
Chapter 1503 Poseidon Army, challenge!

Chapter 1503 Poseidon Army, challenge!
In fact, Tong Yan originally wanted to send troops to Haitian City the next day, after all, soldiers are expensive and fast, but he felt that it would be a bit risky to do so.After weighing the pros and cons, the preparation time of four days is the safest, so the day to attack Haitian City is set in four days.

After integrating the Krakens in the Turtle Castle, a team composed of more than 900 Krakens was created in this way.

Because these sea monsters only recognize Xuan Mo, they made Xuan Mo the supreme commander of the team.As for Tong Yan, it is enough to be the counselor behind Xuan Mo.

These more than 900 sea monsters are generally more than a thousand years old, which is very gratifying, and most of these guys crawled out of corpses, so they are extremely good at fighting.

If you want to train them, you don't need to train them how to kill the enemy, you just need to tell them some simple formations.Even in this sea, the formation is also applicable.Another thing is to divide the sea monsters in these teams, and the fast ones are grouped into one team, which can be used as vanguards for surprise attacks.Those with rough skin and thick flesh can be used as shield soldiers for defense.Those who can attack from a distance can be used as archers for long-range attacks.

After such a division, the more than 900 people were divided into four teams.The first team is the vanguard team; the second team is the shield team; the third team is the bow team; as for the fourth team, it is the assassination team specially set up by Tong Yan.

What does the assassination team do?It's very simple, it is responsible for assassination and obtaining information by the way.The assassination team has the least number of members, but all of them can use the method of obfuscation similar to invisibility, and they are the strongest and have the highest combat power.

The assassination team is different from the other three teams in that they don't train with the other three teams at all. After they were formed, they sneaked into Haitian City quietly under Tong Yan's order.

The first task Tong Yan gave them was to investigate the specific number of defenders in Haitian City, the distribution of the defenders, who is in charge of the city, and how strong they are.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.If you don't have a clear understanding of the situation in Haitian City, even if there is a strong man like Xuan Mo, it's not safe.

Dragon King Snake really kept his word, and in just one day, he brought the children of his clan to Turtle Shell City.There are a thousand members of the Hailong tribe, not many and not many.But after such a comparison, these thousand children of the sea dragon clan are not as good as Tong Yan's team consisting of more than 900 sea monsters.

First of all, in terms of Taoism, the teams of Tong Yan and Xuan Mo generally have thousands of years of Taoism, but what about the children of the Sea Dragon Clan?Just over 100 have practiced for more than a thousand years, and the remaining 800 have only practiced for a few hundred years.Expect to use these weak little monsters to attack Haitian City, which has tens of thousands of troops?Isn't that courting death?
Secondly, the members of the Sea Dragon Clan obviously didn't have much experience of life and death, that is to say, they lacked combat experience, and to put it more simply, they were just recruits.I have never touched a gun, how can I go to the battlefield?As cannon fodder?

What's more, as soon as these guys came to Turtle Shell City, they complained and complained all kinds of things.It seemed that they didn't want to come at all, but the patriarch had an order and had to come.

Faced with such a team of sea dragons, Tong Yan was also very helpless, but he really couldn't show it. After all, he knew that Senior Dragon King Snake had done his best.

Seeing that the original team in Turtle Shell City had practiced according to Tong Yan's formation, Dragon King Snake showed approval in his eyes.

He came directly in front of Tong Yan and Xuan Mo, and then said with a chuckle: "Unexpectedly, the two little friends really know how to lead troops to fight. I was so confused before."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "Senior Dragon King Snake, where did you say that? After all, you met us for the first time yesterday, so it's normal if you don't know us. Today, senior, you brought the children of the clan, Tong Tong and I Brother, thank you."

When Dragon King Snake heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Oh, how can you thank me? This is what I should do. Besides, actually... In fact, I am somewhat ashamed to come here this time. You must have seen it, I Among the juniors in the clan brought here, there are not many of them with high strength, many of them are on the battlefield for the first time, and some have even never fought with others. Compared with your soldiers, they are far behind."

Tong Yan laughed and said: "Senior Snake, we are already very happy if you can bring them here. It doesn't matter if they don't know how to fight, after a few battles, they will. Besides, this time they won't have many It's dangerous. I'll let the Sea God Army's team be at the front and arrange them at the back. That way, when the soldiers in front defeat or injure the enemy, they can make up for it."

Hearing Tong Yan's arrangement of his clansmen, Dragon King Snake was very grateful. After all, he also knew that if these useless clansmen were allowed to fight directly on the battlefield, it is estimated that after a battle, these thousand clansmen would have to be spared. Most of them.When they are truly familiar with the cruelty of war, it is estimated that there will not be many left.

"Little brother, then I will thank you first. The little fellows of my family, I will leave it to you. I have to go back and report. If there is anything, you can go to my son. He is here too. And responsible for all the children of the clan. His name is Black Dragon."

After Tong Yan and Xuan Mo heard this, they immediately bid farewell to Dragon King Snake.

Now that Dragon King Snake is gone, it's time to train these useless children of the Sea Dragon Clan.

Even if they can't quickly form a fighting force, they must at least understand one thing, and that is to obey!
Any army has iron discipline.The Sea God Army that Tong Yan wanted to form naturally couldn't be without discipline.

Of course, these are sea monsters, not human beings, so their control can be properly relaxed.

But there is one thing that cannot be discussed, that is absolute obedience!
Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. Without military discipline, an army will have no cohesion, and without cohesion, it is like a pan of loose sand. Although ants can eat elephants, facing an enemy that is several times their own, there is absolutely no possibility of victory.

This is by no means alarmist talk, but the truth.

Tong Yan was born in a tricky family, so he naturally understood the importance of military discipline.

It is not easy to convince the members of the Sea Dragon Clan to convince him or Xuan Mo in a short time, but now we need to get to know these little monsters of the Sea Dragon Clan first.

According to what Dragon King Snake said, Tong Yan and Xuan Mo found Hei Long, the son of Dragon King Snake.This black dragon's Taoism is not shallow, it must have more than 3000 years, and it is by no means lower than the Taoism of the ten elders of the top ten sea clan.

It seems that there are still masters among the four major tribes, but they didn't really resist the demon emperor back then. If the four major tribes join forces to fight against the demon emperor, I really don't know who will win in the end.

However, to my surprise, I thought the black dragon would cooperate with them, but who would have thought that the black dragon would challenge them as soon as they saw them.

And the person he wants to challenge is not Xuan Mo, but Tong Yan!

(End of this chapter)

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