
Chapter 1505 Almost made a move, so I can do it myself!

Chapter 1505 Almost made a move, so I can do it myself!
Originally, in the eyes of these sea monsters, this might be a contest without any suspense.But most sea monsters think that the black dragon will defeat Tong Yan with an absolute overwhelming advantage.

However, it was unexpected that Heilong was kicked off the stage by Tong Yan's punch after just one meeting.Such a huge contrast, how can it not be surprising, how can it not be shocking?

If we stop talking, Tong Yan has already won at this moment.

But will Black Dragon stop there?Obviously not!Although Tong Yan's punch knocked him off the stage, Tong Yan didn't use his full strength, so he didn't suffer any injuries.

Since he still has the strength to fight again, he will definitely have to fight Tong Yan again. He doesn't think it's Tong Yan's mercy, but just his own careless miscalculation.

With his hands behind his back, Tong Yan quietly waited for the black dragon to climb out of the stone wall.He had already made up his mind, he had already made a move anyway, so he simply let the black dragon lose.

In just a moment, the furious black dragon crawled out from the wall.He stared fiercely at Tong Yan who made him look ugly, and then said angrily: "Stinky boy, just now I didn't count. I was attacked by you before I was ready. Do you dare to compete with me again?"

In fact, Tong Yan had already guessed that he would be like this, so he smiled slightly: "Of course, as long as you don't admit it, then I won't win. When one of us admits defeat, this competition will be considered as the winner." .do you think so?"

Hearing this, the black dragon's original anger gradually weakened.

"You're right, exactly. Unless one of us admits defeat, there will be no winner in this contest. I was careless just now. This time, I will do my best."

Tong Yan said with a faint smile: "This is the best way, I can also study. Brother Heilong, please enlighten me!"

It was Tong Yan who made the first move just now, so this time, Tong Yan planned to let Heilong make the first move.

Heilong suffered a big loss just now, seeing that Tong Yan didn't intend to take the lead, he naturally wouldn't let go of this great opportunity to regain his face.

I saw him first let out a roar, and then turned into the main body directly.It looked like a black dragon, but his dragon should be a fake dragon. If it was a real dragon, how could it be a sea monster?
But even if he wasn't a real dragon, it would still be somewhat terrifying to show his real body.The huge dragon head and coiled dragon body are enough to bring a powerful shock to people.

But even if he could scare others, he couldn't scare Tong Yan.Tong Yan has seen many dragons, and his good brother Qing Ming is a genuine Qinglong King.Compared with Qing Ming, the black dragon in front of him is like a black loach, it really can't stand on the stage.

Of course, he didn't show any contempt, instead he took out his Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.

Using the Vajra Pestle is, on the one hand, a respect for the black dragon, and on the other hand, it is to test the power of the Vajra Pestle.After all, it took so many years for the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to be regained. With his current cultivation, he has no idea how powerful the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle can be increased. Not only that, he is somewhat unfamiliar with the use of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle Alright, just practice with this black dragon.

Heilong saw that Tong Yan showed the magic weapon, thought Tong Yan was afraid, and immediately laughed and said, "Little brother, are you afraid? If you are afraid, you should admit defeat earlier. Otherwise, if I accidentally hurt you, But it's not good."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "The reason why I use this magic weapon is to fight with all my strength. As for whether you are afraid or not, you will know later. Brother Black Dragon, let's do it!"

Hearing this, the black dragon no longer hesitated, and immediately flicked the dragon's tail, and directly swept towards Tong Yan.

Although the black dragon he transformed was not big in size, it was still ten meters long. A dragon's tail was covered with reverse scales.

Seeing the black dragon's tail sweeping towards him, Tong Yan touched the ground, and his body immediately rushed upwards.

He was on top, and he didn't rush to make a move, but raised the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle with one hand above his head, and put the other free hand in front of him, and silently recited Buddhist scriptures in his heart.

Why did he do this?Naturally he has plans.The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is a Buddhist instrument. If you want to exert the maximum power of a Buddhist instrument, you will naturally need the assistance of Buddha Qi and Buddha mantras.He was reciting Buddhist scriptures at this time, in fact, in order to maximize the power of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.Of course, the black dragon below didn't know what he was doing, and just looked at him stupidly.

Following his action, a golden Buddha's light appeared on the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, not only that, but also a faint Buddha's light appeared on his body.

It seems that his judgment is correct, but he doesn't know how powerful it will be if he uses the Earth Hidden Break now.

Just as he was thinking like this, the impatient black dragon raised his head and let out a dragon roar.The dragon chant sounded, and a wave of air rushed towards him quickly.

Sensing the attack of the air wave, he no longer hesitated, and immediately resorted to shifting shape.Almost in the blink of an eye, his body disappeared out of thin air.

Heilong was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly felt a chill behind his back, so he hurried back to look.

After taking a look, he realized that Tong Yan was behind him, still holding the golden stick high in his hand.

In fact, Tong Yan just now really wanted to use Dizangpo's first method of destroying demons and subdue demons.But he gave up at the last moment.For some reason, he could almost predict the consequences of the smashing of the pestle.

It's not that the black dragon's way is not good, but that the combination of Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and Ksitigarbha is too terrifying.You must know that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is inherently indestructible, and the Ksitigarbha Po just exerts this domineering power to the extreme.

The addition of the two is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two, and there is likely to be a greater increase.In addition, his current cultivation base is not what it used to be, who can guarantee that this black dragon will survive this pestle?
Since it's just a competition, don't hurt the killer again, after all, the black dragon is a friend, not a real enemy.

Seeing that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in Tong Yan's hand hadn't dropped for a long time, Heilong seemed to understand something.

He was a little hesitant, but he still asked, " obviously had a chance to make a move, why...why did you stop?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "It's easy to strike, but hard to stop. I don't want to make a big mistake because of impulsiveness. Maybe I should tell you, if I hit you down with the pestle just now, you will almost certainly die. So I Stop, don't want to lose your friend because of it."

When Heilong heard this, he was about to laugh.But when he saw the sincerity in Tong Yan's eyes, he was at a loss for a moment.

Seeing that he was silent, Tong Yan said softly: "I forgot to tell you one thing. There are four demon kings in your country of returning to the ruins, right? One of them was killed by me, and the other saved his life with the help of a demon pill." .Your strength is certainly not weak, but you are still far behind those four demon kings. I am not a god, but I can kill gods!"

Hearing this, the black dragon immediately widened his eyes.For some reason, at this moment, he actually felt fear, a fear born from within.

(End of this chapter)

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