanted to vent her anger, but she was somewhat at a loss when she saw the sea monster elder bite off her own hand.

The sea monster elder spat the severed hand in his mouth on the ground, then grinned his bloody mouth and said, "Is it okay this time? Are you satisfied this time?"

The Qianjin, the lord of the Turtle Shell City, is speechless at this moment. After all, she is not really cruel, but just a little arrogant and domineering.

Seeing that she was silent, Xuan Mo immediately comforted her and said, "This world is fair. If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price, and if you commit a crime, you have to be punished. It's all right for you to let him cut off his hands. You don't have to." Because of this, I blame myself. On the contrary, he should actually thank you. After all, if you didn’t let him cut off his hands, I’m afraid I would have killed him here. Elder, do you think I’m right? "

Hearing that, the Elder Sea Demon didn't dare to have any other opinions. He nodded quickly and said, "Your Excellency is right, I really should thank this girl for not killing her." bowed deeply.

Not to mention, this sea monster elder is quite good at talking, which made Xuan Mo's consolation play a big role.

The Qianjin, the lord of the Turtle Shell City, breathed a sigh of relief, and then said gratefully to Xuan Mo: "Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have died at the hands of this guy. Can you tell me your name?"

Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "My name is Xuan Mo! I just came to the Kingdom of the Ruins for a few days."

The Qianjin, the owner of the Turtle Shell City, was taken aback when he heard this, and said in surprise, "You are not from our place? Then where are you from? How did you get in?"

Her question saved Xuan Mo a lot of trouble.

The main reason why Tong Yan asked Xuan Mo to participate in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives was to let the name of Sea God be known to the country of ruins.If Xuan Mo himself took the initiative to reveal the identity of the sea god, it is estimated that many sea monsters would express doubts and disdain.

But now it was Qianjin, the city lord of Turtle Shell City, who asked, so he could take this opportunity to reveal his true identity.

"To be precise, all the seas are my home, naturally including the Kingdom of Ruins. As for why I can enter this place, it should be related to my identity."

The daughter of the city lord was taken aback by this, and asked again: "What is your identity? Are you special? Can you tell me?"

Looking at the innocent daughter of the city lord, Xuan Mo laughed and said, "Do you really want to know?"

The daughter of the city lord nodded vigorously, and seemed to be looking forward to it even more.

Xuan Mo knew that it was time to reveal his true identity. "I am the god of the sea, the god of the sea!"

Although Xuan Mo's voice was not loud, he deliberately used his sea god power, so that not only the entire Turtle City, but at least the sea monsters around the ring could all hear clearly.

As soon as this remark came out, all the sea monsters present were shocked.They all stared at Xuan Mo with wide eyes, as if they wanted to confirm if they had heard wrong just now.

Xuan Mo still had that warm smile on his face, and then touched the ring to raise his body to a high place, allowing everyone to see him clearly.

At this moment, he covered his whole body with his Seagod's Light, completely surrounded by blue light.

Now he is so eye-catching, like a sapphire, dazzling.

He has successfully attracted the attention of all sea monsters, and it's time to show off the sea god's power.

"My children, I am the sea god you are about to forget. I have come here and met you. Maybe many of you have forgotten me, but I have never forgotten you for a moment. As long as you are still The creatures in the sea, then you are my family. I am willing to do my best to protect you, and I am willing to do my best to bless you. Are you willing?"

Very good interaction, Xuan Mo's tall image has been slowly established in Turtle Castle.But at this time, there is still a lack of a flame. As long as there is this flame, a raging fire can be ignited in an instant.

And this so-called flame is Tong Yan.He asked Xuan Mo to turn him into a sea monster, not just to get into the Turtle Castle, but also to be a better "supporter".

So he raised his head and shouted loudly: "Are you really the sea god? Then can you make the decision for me?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said: "Is the identity of the Sea God still fake? The light on my body is the light of the Sea God, so you can completely trust me. Tell me, how do you want me to make decisions for you? You Need my help?"

Tong Yan's acting skills are quite good, so he knelt down and shouted in tears: "Sea God, please be the master for me and uphold justice! My homeland was destroyed by that hateful Demon Emperor, we All of my clansmen also died under the claws of the demon emperor. I don’t even want to live anymore. If I didn’t have a big revenge, I would have fought against the demon emperor long ago. Sea God, can you help me? Can you help me? Do you decide for us humble sea monsters? The Demon Emperor sent his men to plunder everywhere, kill innocent people indiscriminately, and do all kinds of evil. If no one can make decisions for us poor sea monsters, then we really have no way to survive in the future. Sea God, please Save us children who believe in you! Please..."

In fact, what Tong Yan said was completely from Xiaolan's point of view.Xiaolan's homeland was destroyed by the demon emperor, and Xiaolan's people were also captured and killed by the demon emperor.And Tong Yan is sure that there must be many sea-monsters who have encountered Xiaolan like this.That's why he cried so loudly in order to resonate with other sea monsters.

It's just that he didn't expect that his words would not only resonate, but also cause a great sensation, and even surprises.

What surprises are there?
(End of this chapter)

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