
Chapter 1517 What a blessing, who is it really?

Chapter 1517 What a blessing, who is it really?
Hearing this sound, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over.

"What's going on? Why do I seem to hear Xue'er's voice? Is it my illusion?"

He thought so in his heart, and felt a little sad at the same time.

But less than five seconds later, the familiar voice sounded again.

"Big brother, is that you? Why are you ignoring me?"

This time, Tong Yan no longer doubted, he was sure that the voice calling him softly belonged to Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa. "Could it be... Could it be that Xue'er didn't die? It must be, she is a descendant of Nuwa, how could she die so easily?"

Thinking of this, he began to try to get in touch with Xue'er with his mind, but unexpectedly, it really succeeded.

"Cher? Is that really you? Where are you? Where are you now?"

Soon, Xueer had an answer.

"Brother, I have turned into stone, in a dark and dark box."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly said with his mind: "So, you didn't die? You just turned into a stone? Didn't the Demon Emperor hurt you?"

"No, he just wanted me to do something I didn't want to do. I would never agree to him anyway, so I turned into a stone."

Hearing what Xue'er said, Tong Yan felt relieved.What the demon emperor said before was all false. That guy didn't eat Xue'er's body. Of course, Xue'er just turned into a stone and didn't die.

It was probably too much to say, that's why the demon emperor said that he ate Xue'er and it was a corpse, but in fact, Xue'er is still fine now.

"Xue'er, it's good that you're fine. Don't worry, I've come to the country of returning to the ruins, and I will definitely rescue you. Think about it now, where are you in the country of returning to the ruins? Are you in the country of returning to the ruins?" In the Demon Emperor's Palace?"

Xueer was silent for a while after hearing this, and then replied: "I don't know what the Demon Emperor's Palace is, but the place where I am may really be a palace. But because I turned into a stone, I was put into a box again , so I can no longer see the surrounding scene."

Although Xueer didn't provide many clues, according to normal speculation, she should be in the Demon Emperor's Palace.After all, after all, the person who sent the Kraken to take her here was the Demon Emperor.How could the Demon Emperor place her elsewhere?
Upon hearing the news that Xue'er was safe, Tong Yan felt much better all over.Since Xue'er was still alive and safe, there was no need for him to fight desperately with the Demon Emperor.The most urgent task is to rescue Xue'er.No, the most urgent thing is to heal the wound quickly.Only when he recovers from his injuries can he rescue Xue'er!

"Xue'er, I don't understand, how can you communicate with me thousands of miles away?"

Xue'er heard this, and said with a smile: "It's very simple, because you are not an ordinary person, your soul is fused with the sacred objects of our Nuwa clan, and you still have the divine power of our Nuwa clan in your body. So even if you You are not from the Nuwa clan, but you have a deep connection with our Nuwa clan. It is for these reasons that I can sense your arrival and communicate with you in soul."

After Xue'er explained this, Tong Yan suddenly realized.Indeed, he got the green bead bestowed by the Nuwa Empress in the realm of illusion, and he knew that the green bead was not an ordinary thing, which greatly improved his soul.As for the divine power of the Nuwa clan that Xueer mentioned, it should be referring to the power of Jupiter.The spirit of Jupiter once said that in a sense, she is also a descendant of Nuwa.

It may be because of the combined effect of these two factors that Xue'er can sense Tong Yan and be able to communicate with him thousands of miles away.

And this opportunity should be that he used the power of Jupiter to heal his injuries. In other words, Xueer should have sensed the power of Jupiter first, and then sensed him.

But this is actually not important to him, the important thing is that Xueer is still alive, and that is enough.

After chatting briefly with Xue'er, he began to concentrate on healing.

After such a short period of time, the duel between Xuan Mo and the Demon Emperor was getting closer and closer to a fever pitch.

In this duel, the two of them were doing their best. Neither of them had [-]% reserve of strength, and neither of them was afraid. They only wanted to defeat each other, and they only wanted to win this duel.

With the deepening of the duel, the two no longer simply competed with their own supernatural powers, but began to display their supernatural powers.

What Xuanmo used was the supernatural powers of the Xuanwu clan, and when combined with the Xuanming Blade, it can be said to be more powerful.

But this demon emperor should not be underestimated either, many of the supernatural powers he used seemed to be created by himself.For example, this seawater spike, such as this underwater mirror, etc... It is actually comparable to the supernatural powers passed down from generation to generation by the Xuanwu clan, which shows how deep this guy's talent is.

And it was precisely because of this that although the two fought fiercely and tragically, they were still indistinguishable from each other.

This is destined to be a protracted battle, but how long it will last, I'm afraid even they themselves don't know.

With a loud bang, the City Lord's Mansion of Haitian City was completely destroyed by them.The powerful fluctuation knocked Tong Yan outside the hall tens of meters away.

Fortunately, at this moment, Tong Yan's injury has recovered a little, otherwise, this time, his injury may have to be aggravated again.

Looking at the City Lord's Mansion, good guy, it has completely collapsed now, not only a piece of rubble, but also water splashes and whirlpools.

Xuan Mo and Yaohuang rushed upwards from the shattered city lord's mansion, and while their bodies were upwards, they fought frequently.

Tong Yan looked up and couldn't help but secretly marvel.This is the real master, and even he might not be the opponent of any of these two.

Although the two fought fiercely, neither of them turned into their own bodies.

Xuanmo's body is Xuanwu, but what is the body of the Demon Emperor?This really makes one wonder.But just guessing, if he can withstand the wheel battle between Tong Yan and Sea God Xuan Mo, plus he has such superb wisdom, is proficient in refining art, and can create his own supernatural powers, if this guy is a sea monster, he is definitely in the sea. mythical beast.But what if this guy is not a Kraken?What would he be?Could it be... Could it be a fairy beast in the sky?
These are all possible, unless this guy can show his true form.

Tong Yan didn't think much about it, it was pointless to think about it, the most important thing was to recover from the injury.Now that Xuan Mo and Yao Huang are fighting at a high place above, it will not disturb Tong Yan's healing.

So as long as most of the injuries on Tong Yan's side are recovered, and some of the immortal power and demon power in his body are recovered, he can also go to support Xuan Mo and help Xuan Mo win the final victory of this duel.

But will his plan go well?It seems that things are never that simple!
(End of this chapter)

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