
Chapter 1521 1 defeat, who can save?

Chapter 1521 Complete defeat, who can save?

Seeing a group of generals leading the way, Xuan Mo suddenly became worried.

"Is my decision really right? Brother Tong only let me gradually nibble away, but is my current step too big? Maybe, but if I don't give it a try, how will I know if my decision is correct? "

He comforted himself like this, but he didn't know that sometimes a wrong decision is enough to cost tens of thousands of creatures with their lives.As the saying goes, haste makes waste. If you want to eat a fat man with one bite, it is tantamount to blocking a car with your arms. In fact, the final result can be predicted long ago.

After the vanguard of the Sea God Army received the commander's order, they immediately marched towards Haixuan City with great morale.

Because the previous few battles were all easily won by sweeping, so this time, the soldiers of the vanguard army somewhat underestimated the enemy and were proud.

However, different from the previous small cities, this Haixuan City has its gates wide open at this moment.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Vanguard Army were naturally puzzled.It can be thought of that the defenders of the city had abandoned the city and fled in the past, so they thought it was the defenders of Haixuan City who heard the attack of the Sea God Army, so they were so frightened that they dropped their helmets and armor.

Expansive, this is the current atmosphere of the Sea God Army.They didn't even send spies into the city to find out what was true, and they swaggered into Haixuan City.

But after they all entered Haixuan City, bad luck came.Thirty thousand elite troops from the Demon Emperor's Palace had already been mobilized in the city, and they prepared an ambush in advance to surround the vanguard of the Ten Thousand Sea God Army.

Facing the unfavorable situation, the vanguard still showed due bravery and fearlessness.But it is a pity that after less than an hour of hard fighting, only a few vanguards of the Sea God Army escaped from Haixuan City, while the remaining 1 vanguard soldiers all died in battle.

What is the Vanguard?The Vanguard Army is the elite among the elite of the Sea God Army. It is composed of the excellent sea monsters selected by Tong Yan and the superb sea monsters who joined in later. The total combat power of the army is even higher.

but?But these more than 1 vanguard troops died in the internal battle of Haixuan City under Xuanmo's wrong order.

Such a result is unacceptable, and such a setback is intolerable.

Xuan Mo was angry. He was completely angry when he heard that more than 1 vanguard troops had died in Haixuan City.

And because of his anger this time, the second wrong decision was also issued.

"Hurry up and pass on the order to me. I will personally act as the vanguard. All the Sea God Army will attack Haixuan City quickly. The blood of the more than 1 vanguard troops cannot be shed in vain. I must avenge them!"

When the messenger heard this, he hurriedly took Xuan Mo's token and went to deliver the order.

But even if Xuan Mo leads the team himself, can he gnaw at the hard bone of Haixuan City?Does the Demon Emperor's Palace have no other preparations?

Xuan Mo's orders were issued very quickly, and his movements were even faster.

In almost an hour, he arrived outside Haixuan City one step ahead.

Looking at the tall city wall and the still red sea water, his heart was filled with anger.

If it wasn't because he was single and weak, he really wanted to rush into Haixuan City at this moment and make a killing.

Waiting, he waited alone. After waiting for half a day, the remaining [-] troops of the Sea God Army finally arrived outside Haixuan City.

However, the moment the Sea God Army approached the city, an army of tens of thousands from the Demon Emperor's Palace poured out of Haixuan City, even more in number than the Sea God Army.

The [-] sea god army is all of Xuan Mo's family property, and the army of the demon emperor's palace on the opposite side is basically [-]% of its strength.

It was originally just a siege battle, but unexpectedly it turned into a massacre, and now it turned into a decisive battle.

It seems that Xuan Mo's previous worries were all right, the Demon Emperor Palace had indeed set him up, now, it's time to hunt.

"Lord Sea God, the army of the Demon Emperor's Palace is much larger than ours. Shall we retreat temporarily and fight against them later?"

Black Dragon made a very necessary suggestion at this moment.

Hearing this, Xuan Mo snorted coldly and said, "So what if there are too many? Capture the thief first, and I'll go and kill their commander. I think they have no leader, how can they fight us!"

As soon as the words fell, he was about to make a move.

But at this moment, above the enemy army, a strange man in a golden robe appeared.

This strange man is none other than the Demon Emperor of the Demon Emperor Palace.

Unexpectedly, he actually came to Haixuan City in person, and it seems that the injuries he suffered before have basically healed.

"Master Sea God, look quickly, that the Demon Emperor?"

Without being reminded by others, Xuan Mo immediately spotted the figure of the Demon Emperor.Similarly, the Demon Emperor also discovered him immediately.

"This guy recovered from his injury so quickly? It seems that I underestimated him."

In terms of strength alone, Xuan Mo is still inferior to the Demon Emperor, without Tong Yan's assistance, Xuan Mo would not be able to defeat the Demon Emperor at all.But at this time, Xuan Mo knew that he could not retreat, and his morale would be greatly depressed if he retreated.But if he doesn't retreat, how can he turn the tide?
He knew very well in his heart that if Tong Yan wasn't here, he couldn't beat the Demon Emperor by himself.Apart from this point, the Seagod Army now only has [-] soldiers, but what about the opponent?It is darkly estimated that there will be sixty to seventy thousand at least.With such a comparison of strength, whether it was a single duel or a group battle, his Sea God Army would definitely lose.

Backbone is important, but shouldn't a man be able to bend and stretch?

After hesitating for a while, he finally chose to compromise and choose to retain his strength.

"General Black Dragon, pass down the order and retreat!"

After saying these words, Xuan Mo seemed to sense the loss and surprise in the eyes of the surrounding soldiers.It was difficult to make this decision, but he couldn't make the same mistake again and again.He had to leave seeds and roots for the Sea God Army. If the roots were gone, the Sea God Army would really be over.

But even if he chooses to retire, will the Demon Emperor Palace let them go easily?

Then something even more unexpected happened. The [-] defenders who were originally recruited in Haitian City turned their backs again when they saw the power of Sea God Xuanmo was gone.

As a result, the situation deteriorated almost to the extreme in an instant.There are tens of thousands of powerful enemies in front, and [-] rebels inside. One can imagine the situation of the Sea God Army.

Facing such an unfavorable situation, Xuan Mo could only order another retreat.But the price paid for such a hasty retreat is quite heavy.

Seeing the soldiers of the Sea God Army fell in a pool of blood with his own eyes, Xuan Mo suddenly felt that he had lost something, and his whole body became a little dull.

What did he lose?Nothing else but hope and fighting spirit.

He lost his fighting spirit, so naturally he had no intention of fighting again, he lost his hope, and all that was left was of course despair.

Is the end of the Sea God Army coming?Will someone bring new hope to Xuanmo?Stay tuned for the next chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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