
Chapter 1519 Unprecedented growth, improved cultivation!

Chapter 1519 Unprecedented growth, improved cultivation!
Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already three days later.During these three days, with the help of Tong Yan, Xuan Mo not only subdued the defenders in Haitian City, but also included the defenders outside the city into the Sea God Army.

In addition, the Sea God Army has carried out a series of integration and expansion, from the original [-] soldiers, to now it has reached the size of an army of [-].

There is another gratifying thing, that is, all the four major tribes have sent envoys to express their support for Sea God Xuan Mo, and the four major tribes are waiting for the Sea God to dispatch.

The strength of the four major tribes is a force that should not be underestimated when looking at the entire country of Guixu.Back then, in order to preserve their strength, they all retired to remote places in the Kingdom of Returning Ruins, and were often suppressed and bullied by the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Now that Xuanmo has used a hearty duel with the Demon Emperor, the influence of the name of the Sea God has been unprecedentedly enhanced. It seems that the four major tribes have chosen this time to vote, and it seems that they have also gone through careful consideration.

In fact, the Hailong tribe, which originally expressed their support, only sent some "baby soldiers" at that time. Although they were relatively more enlightened than the other three tribes, they also expressed doubts about the strength of Seagod Xuanmo.

Well now, there is no doubt about the strength of Seagod Xuanmo, they are naturally willing to help, and they are naturally willing to give it a go.

As the power of the Sea God Army grows stronger, the power of the Demon Emperor's Palace is naturally weakening slowly.This is a longer process than this. I believe that if it goes on like this, it won't be long before the Demon Emperor's Palace will be destroyed.

But what is the demon emperor doing at this time?Has he started planning the next counterattack?

In fact, during the past three days, he has been recovering from his injuries.Although he avoided Tong Yan and Xuan Mo's back and forth attack, although he escaped in the end, he was seriously injured.And this injury is not only due to the exhaustion of the demon power in the body, but also the backlash caused by the destruction of the natal magic weapon, the Exorcism Sword.

People who love swords often say that the sword is with the people, but the sword destroys the people.This seems to be a joke, but in fact, if this sword is refined into a talisman, then this sword will become a part of the owner's body.It is an exaggeration to say that the sword is in the human body, and the sword destroys the human body, but the reverse is true.People are alive and swords are there, people are dead and swords are destroyed.And if the sword is destroyed, does it have no effect on the owner?Of course it will have an impact, and it will have a great impact. Even if it is not fatal, it can definitely be called a serious injury.

Now that Xuan Mo has calmed down, he can't help but secretly blame himself.If it wasn't for his impulsiveness, perhaps his Sword of Punishing God would not have been broken by Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. If he hadn't been so arrogant at that time, he might have been able to face Tong Yan's enemy squarely.

He has to admit one thing, that is, whether it is Tong Yan or Sea God Xuan Mo, they would never have won him, even if the two of them work together, he is confident that they can win.

But the problem lies in his underestimation of the enemy, he is too conceited, otherwise, how could Tong Yan destroy his talisman and get seriously injured because of it?

He was annoyed, but also resentful.He must avenge Broken Sword.Not only that, but he also wants to regain the lost sea area and regain control of the entire Kingdom of Return to Ruins.

"Sea God? Skywalker? You just wait for me. If you offend me, I will destroy you with my own hands."


Speaking of Tong Yan, in the past three days, besides helping Xuanmo integrate the Sea God Army, he was still practicing diligently.

It may be because the battle with the Demon Emperor cost him a lot of celestial power and celestial demon power. Unexpectedly, because of this reason, his celestial power and celestial demon power had a breakthrough together.In terms of Xianli alone, his previous strength was in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, and now he should be approaching the late stage.Let's talk about the power of the demon, what strength did he have before?Ten Winged Demon.Now, he may have reached the strength of the twelve-winged demon.What is the Twelve Winged Demon?It is the devil!As long as he can break through again, he can reach the strength of the demon god. By then, if he can also break through the realm of the gods, his real strength may have completely surpassed the gods, and he may even compete with the god king.

Of course, the further you go, the harder it is to improve your cultivation.It is already against the sky that he can have today's cultivation base.

The improvement in cultivation is naturally gratifying, but he is not complacent about it.He knew that there was still a huge gap between himself and Yao Yaohuang.And this gap may be with him for a long time, maybe one or two years, ten or eight years, or even one or two hundred years, maybe a lifetime.

So he must have a clear understanding of himself, and at the same time try to make himself stronger, calmer and smarter.

Summarizing the last contest with the Demon Emperor, he was actually somewhat regretful, what was he regretful about?Regret that he didn't really show his full strength.

Because he wanted to preserve the Blue Soul Sword, in the contest with the Demon Emperor, he finally chose to use the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.

And precisely because he was holding the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand, the supernatural power that he immediately thought of was Ji Zang Po's first form of destroying demons and subduing demons.

But is destroying demons and subduing demons really his current strongest supernatural power?Maybe not!
Because in addition to destroying demons and subduing demons, he also created an extremely powerful supernatural power when he was in the ruins of the Wu family, and the power of this supernatural power may be even higher than that of destroying demons and subduing demons.

What magical powers?It is the star breaking!The star breaking is through the compression of the power of the stars to produce a huge explosive force.The purer the compression, the stronger the explosive power.

When the Demon Emperor manipulated the sea water to prevent him from moving, he could definitely cast the Star Breaker, which would definitely free him from the restraints in a very short period of time.And then turn from passive to active, and use extermination of demons and subduing demons as a second-generation magical power, the effect will definitely be greatly improved.

But having said that, the power of Xingchensha is strong, but it needs enough time to use it. In this way, even if the power is good, it will be a bit tasteless if it is too late to use it.

Of course, in addition to these two relatively powerful supernatural powers, he also has the ability to suppress the bottom of the box, and that is the Tai Chi Suction Technique.

With his current cultivation base, he can use the Tai Chi Suction Technique, which is probably enough for the Demon Emperor to drink a pot, right?
So after thinking about it this way, he felt that he had indeed overlooked a lot at the time.To be truly strong is to be able to make wise decisions under any circumstances. Even if you are weak in strength, if you can stay calm and act decisively in times of crisis, you may not be able to defeat the strong with the weak.

Based on these, Tong Yan decided to retreat, and the duration of retreat was seven days.In these seven days, he will sort out the supernatural powers he can display, and further consolidate his newly improved cultivation.Maybe these seven days won't make his cultivation more refined, but his combat power will definitely rise to a new level.

Perhaps after he leaves the customs, it will be the time to formally attack the Demon Emperor's Palace!
(End of this chapter)

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