
Chapter 1520 Start retreat, bad luck is coming!

Chapter 1520 Start retreat, bad luck is coming!

After Tong Yan told Xuan Mo of his plan to retreat, he got Xuan Mo's support. In order to keep Tong Yan from being disturbed by others and to retreat with peace of mind, Xuan Mo specially selected a trench for him. The city was not far away, and was surrounded by Xuan Mo with the power of the sea god. In this way, no ordinary sea monsters and sea beasts dared to approach.

After Tong Yan bid farewell to Xuan Mo, he began to practice alone in that trench.In the country of returning to the ruins, it is actually difficult to distinguish between night and day, but Tong Yan has strictly regulated the time for himself.He couldn't really divide every minute and every second accurately, but he could roughly guess an hour and a day, so in this way, he divided the seven days into three parts, the first three days were used to consolidate the cultivation base, and the next The next three days will be used to integrate and match his magical powers. As for the remaining day, he will use it to communicate with Xueer, so as to further determine Xueer's location and her current physical condition.

The entire seven days were fully scheduled by him, so he threw himself into the intense retreat without any hesitation.

Of course, before retreating, he also told Xuan Mo all the things that should be explained in advance.Therefore, during the seven days of his retreat, Xuan Mo had no time to spare and was always busy.

Under Xuan Mo's leadership, the Sea God Army was conducting training on the one hand, and on the other hand was capturing all the nearby small cities.Such a strategy of gradual encroachment is exactly what Tong Yan proposed.

It is said that hitting a snake will hit seven inches, but the Demon Emperor's Palace is definitely not a snake, it is more like an elephant.It is not at all difficult to eat an elephant in one bite.But if you eat slowly, sooner or later there will be a day when you finish eating.

Facing the provocation and "aggression" of the Sea God's Army, the Demon Emperor's Hall showed great restraint at this moment.They didn't launch a counterattack, and seemed to have little resistance, and they were easily captured by the Sea God Army for several cities in a row.

In the eyes of all the soldiers of the Sea God Army, they all thought that the Demon Emperor's Palace was about to fail, and that's why they were so vulnerable.But Xuan Mo was not so optimistic. He knew very well in his heart that although the Demon Emperor had been severely injured, the Palace of the Demon Emperor had a profound foundation. The reason why they seldom confronted each other, or even avoided fighting, must be because of their own plans.

Similar to Xuan Mo's analysis, the reason why the Demon Emperor's Palace allowed the defenders of those cities to evacuate was the order of the Demon Emperor.

The demon emperor's order is very simple, preserve strength and paralyze the enemy.It is totally worthwhile to exchange a few cities for the great success of the Sea God Army and to be complacent.It may be said that the Demon Emperor's Palace only sacrificed a few cities, but the strength of the Demon Emperor's Palace has not been weakened much.So such abandonment of the city is completely a strategic retreat.And this just means that in the near future, the Demon Emperor's Palace will surely launch a large-scale and powerful counterattack.

Tong Yan's advice to Xuan Mo was to eat away at it gradually, but what he didn't expect was that things went very smoothly. In just five days, the Sea God Army actually captured half of the sea area of ​​the Kingdom of Return.

Such a rapid expansion has really exceeded everyone's expectations, and even Xuan Mo himself finds it a little inconceivable.

Judging from the current territory of the Kingdom of Return to the Ruins, the Sea God Army has already shown a rivalry with the Demon Emperor's Palace.The rapid growth of the Sea God Army is truly astonishing.

If this momentum continues, the Sea God Army may be able to occupy Haixuan City, one of the three main cities of the Kingdom of Returning Ruins, in less than three days. The most powerful existence in the country of returning to the ruins.

Is the size of the area that can be occupied really a complete manifestation of strength?Is the current Seagod Army really sure to win?
In the large tent of the Sea God Army, several generals and Xuan Mo and his wife were in the tent.

General Black Dragon was the first to speak: "Master Sea God, our vanguard is now less than half a day away from Haixuan City, what do you think we should do next? Should we eat Haixuan City at once, or rectify it a little bit?"

Before Xuanmo could speak, another general from the four major tribes said first: "Of course we will continue to attack Haixuan City! Our Sea God Army is now at a time when morale is high, and our Sea God Army soldiers are brave. , Haixuan City is close at hand, there is no reason not to attack! Lord Sea God, I advocate continuing to march and occupy Haixuan City!"

When this general spoke up, several other generals also expressed their views.Surprisingly, more than half of them advocated to continue to send troops to attack Haixuan City in one fell swoop.

If the minority obeys the majority, it seems that attacking Haixuan City is the most reasonable strategy.

But for some reason, Xuan Mo always felt as if he was being tricked by the Demon Emperor. All this happened too fast, from the original two thousand Sea God Army, to now it has rapidly expanded to fifty thousand Sea God Army.How many days has it been?In addition, originally there was only Turtle Shell City as the foundation, but now half of the land of Guixu Kingdom is within the sphere of influence of the Sea God Army, which makes people feel even more like a dream.

He hesitated because he thought it was really unreal.

Seemingly seeing his hesitation, his wife Hei Ling asked, "Brother Mo, are you still a little unsure? I remember that Brother Tong will be out of customs in two days, why don't you wait until he is out of the customs?" What about deciding?"

Hearing what Hei Ling said, Xuan Mo suddenly became sober. "Yeah, when Brother Tong comes out, I'll ask him and make a decision."

After saying this to Hei Ling, he immediately said to the generals in the big tent: "There is no rush for this matter, I will give you an answer in two days."

As soon as this remark came out, the generals who were in charge of the battle immediately asked: "Lord Sea God, as the saying goes, the speed of soldiers is the most important thing, and the Demon Emperor's Palace must have predicted that we would not dare to attack Haixuan City. If we work hard, we might be able to capture Haixuan!" The city is gone. This is a great opportunity, don’t miss it and never come again!”

"That's right, Lord Seagod. Our Seagod Army is in dire straits right now. Letting the troops take a good rest at this time won't cool down the enthusiasm of the soldiers? So I hope Lord Seagod think twice, and it's best to issue the order to attack Haixuan City immediately. "

"I will ask Lord Seagod for an order!"

Looking at the generals who were leading the battle, Xuan Mo fell into hesitation again.Generally speaking, he is not an indecisive person, but at this time, he is full of hesitation.why?On the one hand, he was worried that the Demon Emperor's Palace would set up traps, and on the other hand, he felt that the morale of the Sea God Army was so high that they should not suppress the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

So in such a dilemma, he finally made a choice.

"Okay, since you advocate attacking Haixuan City, then I will listen to the generals. Pass my commander's order, and the vanguard army will immediately attack Haixuan City. The follow-up troops will follow closely and strive to capture Haixuan City in one fell swoop!"

When these generals heard this, they immediately said in unison: "Lord Sea God is wise!"

wise?Is this really a wise move?The doom of the Sea God Army is probably coming!
(End of this chapter)

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