
Chapter 1525 The main body appears, completely crazy!

Chapter 1525 The main body appears, completely crazy!
It was precisely because Tong Yan used the Star Shield that his hands became extremely hard, so that he was safe and sound in the first head-on collision with the Demon Emperor.

Such a character as the Yaohuang, Tong Yan blocked his heavy punch with only his hands without using a weapon, so he naturally paid attention to it.

He stared at Tong Yan's empty hands, puzzled in his heart.But it was also because of this that he took a higher look at Tong Yan.After all, Xuan Mo barely blocked his heavy punch by relying on the Xuan Ming Blade.From this point of view alone, Tong Yan may be more qualified to be his opponent than Xuan Mo.

The war is about to break out, and naturally it will not stop easily.

Now that the three of them are separated into three directions, Xuan Mo and Tong Yan happen to form a semi-surrounding shape, covering the front, left, and right sides of the Demon Emperor.

With one against two, the Demon Emperor is inevitably a bit stretched now.But did this make the Demon Emperor helpless?of course not.

Seeing Tong Yan's figure flashed, he attacked first.Xuan Mo followed closely behind, attacking from the other side.

Facing the flanking attacks from left and right, the Demon Emperor not only showed no fear at all, but showed a strange smile on the contrary.

Immediately afterwards, an incredible scene took place.The guy smiled, and his body suddenly changed.Seeing two hands growing from his back, and seeing a head protruding from his neck, oh my god, he...he turned into a two-headed and four-armed appearance.

With two heads and four arms, he can also deal with Tong Yan and Xuan Mo's attack at the same time.

Tong Yan and Xuan Mo's movements were quick, and they rushed to them in the blink of an eye.

Tong Yan didn't use a weapon just now, but it doesn't mean he doesn't use it now.When he touched his waist, he immediately grabbed the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand.Raising the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, he slammed it hard at the demon emperor's newly grown head.

If you can hit it, even if the demon emperor's head is made of iron, you can smash it to pieces.But it's a pity that this guy's body was slightly sideways, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle just passed in front of the newly grown head.

At the same time, the demon emperor's newly grown arm swung violently, hitting Tong Yan's back with a "snap".

That is to say, Tong Yan's copper-skinned and iron-framed body, if it were an ordinary person, or some ordinary sea-monster, it would probably be half-dead if not dead.

Of course, although Tong Yan wasn't seriously injured, minor injuries were inevitable. He staggered and felt a burning pain on his back.

Looking at Xuan Mo again, he also rushed forward at this moment, the Xuan Ming Blade slashed horizontally, and the Demon Emperor had nowhere to hide even if he wanted to.

But I don't know if the demon emperor looks down on Xuan Mo, or if he has thoroughly grasped Xuan Mo's ability.So when the knife was slashed, he didn't even want to dodge, so he stretched out his hand to grab Xuan Mingren.

Hearing the sound of "Dang", the Demon Emperor's hand made close contact with Xuan Mo's Xuanming Blade, after which Xuan Mo was shocked back four or five steps.

Xuan Mo had fought the Demon Emperor for a long time before, so the Sea God's power in his body was consumed a lot, although it can't be called the end of the crossbow, but it is also going downhill.

In this round, neither Tong Yan nor Xuan Mo got any benefits, but suffered a hidden loss instead.This demon emperor is indeed powerful.

But for Tong Yan and Xuan Mo, who are also experienced in many battles, temporary losses are nothing at all. As long as they don't give up, they don't know who will win the final victory.

Tong Yan didn't care about the pain in his back, he turned over and swung the pestle again.

But this time was different from before, he did not choose to get close, but launched an attack at a distance of five meters from the demon emperor.

He saw a beam of golden light shoot out from the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, like a big golden stick, whistling towards the Demon Emperor.

Seeing this, the demon emperor clenched the hand that grew out of his back into a fist, and punched the golden stick directly.

With a "bang", the golden stick was directly smashed into gold stars by the demon emperor's fist.However, at this moment, these gold stars unexpectedly reorganized quickly, and then turned into a chain, wrapping around the body of the Demon Emperor in an instant.

Only at this moment did the Demon Emperor suddenly realize, and hurriedly struggled to get rid of it.But these gold stars are not real, and if you want to get rid of them, you can't do it by brute force.

Seeing it in his eyes, Tong Yan sneered, and immediately said in a deep voice, "The power of Venus, fix yourself!"

As soon as these words came out, the chain made of gold stars tightened suddenly, directly binding the Demon Emperor tightly.

The Demon Emperor was startled, and secretly yelled that it was not good.But it was too late for him to escape.

When the opportunity comes, Tong Yan will naturally not let it go, and Xuan Mo on the other side will not miss it either.

Then I saw Tong Yan jumping up high, holding the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in both hands, and shouted loudly: "Break the earth, destroy the demons!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slammed the pestle down hard.Looking at the Buddha's light shining on the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, it seems that there is still a trace of electric current. When the pestle is lowered, the end of the demon emperor may really come.

Naturally, Xuan Mo would not miss this great opportunity, and he also held up the Xuan Ming Blade in his hand, and slashed down with the same slash.

With one pestle and one knife, how can this demon emperor survive?
But... But the accident still appeared.He only heard a roar from the Demon Emperor's mouth. Although he couldn't get rid of the shackles of the power of Venus, his body grew rapidly with the roar, and a thick carapace appeared on the surface of his body.

Immediately afterwards, a broken sound of "bang" sounded first.

Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is indestructible, even though there is a carapace on the demon emperor's body, it still cannot stop the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.

But Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle showed great power, but Xuan Mo's Xuanming Blade hit a wall hard.

With a sound of "dang", Xuanming Blade failed to cut open the carapace on the demon emperor's body, but shook him away even with the knife.

The powerful side of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was fully revealed, but the pestle just now did not directly kill the Demon Emperor.

The body of the Demon King has more than doubled in size. The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was originally aimed at the Demon King's head, but with the changes in his body, the part he hit also changed. It didn't hit the head, but just hit it hard Just broke his shoulder.

For a guy as powerful as the Yaohuang, not to mention smashing his shoulders, even if he smashed his head, he would not necessarily die.So although Tong Yan's blow was powerful, it couldn't kill the Demon Emperor.

The killing was not successful, but the Demon Emperor didn't feel well either.His two heads also roared in pain. At this moment, he finally no longer looked like a human, but more like a powerful sea monster.

But until now, it is still impossible to find out what the demon emperor's body is.But the carapace of this body makes people very puzzled.In the ocean, is there really such a creature?But if there is no such creature, how did he cultivate to the present level?Perhaps only the Demon Emperor himself knows the answer.

"Ah...Skywalker, actually forced out my body, today I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

(End of this chapter)

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