
Chapter 1518 The battle of name rectification is mixed!

Chapter 1518 The battle of name rectification is mixed!
Time passed little by little, and the peak duel between Xuan Mo and the Demon Emperor finally completely entered the white-hot stage.

The bodies of the two of them are already covered with scars. Although neither of them are fatal, they still look shocking.

The development of the matter to this extent has actually exceeded Tong Yan and Xuan Mo's previous expectations.Tong Yan originally thought that he had destroyed the Demon Emperor's Sword of Punishing God, and also consumed a lot of Demon Emperor's demon power, so it would be easier for Xuan Mo to deal with it.

But who would have expected that this demon emperor would have such a profound background, and he has not been a little bit tired in fighting until now, and he has never lost the slightest bit of wind.

If this continues, I really don't know who will die in the end.After all, Xuan Mo is a new God. He has just become Sea God for a few days. Compared with the Demon Emperor, who has been here for a long time and has been famous for a long time, he is obviously not as good as the one.The more you delay, the more unfavorable it will actually be for Xuan Mo.

But fortunately, after such an emergency treatment, Tong Yan's injury has recovered a lot. Although he has not fully recovered, at least he can give Xuan Mo strong support.

Tong Yan stood up straight away, looked up, then grasped the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle tightly, and then rushed upwards with all his strength, like a dragon coming out of the ground under his feet.

His speed was very fast, and within just two breaths, he was already close to the two people above who were fighting fiercely.

He didn't say much, a transposition was performed instantly, and in the next second he had already appeared behind the demon emperor.

It must be admitted that the Yaohuang obviously had no time to take care of his back, but as soon as Tong Yan's figure appeared, he kicked back immediately.

Although this kick did not hit Tong Yan, the sea water that could be carried pushed Tong Yan back several meters.

Tong Yan originally wanted to drag the two of them into an inextricable fight and sneak attack the Demon Emperor, but he didn't expect that the Demon Emperor seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, so he couldn't hurt him no matter what.

But Tong Yan was not discouraged, and directly shouted: "Brother Xuanmo, I'll help you! We brothers attack back and forth, let's see how this evil obstacle can support!"

The reason why he said this sentence was not only to remind Xuan Mo, but also to create a little psychological pressure on the demon emperor.As long as the Demon Emperor can't concentrate on the fight, he and Xuan Mo will have a great chance of winning.

It's just that the demon emperor is not an idiot, he knows that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to him, so at this moment, he has already made a decision in his heart.

Xuan Mo came with a slash, he immediately greeted him with a dagger, only heard the sound of "dang", he rushed to Tong Yan's body at once by virtue of the counter-shock force of this weapon collision.

Seeing this, Tong Yan naturally wouldn't back down, swung the vajra subduing demon pestle, and immediately performed the first form of "killing demons and subduing demons" that was about to be broken by the ground.

Seeing that the golden vajra subduing pestle was about to hit the demon emperor's body, what he didn't expect was that the demon emperor's whole body suddenly glowed with blue light.

The appearance of this blue light was too sudden and too dazzling.

Tong Yan only felt that after his vision was temporarily blinded, he felt as if he had hit the sea with a pestle. With the sound of "wow", the blue light in front of him disappeared immediately, but the figure of the demon emperor followed suit. Disappeared with the blue light.

Where did the demon emperor go?Could it be that this guy can also shift shape?
At this moment, Tong Yan became a little worried, and then spread his star power to prevent the disappearing demon emperor from suddenly appearing and making a surprise attack.

But the body of the Demon Emperor did not reappear, as if he had already left, and seemed to be hiding.

Tong Yan was very puzzled, and immediately cast a questioning look at Xuan Mo.

Seeing this, Xuan Mo shook his head and smiled wryly, "There's no need to look for him, he's already escaped!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.He was really upset and depressed.Why did the demon emperor escape?That guy must have been powerless to deal with the two of them.If he didn't take advantage of this great opportunity to eradicate the demon emperor, if he wanted to eradicate him in the future, it would not be so easy.

But Tong Yan didn't understand, why did the Demon Emperor escape?By what method did he escape?

"Xuan Mo, how do you know that the Demon Emperor has escaped? Can't you stop him?"

Xuan Mo sighed lightly and said: "If it was before, I should be able to stop it. But now, I have more than enough energy but not enough energy. To be honest, the divine power in my body is already less than [-]%. If it weren't for you Come for reinforcements, I'm afraid I will lose to that hateful evil."

Tong Yan could hear the loneliness in Xuan Mo's words, as the sea god, he was defeated by a mere demon emperor, how could such a result prevent him from being hit hard?But Tong Yan also understood that it was not easy for Xuan Mo to support him until now.

After all, in the final analysis, this demon emperor also has the strength close to that of a god king. Although he has no status, his strength has already proved this.

"Xuan Mo, it's really hard work for you. It's okay, he escaped this time, and if we meet again next time, we will kill him again. In addition, the Demon Emperor fled in a desperate situation. I think this result is enough for Sea God The soldiers of the army cheered up. By the way, there is one more thing I have to tell you. That is Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa. She did not die. She just turned into a stone and was put into In the box. If my guess is correct, she is already in the Demon Emperor's Palace. When we breach the Demon Emperor's Palace as planned, we will be able to rescue her."

When Xuan Mo heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Really? She's still alive? That's really great. In this case, even if the Demon King escapes, we don't actually lose anything. On the contrary, after this battle, I think the Demon King will be defeated by the sea monsters in these cities." My heart is no longer an unshakable existence, why don't we take this opportunity to recruit all the defenders in Haitian City into the Sea God Army? What do you think?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "It's indeed a good idea, but whether they are willing to surrender sincerely depends on you, the sea god."

Xuan Mo laughed and said: "I don't think they will reject me, after all I have the Seagod's Light. Are you right?"

The next moment, Xuan Mo had already floated above the center of Haitian City.After being treated by Tong Yan, the injuries on his body have recovered a lot.He used seawater to remake a set of blue battle armor for himself. From the looks of it, he was still so majestic, so lofty and awe-inspiring.

He didn't say anything first, but directly put a little between his brows to release the Seagod's Light.

And as the Seagod's Light shone, the defenders and other sea monsters in the city all followed the sacred light.

They gathered together almost spontaneously, looking at this noble and great existence above.

Although the Demon Emperor was not able to be eliminated in the end, the name of the Sea God resounded throughout the entire Kingdom of Return to the Ruins.Now, no one doubts the strength of Sea God, and this decadent capital is finally about to usher in their own dawn!
But there is one thing, Tong Yan is actually a little confused.That's why the Demon Emperor took Xue'er captive to this country of returning to the ruins?What is the purpose of that guy?
(End of this chapter)

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