
Chapter 1507 Full of variables, attracting the demon emperor?

Chapter 1507 Full of variables, attracting the demon emperor?
With only 2 people, it seems impossible for anyone to break through Haitian City, which has more than [-] defenders.But is it really impossible?

No matter what others think, at least Tong Yan, Xuan Mo and the two thousand Sea God Army are confident.

In order to make his status as the head coach even taller and more majestic, Xuan Mo specially wore a set of blue armor today, and specially called out his Xuanming Blade and held it in his hand.

This look really made him the most eye-catching one in an instant.Of course, it also greatly enhanced his centripetal force as a coach.As the departure approached, as the coach, he had to say a few words.

He stood on the high platform and said to the soldiers with a resolute face: "Soldiers, we will soon send troops to Haitian City. As the commander, I want to say a few words to you. Perhaps in the eyes of many outsiders, Our army is too weak, and it is difficult to shake the governance of the Demon Emperor. If we want to break into Haitian City, we will use eggs to hit rocks, and bring shame on ourselves. But I don’t think so, who I am, I believe you all know, I am Sea God But at this moment, I am your commander-in-chief and your comrade-in-arms. I swear here in the name of the sea god that I will not overthrow the governance of the Demon Emperor and let you become masters. You may be thinking, why should I make such a poisonous oath? What if it fails? But what I want to tell you is that there is only one reason why I dare to make such a poisonous oath, that is, we must win, the demon The emperor must be defeated. I have confidence in myself, and I have even more confidence in you. As long as we work together and move forward bravely, we will eventually win the final victory of this war. Please firmly believe that justice will always defeat evil, and evil will eventually be destroyed .Now tell me, are you confident?"

Being mobilized by him, the sea monsters in the audience immediately responded enthusiastically.

"We are confident, we will win!"

"Evil does not overpower the righteous, we will win!"


Listening to the shouts of these soldiers, a satisfied smile appeared on Xuan Mo's face.

Tong Yan was originally worried about whether Xuan Mo's pre-war mobilization could achieve the expected results, but he did not expect that it greatly exceeded expectations.It seems that Xuan Mo does have the qualifications to be a commander. Maybe it won't be long before the Sea God Army will become an existence resounding throughout Guixu, and as the commander, Xuan Mo will also become the only god in the hearts of all sea monsters.

The pre-war mobilization has been successfully concluded, and it is natural to send troops next.

Tong Yan had already finalized the plan for the siege before, and told the generals of the Sea God Army some details, so that means that everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng.

What is this east wind?It's very simple, just one word, chaos!

What's the mess?Tong Yan has ordered the assassination team to assassinate and harass the defenders in the east, south, and north directions outside Haitian City.Why do you do that?In fact, it was to buy as much time as possible for the Sea God Army so that they could break through the city smoothly.

Then why only harass the defenders in three areas, but leave one empty?

In fact, the west of this empty space is the retreat route set by Tong Yan.

Just imagine, if the Sea God's Army launched an attack from three directions first, the defenders from three directions would naturally come back to help.Because he sent an assassination team in advance to harass the defenders in the east, south, and north, the defenders in these three places must be the slowest in returning to help.

The western defenders were not disturbed and could reach Haitian City soon.And when they entered the city, the west was actually completely empty.In this way, after the Sea God Army breaks through the city, they only need to head west all the way to break out of the so-called encirclement.

The west of Haitian City naturally became the safest place to retreat.

In fact, this trick can be said to be simpler, that is, to hit east and west, but this is not a pure trick, but it has the same effect.

After four days of training, the vanguard of the Sea God Army is still very much improved. Not only are their movements swift and fierce, but they are also well-organized.In comparison, there is a clear gap between the "baby soldiers" of the Hailong clan.Not only could they not keep up with the pace of the vanguard, but they all showed signs of exhaustion.

This is really no harm without comparison, it is simply a world of difference.

But even so, Tong Yan didn't get angry and scold him.Because he knows in his heart that if he wants to train a team with a good style and can win battles, it will definitely not be possible to train in a few days.This requires a process, which may take months or years.When I first came with these baby soldiers, I actually made some progress, but the progress was a little slower.

Turtle Shell City is located in the northwest of Haitian City, and for Turtle Shell City, Haitian City is in its southeast.So Tong Yan chose to attack the city at the two southeast gates of Haitian City.As for the north city gate, only a feint attack was made.There is no way, there are few soldiers, so you can only fight local battles, and it is not suitable for large-scale battles.

Through the report from the assassination team, Tong Yan also grasped such a situation.That is the gate guard of Haitian City, which is actually not strict.As long as they didn't enter the city in groups of three or four, they simply ignored them.

With this situation, it is actually very beneficial for them to capture Haitian City.

Since the guards at the city gate were not doing their duty, some soldiers of the Sea God Army could sneak into the city first.Then quickly control the city gate, so that at least entering the city will become extremely simple.

However, there are also risks in this way. If the guards at the city gate cannot be quickly controlled and they send out a signal, then the next step is to attack head-on.

But in Tong Yan's view, this risk is worth taking. After all, the guards in Haitian City are used to being comfortable. Even if they can't control them immediately, they will probably just run away and ignore reporting.

In order to make this plan more secure, Tong Yan decided to occupy the city gate himself.

Time passed little by little, and a group of two thousand sea monsters, the Sea God Army, passed through the gap between the defenders' barracks, and finally came to the outside of Haitian City smoothly.

It has to be said that this Haitian City is worthy of being one of the three main cities. Just from the tall city wall that can't be seen at a glance, one can guess how big this city is.

No wonder the Demon Emperor would put so many defenders here, the feeling is also to guard against one day the sea monsters will not accept him and raise troops to rebel.And because the city is too big, if there are fewer defenders, it will be useless at all, so there are tens of thousands of defenders garrisoned.

If the hard rock of Haitian City can be gnawed down, it is estimated that it will soon cause a sensation or even riot in the country of returning to the ruins.This will be of great benefit to the complete overthrow of the Demon Emperor's governance in the future.

The army has arrived here, the next step is to grab the door and enter.

It's just that Tong Yan and Xuan Mo didn't know that at this time, the Demon Emperor's Palace had already received the news that their Sea God Army was going to attack Haitian City.

This seemingly sure-fire siege battle is actually full of variables.

And the biggest change is that even the Demon Emperor himself has quietly come to Haitian City!

(End of this chapter)

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