
Chapter 1522 It's a blow to the head, don't care about yourself!

Chapter 1522 It's a blow to the head, don't care about yourself!
Xuan Mo was stunned on the spot, looking at these dead Sea God Army soldiers, he thought of the catastrophe of the Xuanwu clan back then, the fallen Sea God Army soldiers seemed to be those clansmen who died tragically back then.

He couldn't change anything back then, and he couldn't save his father. Today, he can't change anything either. It seems that nothing has changed. He is still that useless and incompetent person.

"Father, what should I do now? Can I still save the soldiers of the Sea God Army who followed me? Father, if you have a spirit in heaven, can you tell the child? What should the child do?"

When people are helpless, they tend to think of those closest to them. Although Patriarch Xuanwu has been away for many years, Xuanmo only wants to get enlightenment from his father at this time.

It's a pity that even if the patriarch of Xuanwu has a spirit in the sky, I'm afraid he can't give him any advice.Since the mistake was made by oneself, it must be borne by oneself.

In just a short while, of the [-] soldiers of the Sea God Army, [-] turned their backs, and the remaining [-] suffered heavy casualties. The "households" they had finally accumulated were exhausted in just one battle.Not only that, such a blow is simply unbearable. After all, even the four major tribes are trying their best to help each other. If the Sea God Army is completely wiped out, then there will really be no one who can stop the Demon Emperor's Palace and overthrow the Demon Emperor's rule up.

Does Xuan Mo regret it?Of course he regretted it, regretted that he should not have made such a wrong decision, and regretted not waiting two more days.But what about regret?Nothing can change, everything can only be so.

Seeing her husband stunned on the spot, Hei Ling knew that she had to help Xuan Mo get out of the predicament.

"Brother Mo, what are you doing? Are you thinking about countermeasures? If so, I allow you to think about it. But if not, then please cheer up. You are the pillar of the Sea God Army. If even you collapse, The Sea God Army is really over. You are the Sea God, the commander of the Sea God Army, and even my husband. At this time, you must be strong, and you must lead our Sea God Army out of the current predicament. Do you know? You are all the Sea God The hero in the eyes of the army, you are the only god they recognize, do you have the heart to let them lose hope completely? Do you have the heart to let them all die here? Xuan Mo, wake me up!"

"Pa", Hei Ling's palm slapped Xuan Mo's face heavily.

With this slap, Hei Ling didn't hold back, she just wanted to wake up her husband, the only person who could lead the Sea God Army out of adversity.

Under this heavy slap, Xuan Mo finally woke up.But he didn't recover his fighting spirit quickly, but asked Hei Ling: "Ling'er, you...can you tell me what should I do?"

Hearing this, Hei Ling frowned slightly, and then said: "Now you must separate the rebel army from our Sea God Army soldiers, leaving a group of daredevils to stop the enemy, and the rest quickly retreat. Here. Although the lives of those who dare to die will be in danger, but for the sake of the overall situation, we must do this."

The countermeasure Hei Ling mentioned was actually the method used by Xuan Mo during the battle of Haitian City.Is Xuan Mo really helpless?In fact, this is not the case, but he has been hit hard, and he hasn't recovered from it for a while.

Now he has completely calmed down, leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood. As long as the Sea God Army still has soldiers, the war with the Demon Emperor's Palace will not end.

Thinking of this, his eyes glowed again, and then he nodded heavily: "Ling'er, you are right, I can't be depressed like this, I want to save them, I want to leave behind the fire of the Sea God Army."

Speaking of this, he flew up directly, standing above, and immediately shouted loudly: "All the officers and men of the Sea God Army obey the order, quickly get together, and gather below me. If there are obstacles or those who don't listen, all Treat them as rebels. In addition, General Black Dragon, General Haima, and General Tiger Shark, please take a thousand soldiers of your own clan to stand outside, defectors can be let go, but anyone who wants to kill our Sea God Army will be killed!"

After the simple order, the mess below immediately changed.

As Hei Ling said, Xuan Mo is the only god recognized by the soldiers of the Sea God Army, and it is their spiritual sustenance. As long as he does not fall, the soldiers of the Sea God Army still have fighting spirit in their hearts.

Seeing the Sea God Army quickly gather under Xuan Mo, those rebels dared not follow, they all fled towards the army of the Demon Emperor's Palace nervously.

As a result, the remaining few thousand soldiers are the only remaining strength of the Sea God Army.

But at this moment, it can only be said that we have got rid of "internal troubles", but "foreign troubles" are not far away.

So at this moment, Xuan Mo spoke again.

"I now need 3000 dare-to-die men. With [-] men to resist the enemy, buy time for more soldiers to retreat. Those who are willing to stand on my right hand, these [-] dare-to-death men will follow me to fight the enemy heroically , Even if the body is shrouded in horse leather, there will be no retreat. Now, act!"

As soon as he said this, many officers and men of the Sea God Army expressed their attitudes.

Originally only three thousand daredevils were needed, but the number standing on his right hand exceeded five thousand.

The rest were unable to come because of injuries, or because they needed to take care of their own clansmen. Otherwise, it is estimated that the number of soldiers who voluntarily died would be even greater.

Seeing so many people who dared to die, Xuan Mo's heart felt sore, but it also rekindled his fighting spirit and regained his confidence.

"As I said, I only need three thousand soldiers who dare to die. The other soldiers should escort the wounded back to Haitian City as soon as possible. The remaining ones will follow me to fight the enemy bravely, and those who return to Haitian City are not cowards. The wish of the dead comrades-in-arms is to continue to fight against the Demon Emperor Palace and continue to fight for a new life. The three thousand soldiers in the front stay behind, and the rest immediately leave this place and return to Haitian City. This is my commander-in-chief, leave immediately!"

Although some officers and soldiers of the Sea God Army really wanted to stay, Xuan Mo made it very clear that this was a commander's order and no resistance was allowed.

So soon, three thousand dare-to-die men finally assembled.And the other soldiers of the Sea God Army embarked on the journey of retreat amidst grief, indignation and pain.

Xuan Mo, the commander, personally led three thousand dare-to-die men to stand in front of the army of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Facing the overwhelming advantage in numbers, they have not the slightest timidity.They all have only one thought in their minds at the moment, and that is to fight, to fight for the survivors of the Sea God Army, to buy them more time to return to Haitian City.

After joining the [-] rebel army, the army of the Demon Emperor's Palace has already approached [-]. With [-] Sea God troops against the [-] Demon Emperor's army, there may be no suspense in this battle.

Soldiers are proud of being killed on the battlefield and shrouded in horse leather. Even though they know that they are blocking cars with their arms and hitting rocks with eggs, at this moment, they just want to do their best!
(End of this chapter)

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