
Chapter 1526 Created by Nuwa, the three worlds cannot tolerate it!

Chapter 1526 Created by Nuwa, the Three Realms cannot tolerate it!

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "Even if I don't force you out of your body, will you let me go? If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability. Come on, let me see, How many catties do you have left?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor let out a roar, completely broke away from Tong Yan's restraint on him, and rushed towards Tong Yan.

Tong Yan has the sharp weapon of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, so now he threatens the Demon Emperor far more than Xuan Mo.Now that the Demon Emperor directly launched a fierce attack on him, it was not reckless, but intentional.

Seeing the demon emperor rushing towards him suddenly, Tong Yandang immediately moved back and moved back.

The demon emperor's pounce was empty, and he pounced forward again.It seems that he has locked Tong Yan's position.

But how could Tong Yan be caught by him so easily?Just waiting for his side to rush forward again, Tong Yan's body had just appeared, and he directly used Ji Zangpo's first move, "Destroying Demons and Subduing Demons".

This pestle can be said to be very powerful, if it hits the Yaohuang, even if it can't kill him, it will definitely rip him to pieces.

The Yaohuang seemed to be mad, but in fact he was very clear-headed. He knew that Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle could not be blocked, so the moment Tong Yan's pestle fell, he quickly backed away and pulled Opened the distance between Tong Yan.

Both of them know each other's weaknesses, so after going back and forth like this, neither of them can do anything to each other.

At this time, Xuan Mo showed his value as a sea god, he knew that his Xuanming Blade could not cause trouble for the Demon Emperor.He simply put away the Xuanming Blade, relying on his own manipulation of the sea water, like Tong Yan's Venus power, it turned into several chains and directly entangled with the Demon Emperor.

Although the Demon Emperor also has the ability to manipulate sea water, but compared with Xuan Mo, the sea god, there is still a big gap.

Under Xuan Mo's control, the sea water instantly imprisoned the Demon Emperor's body.But how could the Demon King be an ordinary person? As soon as the seawater chain was wrapped around him, he immediately exerted his strength, and only heard a "pop", and the seawater chain that imprisoned him was directly broken by him.

Although the seawater chains imprisoned him very briefly, Tong Yan's reaction was extremely swift.Almost instantly, Tong Yan threw out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand.

The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle turned into a streak of golden light, which pierced through the Demon Emperor's chest almost without stopping.

The Demon Emperor obviously underestimated Tong Yan. After these few days of retreat, although Tong Yan's cultivation level has improved limitedly, his combat ability has increased significantly.

It is said that fighter opportunities are fleeting, and as a person who is good at fighting, he can often grasp the best time.

With a sound of "poof", the Demon Emperor's chest was pierced by the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and he finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, what people didn't expect was that with the spout of blood, his body changed again.And this change finally allowed Tong Yan and Xuan Mo to see his true face in Lushan.

What exactly is the demon emperor's body?To be precise, he should be a very special creature.He is very different from the common monsters, he is more like a fusion body, or four different.

First of all, he has three tiger heads, and his body is covered with red scales. He has a body as strong as a unicorn, but has six legs. His tail looks like a snake, but on the tail is a snake. A sharp needle like a scorpion's tail.

In short, such a weird image, not to mention that ordinary people have never seen it, even Xuan Mo and Tong Yan, who are well-informed, have never heard of it or seen it.

Anyway, this should be the real body of the Demon Emperor.And he showed his body, which meant that he was going to fight to the death.

Xuan Mo no longer stood on the other side of the Demon Emperor, but came directly to Tong Yan's side.

"Brother Tong, this should be the body of that evil obstacle, we have to be careful later."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked, "Xuanmo, as the young master of the Xuanwu clan, have you seen such a thing? What is the body of this evil? Is it famous?"

Xuan Mo shook his head and said: "I have never seen it, nor have I heard of it. But judging by the appearance of this guy, it seems that he is not born naturally, it seems... It seems a bit like a monster made by others. And from him Judging by his evil aura, his Taoism must have been ten thousand years at least. A monster that can survive for ten thousand years has either been killed by the heavens, or has become a god. So I am more inclined, he is not born, but was born gave new life."

Xuan Mo's analysis is not unreasonable. Of course, there will be monsters with ten thousand years of Taoism, but those are ancient giant monsters that have long been famous.

A four-faced person like the Demon Emperor obviously has nothing to do with the ancient giant monster, so it is very likely that, as Xuan Mo said, he is a grafted product, a patchwork monster.

But if this is the case, wouldn't the character who created the Demon Emperor be stronger and more against the sky?

In order to clear up the doubts, Tong Yan simply asked the Demon Emperor directly: "Nie Zhan, what the hell are you? Do you dare to tell the truth?"

Although the demon emperor's three pairs of tiger eyes were fixed on Tong Yan, he actually answered Tong Yan's question.

"Anyway, you are also dying, so I might as well tell you my origin. I was not born in the sea, but came from the human world, and then turned to the heaven, and was not tolerated by the heaven, and finally came to the ocean. And successfully passed the Tianshui seal and came to the country of returning to the ruins. You must be very puzzled, who created me. Then let me tell you, it was the Nuwa who created me. But she also abandoned me, so I hate the Three Realms extremely, I just want to take revenge on all the guys who can't tolerate me, suppress me, and abuse me. This time, do you understand?"

Tong Yan and Xuan Mo were shocked when they heard this.You must know that Empress Nuwa is the lord of creation and the mother of the earth. She created many things, including creatures on land.But it never occurred to me that a guy like the Demon Emperor was also created by Empress Nuwa.But why did Empress Nuwa create such a strange thing?Is it just a whim, or do you have other plans?
Of course, Empress Nuwa seldom shows up now, so perhaps no one will know the answer except herself.

For some reason, Tong Yan at this moment suddenly felt sorry for the Demon Emperor.Because in a sense, Tong Yan and the Demon Emperor are actually very similar.

The Demon Emperor was not tolerated by the heavens, and was finally forced to enter the Kingdom of Returning Ruins. He just wanted revenge.And what about Tong Yan?He is also not tolerated by the heavens, just because he is the sky demon star, so the gods come to chase and kill him again and again.

Does Tong Yan want revenge?Of course, of course he wanted revenge.But he only thought of improving his own strength, but he didn't build his own power like the Demon King.

So at this moment, Tong Yan seemed to wake up.He also has enmity with the heavens, but if he can unite all the guys who have enmity with the heavens, by then, wouldn't it be a huge force?
There is a saying that is good, there are only permanent interests, but no permanent enemies!

(End of this chapter)

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