
Chapter 1508 Something is wrong, Bravely enter Longtan!

Chapter 1508 Something is wrong, Bravely enter Longtan!
The Demon Emperor originally wanted to retreat for half a month, but because of the incident in Haitian City, he chose to leave the customs early.It seems that he is also very clear in his heart that if something happens to Haitian City, he may not be able to hold the throne of the Demon Emperor.

Of course, Tong Yan and the others didn't know about this at all, otherwise they wouldn't have taken such a big risk to attack the city.But the question is, who actually reported to the Demon Emperor Palace that the Sea God Army was about to attack Haitian City?Was it really done by that elder, one of the top ten sea clan?But that guy was obviously blessed by the Sea God, so would he really be so unrepentant?

But having said that, no matter who passed the news of the Sea God Army's attack on Haitian City to the Demon Emperor's Palace, it doesn't matter.The only thing we can do now is to continue attacking Haitian City as planned, but we don't know the result.

With the help of Xuan Mo, Tong Yan has turned into a sea monster with a fish head. He was the first to enter the city from the east gate of Haitian City.

Indeed, as reported by the assassination team, the guards on both sides of the door did not question him or even look at him, allowing him to easily enter the city.

Then, other Sea God Army soldiers entered the city according to this method.

But if there were too many sea monsters entering the city, it would definitely attract the attention of the guards, so another team quietly entered the city from the south gate.As a result, the number of Seagod Army entering the city at this time has reached more than 50.

More than five officers and soldiers of the Sea God Army, if they want to control a city gate, they are still sure.

But for some reason, after Tong Yan entered the Haitian City, he felt uneasy for no reason.

The city was too quiet, as quiet as a dead city.Only occasionally a few sea monsters could be seen swimming on the street, but the patrolling city garrison did not see any of them.Even though the garrison in Haitian City is usually too comfortable, there should be routine patrols, right?

He hesitated a little, hesitating whether to start seizing the city gate now and let all the Sea God Army enter the city, or take a closer look, and then proceed according to the plan after confirming that there is no problem.

Just as he was deep in thought, the members of the assassination team who had already sneaked into the city hurried over to join him.

What came was a merman sea-monster with 2000 years of practice, as soon as he saw Tong Yan, he immediately swam over quickly, stopped in front of Tong Yan, and said respectfully: "The assassination team, Hongshan, has seen the military advisor. "

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "How is the situation in the city? Did you find anything?"

Hearing this, Hong Shan shook his head and said, "Military Master, I have been in the city for three days, but I didn't find anything special. Why? Do you think something is wrong?"

Tong Yan said directly: "Yes, I think something is wrong. This Haitian City is obviously one of the three main cities of the Kingdom of Return, so it should be a bustling city. But look, is this city too quiet now? "

Hearing this, Hongshan laughed and said: "Military commander is too worried. Although Haitian City is one of the three main cities, it is not so prosperous compared with the other two cities. Although there are many sea monsters in this city, But the area of ​​the city is also very large, and many sea monsters are practicing at this time, how can there be so many of them hanging out."

Hearing Hong Shan's words, Tong Yan felt a little relieved, but after thinking about it, he asked again: "Then there are no guards patrolling Haitian City?"

As soon as this remark came out, Hongshan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then thought for a while and said: "Military division, I really don't care if you don't tell me. You see, I have been here for three days, and the first two days were clearly patrolled by defenders, but today There is not even a patrol team. What do you think is going on?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "What's the matter? Grab a few defenders and ask them to find out? Take me to the nearest defenders barracks. I think it's necessary to find out about this."

Hearing this, Hong Shan immediately nodded and said, "Okay, follow me." After saying that, he immediately led the way.

Tong Yan turned around and explained a few words to the accompanying sea monster, then quickly followed Hongshan.

Hongshan Road is not shallow, and the speed is still very fast.Following behind him, Tong Yan's speed also increased slightly.

The two moved very quickly, and in just three or four minutes, they arrived in front of a military camp in the city.

Because there are many defenders in the city, there are more than a dozen large and small military camps.Although the military camp in front of them was not the largest, it was not small either.According to Hongshan's introduction, there are thousands of defenders in this barracks, and among them are several Kraken generals who are not weak.

The two did not rush into the barracks, but patiently circled around the barracks.After choosing a place without guards, he quietly entered the barracks.

The barracks was surrounded by a high wall, and there were about ten houses inside.In the middle is a tall house, no need to guess, this house should be the core of the entire barracks, the residence of several siren generals.

Tong Yan originally wanted to ask a few soldiers, but in order to get more detailed information, he set his target on this general's mansion.

If there is an ambush in Haitian City, the general who is the defender must be the first to know about it.

With Tong Yan's strength, not to mention the mere Siren General, even if the top ten sea clansmen are here, they are no match for him at all.

Although he has such self-confidence, Hong Shan, who is traveling with him, is full of worries.

"Military division, there are quite a few sea monster generals in the general's mansion. Isn't it too risky for us to go in like this?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what's inside. As long as the Demon Emperor isn't inside, the other sea monsters won't be able to trap us. It's not too late, let's go in quickly!"

Hearing this, Hongshan was still a little worried, but he could only choose to compromise.

It stands to reason that the general's mansion in the barracks will be heavily guarded, and guards will be arranged at the gate.But this general's mansion is different, the door is empty, even the door is open.

In this way, it was convenient for Tong Yan and the others.

The two moved swiftly, almost in the blink of an eye, people flashed past the door and entered the room directly.

At this time, there were five Kraken generals sitting in the lobby, each of them was wearing armor, with solemn expressions, guessing what they were waiting for.

But obviously, the person they are waiting for is not Tong Yan.

Because Tong Yan and Hong Shan had just rushed into the room, they were all dumbfounded.

The Siren General sitting at the top was full of surprises, and immediately asked, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "It doesn't matter who we are, the important thing is, do you want to die or live?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand back.

Hong Shan understood, immediately flew back, and directly closed the door.

Seeing this, the five siren generals got up one after another.The atmosphere in the room became tense in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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