
Chapter 1506 Convinced, the soldiers are deceitful!

Chapter 1506 Convinced, the soldiers are deceitful!
Heilong's previous contempt for Tong Yan disappeared at this moment.He is not stupid, although he is a bit arrogant, he may be able to tell the difference between good and evil.He knew Tong Yan didn't lie to him, if that pestle fell down, he might really die here.

Before thinking about being kicked off the stage by Tong Yan's punch, including the instant disappearance just now, he finally no longer has to doubt that Tong Yan's strength is far above him.Humans have self-knowledge, and so do monsters.

He stared at Tong Yan for a while, and finally sighed softly: "Oh! Actually, I should have thought of it a long time ago. You can become the brother of the Sea God, and you can come to our country of returning to the ruins through the Tianshui seal. This is not at all. Normal people can do it. Just blinded by my prejudice against human beings. I'm sorry bro. I apologize for my rudeness to you before and thank you for being merciful to me. I throw in the towel , this competition, you won!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "Brother Heilong, you are wrong. This competition cannot be counted as my win, it should be a win-win. To get your approval, in my opinion, is more important than anything else. And the same Yes, you have also won my admiration. You are able to accept such a result, and your tolerance and generosity are all things I should learn from."

The black dragon laughed and said: "Brother Skywalker, I, the black dragon, rarely admire you. But you, I am convinced!" At this point, he directly transformed into a human form, then grabbed Tong Yan's hand, and held it up high.

He looked at the sea monsters under the ring, and said loudly: "Brother Tong Yan is the winner of this competition, I admit defeat!"

Hearing this, all the monsters in the audience were silent for a while, and then they burst into warm cheers.

Perhaps such a result is a happy one, after all, three days later, all the sea monsters will go to the battlefield under the leadership of Tong Yan and Xuan Mo, and whether this army can be invincible on the battlefield has a lot to do with cohesion .

Since they were able to report warm cheers to Tong Yan, it meant that they all recognized Tong Yan.

This competition, it seems that the effect is better than expected, finally it is not a waste of work.

In the next three days, Tong Yan continued to train these sea monster soldiers.

Because the disciples sent by the Hailong clan are still inexperienced, Tong Yan's requirements for them are a little more relaxed.In some respects, however, he was extraordinarily severe.For example, the actions must be unified and fast, such as the command must be followed, and the second is how to provide the most effective assistance to the vanguard fighters in front, and there are other matters such as making up the knife and cleaning the battlefield.

Having said that, there are actually quite a few things to pay attention to.But compared with those vanguards rushing forward, these guys from the Hailong clan are much better.

The day before departure, the assassination team sent by Tong Yan finally returned one after another to report the news in Haitian City.

According to the report, there is no demon king sitting in Haitian City recently, only three priests and a few elders outside the top ten Hai clan guard the city.However, although there are not many masters, the sea monster army guarding Haitian City is actually more than 2.

In this army composed of more than 2 sea monsters, there are more than 3000 who have practiced for a thousand years, and the others are generally less than a thousand years old.Not all of this army was stationed in the city, but camped a few miles outside the four city gates of Haitian City, east, west, north, south.

The real number of defenders in the city is about [-], but as long as the city sends out a signal, the army of sea monsters located around Haitian City will quickly enter the city to help.So this also means that if you want to attack the city, the first thing to do is to get rid of these defenders outside the city.Only in this way can we avoid being made dumplings and being attacked from inside and outside.

If we only analyze it from the report, we can only deal with the siren army outside the city first, and then attack the city.But Tong Yan didn't want to do this, he had his own considerations.

Sitting in the room, the Xuanmo couple and Heilong both looked at Tong Yan.Although Xuan Mo is the commander of this crusade army, in fact, it is Tong Yan who actually designates the attack plan for this army, including training this army.

Tong Yan was thinking, he was thinking of the most effective and safest way to break the city.

After about half an hour, he finally spoke.

"Several, there is such a passage in the art of war, the so-called soldiers are deceitful. Therefore, if you can, you can show that you can't, if you use it, you can't use it, if you are close, you can show it is far, and if you are far, you can show it is near. Benefits can be lured. Take them when they are chaotic, prepare them when they are real, avoid them when they are strong, scratch them when they are angry, be arrogant when they are humble, work hard when they are lost, and leave them when they are relatives. Biography. What do you mean? In fact, it means that the way to use troops lies in ever-changing changes and surprises. Just imagine, if we were the defenders of Haitian City, how would we speculate on the attacking route of the rebels?"

Heilong took the lead and said: "If it were me, I would definitely think that the rebel army would never attack Haitian City foolishly, and the first thing to do is to clear the defenders outside the city."

Xuan Mo also opened his mouth and said: "That's right, knowing that if you attack the city rashly, you will be imprisoned. I guess only a fool would attack the city when the defenders outside the city are still there. The only way to get rid of the threats outside is first." , so that we can concentrate on attacking the city and avoid being attacked by the enemy."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "You are all right, this is something that anyone would think of, but this is what I want to say. Since you can all think of it, will the defenders of Haitian City not think of this? So I It is almost certain that most of the elite defenders of Haitian City are guarding outside the city. As for the inside of the city, apart from the few priests and elders, the rest are probably low-level young people. That is to say, the real threat is indeed the defenders outside the city, but the interior of Haitian City is actually relatively empty and weak. If we look at it according to the art of war, since we need to be surprised, we can't clean up the powerful defenders outside the city first, we should How to do it? There is only one answer, and that is to attack the city with all your strength!"

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

"What? Attack the city with all your strength? Brother Tong, are you kidding me? If that's the case, we are likely to be attacked from behind? If we don't even break through the city, our entire army will be wiped out, so how can we fight against the Demon Emperor in the future? "

Tong Yan said confidently: "I have already said before, what we want is surprise. The defenders must feel that we dare not attack the city directly, so why don't we take this opportunity to occupy the city first? Of course, you may say, Even if we occupy the city, we cannot defend it. Indeed, this is a problem. But what is the real purpose of our attack on Haitian City? Is it really for that city? No, our real purpose is to make the entire Guixu All living beings in the country know that the Demon Emperor is not invincible, and the Demon Emperor's territory is not iron-clad. The army led by the Sea God has already begun to crusade against the Demon Emperor. As long as all the oppressed sea monsters unite, they will definitely be able to defeat the Demon Emperor. This dark rule must be overthrown.”

Hearing what Tong Yan said, everyone suddenly realized.Yes, as long as the city is broken, why keep defending the city?As long as the purpose is achieved, it is enough.

In a blink of an eye, the day of siege finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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