
Chapter 1504 So far, what do you think?

Chapter 1504 So far, what do you think?
"Are you the black dragon, the son of Senior Snake? Sure enough, the tiger father has no dog son. It seems that you should have more than 3000 years of Taoism?"

As soon as they met, Tong Yan smiled and said to Heilong.

This black dragon has completely turned into a human form. He is a middle-aged man, more than two meters tall, and extremely strong. He has a black thick-bladed sword on his back, and a leather armor with exposed arms on his upper body. He feels powerful. Looking at the explosive muscles, people dare not underestimate them.

Seeing Tong Yan and Xuan Mo coming, Heilong naturally recognized their identities immediately.He looked at Xuan Mo, and bowed slightly.But looking at Tong Yan, he seemed quite disdainful.

"This must be Lord Seagod. I am Black Dragon. It is my honor to meet you today!"

He ignored Tong Yan's words at all, and instead spoke directly to Xuan Mo.

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "That's right, I am the Sea God. Heilong, hello, thank you for bringing your clansmen to help me fight against the Demon Emperor. You have worked hard all the way! This is my brother, his name is Tong Word."

Hearing this, the black dragon snorted softly and said, "I heard from my father that he seems to be a Skywalker, right? But he is obviously not a creature in my sea, so how could he come here to fight against the Demon Emperor? And it doesn't seem to be very like?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xuan Mo's face suddenly showed anger, and he was about to reprimand, but Tong Yan stopped him: "Brother Black Dragon, it seems that you have misunderstood me. I am a skywalker and a human being. Although I am not from the Country of Return to the Ruins, I have a deep hatred with the Demon Emperor. Is there anything wrong with me coming here to deal with him?"

The black dragon said with a disdainful smile: "Even if you have enmity with the Demon Emperor, with your strength, I'm afraid you can't help us much, right?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "What? Brother Heilong doesn't seem to believe in my ability? How can I get your approval?"

When Heilong heard this, he immediately burst out laughing. "Recognition? If you want to get my approval, you don't have any real skills. Otherwise, you and I have a fight, and if you can beat me, I will approve you. What do you think?"

Xuan Mo saw that the black dragon was obviously a bad visitor, and immediately said angrily: "Black dragon, I respect your father, but it doesn't mean that I respect you too. Regardless of the group of baby soldiers you brought, is your strength enough? Are you so disrespectful and presumptuous? Let me tell you, this is my brother, and even the military advisor of my Sea God Army. Everyone must obey him besides me. Since you are pretentious, let me teach you Use your skills!"

When Xuan Mo intervened, the black dragon was a little flustered.You must know that Xuan Mo is the majestic god of the sea, which is a recognized god in all oceans.Even if Xuan Mo wanted to compete with him, he would not dare to fight at all.

But Tong Yan did not let such a thing happen, after all, to bring down the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor Palace, the power of the four major tribes was needed.If you completely tear your face apart, you will lose the support of the Hailong clan.

He smiled lightly, and then said: "Xuan Mo, since Big Brother Heilong wants to compete with me, then I will fight him. Anyway, it's too late, and it won't hurt the peace. Big Brother Black Dragon, the competition is fine, but I But let's talk about the ugly things first, no matter who wins or loses in the end, I hope you can put the overall situation first and don't change your original intention because of it. Okay?"

Heilong was still a little at a loss as to what to do, Tong Yan's opening made him relieved.He didn't even think about it, and immediately replied: "Don't worry, I will definitely show mercy to your subordinates. Besides, the reason why I came here is to deal with the Demon Emperor, and I will never waver easily. Lord Seagod, how much did I just do?" Please forgive me for being disrespectful. I will never do anything disrespectful in the future, please trust me, Lord Seagod."

Xuan Mo originally wanted to say a few more words, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up.He knew Tong Yan's strength, a mere 3000-year-old sea monster could not be Tong Yan's opponent, so he simply let them compete.

"Since you want to compete, let's do it. But you must not miss the main task because of this, and the soldiers will attack Haitian City in three days. Everything should be based on the overall situation!"

Hearing this, the black dragon immediately responded: "Yes, Lord Sea God, please rest assured!"

After everything was said, the contest began under the attention of everyone.

Originally, according to Tong Yan's intention, they could compete quietly, but this black dragon didn't know good from bad at all, so he insisted on competing in public.In fact, Tong Yan understood what he was thinking, he was planning to make himself a fool in front of everyone.But how did he understand that the reason Tong Yan chose to agree was actually to save face for him.Since he doesn't want face, Tong Yan can only help him.

The two stood on top of the arena, and the crowd below was already full.

Even the city lord of the Turtle Shell City came to watch the battle, which shows how sensational this competition is.

Heilong straightened his chest, looked at Tong Yan with contempt and said, "Young man, don't worry, with so many people watching, I will try my best not to hit you in the face. If you can't hold on anymore, you'd better admit defeat in advance. Don't hold on. If you get hurt by me, it will be bad."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Heilong's words give me a lot of peace of mind. Just go ahead, if you can't beat me, I will know what to do."

The black dragon laughed and said: "You are not really annoying, but it is a pity that in our country of returning to the ruins, all strength is paramount. If you are strong, others will obey you. But if you do not have strength, no one will take you down." Put it in your eyes. Well, let's not talk nonsense, you are young, so let's take the lead!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled and said, "That's fine, then Brother Black Dragon, you have to be careful, don't capsize the boat in the gutter."

The black dragon said boldly: "Just let the horse come here, you have no chance."

Tong Yan stopped talking and stretched his neck a bit, only then did his eyes reveal a firm look.

Since it is a competition, the winner must be determined, so there is no need to hide your strength at this time.

Just look at his touch of the ground, the person has already rushed towards the black dragon like an arrow leaving the string.

Seeing Tong Yan rushing towards him, Hei Long's face was full of disdain, and he didn't hide or evade. He really didn't know where his self-confidence came from.As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength.What's more, the real lion is not him, but Tong Yan.

Almost in an instant, Tong Yan came to him, and without using a weapon, he directly punched out.

Soon, the disdainful expression on Heilong's face froze.Immediately afterwards, the powerful force attached to Tong Yan's fist burst out completely.

A loud "boom" was heard, and the whole body of the black dragon smashed into the stone wall behind the ring.

Everyone present was shocked at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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