
Chapter 1524 Brothers Join Forces, Harvest in Retreat!

Chapter 1524 Brothers Join Forces, Harvest in Retreat!
The person rushing from afar is Tong Yan who has been in seclusion all along.Although I don't know why he left the customs early, but it is too timely for him to come here at this moment.

In the battle between Xuan Mo and the Demon Emperor, the winner has actually been decided, and Xuan Mo is still no match for the Demon Emperor after all.But now, everything has changed.

The arrival of Tong Yan can almost be called a timely help. With his help, Xuan Mo's doomed situation immediately turned around.

Although the Yaohuang and Xuan Mo were in an inextricable fight, he immediately noticed Tong Yan's figure as soon as he appeared in the distance.Seeing Tong Yan galloping towards him, he was somewhat annoyed.

If only in terms of strength, neither Xuan Mo nor Tong Yan could be his opponent.But if Xuan Mo and Tong Yan join forces, it will be different. This is not a simple one plus one equals two, it should be said that one plus one is far greater than two.

Tong Yan's speed was very fast, and he was close to the battle in just a few breaths.

The Demon Emperor turned his head and glared at him fiercely, then directly knocked Xuan Mo back with a punch.

As soon as Xuan Mo was repelled, Tong Yan immediately went forward, supported Xuan Mo who had been shaken back, and asked, "Xuan Mo, are you okay? Is there anything wrong?"

Although Xuan Mo has also noticed Tong Yan approaching, but hearing Tong Yan's concerned words, he still feels a little sore in his heart.

"I... I'm fine, aren't you in retreat? Why did you leave the retreat early?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "If I don't leave the customs early, how can I fight side by side with you? You really want to deal with this evil obstacle, so you don't call me. If you are okay, then we brothers will join hands to deal with it." He. As the saying goes, brothers unite for the benefit of the heart, and we can't spare this guy today."

Hearing Tong Yan's confident words, Xuan Mo nodded heavily and said: "Okay, then our brothers will kill him today."

Having said that, the two stood side by side, looking coldly at the Demon Emperor who was not far away.

The Yaohuang felt very aggrieved now, the victory was already in sight, but this Tong Yan came running.It's like running to the finish line soon, and someone suddenly tripped over him. This kind of depression can be imagined.

Not only that, but Tong Yan was also the chief culprit for destroying his Sword of Zhu Shen. When the enemy met, he would naturally be even more angry.

"Skywalker, you could have stayed out of the matter, but you have come to disturb my situation. I think you really don't want to live."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "Nai Zhan, it doesn't matter whether I want to live or not. The important thing is, even if I don't come, you probably won't let me go, right? Besides, this Sea God is my brother, what do you want?" Kill my brother, do you think I will agree? Let me tell you, you don't want to escape today, today is your death day!"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor laughed loudly and said, "When will I die? When you say such a big word, will you believe it, or will I believe it? Skywalker, don't you want to do justice for the sky? Then let the horse come over, destroy If you use my God-Puting Sword, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Eyes collided, Tong Yan and Xuan Mo had almost no communication, and they rushed forward in a tacit understanding.

Although the Yaohuang fought two against one, he didn't have the slightest fear, and moved forward, directly meeting Tong Yan and Xuan Mo.

The real contest broke out completely at this moment.

How will Tong Yan, who has been in seclusion for more than five days, improve?It's happening right now.

Tong Yan and Xuan Mo's speed was extremely fast, and Yao Huang's speed was even faster than them.

The three of them collided almost in the blink of an eye, and a deafening roar sounded immediately.

With a loud "boom", the surrounding sea water was pushed back more than ten meters, and the three of them were also scattered due to a head-on collision.

After the three of them dispersed, they discovered a strange thing.What's so weird?Xuan Mo held the Xuanming Blade in his hand, the Demon Emperor relied on his own pair of iron fists, but what about Tong Yan?Tong Yan didn't use a weapon, but only used his own hands.

How could his hands resist such a violent impact?But looking at it now, his hands are intact, which is very puzzling.Could it be that his hands are already as hard as iron like the demon emperor's hands?

No, of course not.Although his body was strong, it was not strong enough to withstand such a violent collision with bare hands.And the reason why his hands are safe and sound is because he has improved a kind of supernatural power.

The improved supernatural power is nothing but his star breaking.It has been said before that the supernatural power of star breaking is a powerful explosive force formed by compressing the power of stars, and then injures the enemy.

But during Tong Yan's retreat for the past few days, he suddenly discovered a detail when he cast Star Breaker.What details?Starbreak needs to compress the power of the stars to burst out powerful power, but when the power of the stars is compressed to a certain extent, or when it is close to the blasting point, during this period of time, the power of the stars is extremely hard , it can even be said to have reached an extremely terrifying density.

To use an analogy, this is like a blacksmith striking iron, why strike iron?One is to change the iron block into the desired shape, and the other is to remove the impurities in the iron and purify the iron block. As the impurities in the iron block become less and less, the iron block becomes more and more refined. Hard and tough.When purified to a certain level, the hardness and toughness of this piece of iron will be several times or even tens of times or hundreds of times higher than before.There is a saying that steel can be made through hard work, and this is the truth.

The power of the stars is compressed smaller and smaller, the greater the natural density, and the tougher it is.

Tong Yan discovered this, what good is it?The biggest benefit is defense.

Star energy is to use the power of stars to condense into a transparent film around the body to protect oneself.Originally, the defensive power of the stellar qi could not be considered too weak, but as the enemies he faced became stronger, such defensive supernatural powers would not have much effect.

But what if the stellar energy displayed is the power of the purified and compressed stars?Can the defense effect be increased several times?The answer is yes.

It was for this reason that Tong Yan improved the Star Breaker and derived another magical power, which he called the Star Shield.

What is a star shield is a shield composed of purified and compressed star power to defend against enemies.But his shield is unusual, it is said to be a shield, and it can change other images, such as gloves, such as heart protection, helmets and so on.In short, as long as the volume is not too large, he can condense it with the power of the compressed and purified stars.

Of course, one might say, why not get a set of armor?Isn't that more comprehensive in defense?Tong Yan naturally wanted to do the same, but the problem was that he could not do it with his current ability if he wanted to compress and purify a large amount of star power, and then control the compressed and purified massive star power.All he can do now is to control a small part of the compressed and purified power of the stars, and that's why the star shield was born, not the magical powers like star armor or star cover.

The star shield is only a part of what he has gained in more than five days of retreat, and he has even greater gains, which will soon be used on the demon emperor.

Stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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