
Chapter 1527 Enlightenment, change of mind!

Chapter 1527 Enlightenment, change of mind!
Tong Yan suddenly came to his senses, and he suddenly found that the Demon Emperor was not as disgusting as before.

He no longer wanted to eradicate the Demon Emperor wholeheartedly, he had another plan in his heart.

"Demon King, I really didn't expect that you were created by Empress Nuwa herself. Perhaps the reason why you kidnapped Nuwa's descendants was not to avenge Empress Nuwa?"

When the Demon King heard this, the three tiger heads sneered at the same time: "Is this important? Now that the descendants of Nuwa are dead, what is my purpose? I can't change this reality."

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "No, maybe things are not as bad as you imagined. What if I tell you that I can wake up the descendants of Nuwa? Can you abandon evil and do good?"

Upon hearing this, the Demon Emperor immediately asked anxiously: "What did you say? Can you wake up the descendants of Nuwa? Can you really do it?"

Tong Yan said confidently: "Of course, the reason why I came to the Kingdom of Ruins is to save her. But I still don't understand, what is your real purpose of kidnapping Nuwa's descendants? Is to use her ability ? Or do you have other plans?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor smiled wryly and said: "Her ability? Isn't her ability the power of regeneration? I don't need this kind of ability. What I want is her. I love Empress Nuwa, The moment she created me, I fell in love with her deeply. But instead of accepting me, she alienated me, and even left me forever. I always wanted to be with Empress Nuwa, but I knew this Everything is impossible. But I can still be with the descendants of Nuwa, and the descendants of Nuwa are Nuwa."

Hearing this, Tong Yan and Xuan Mo were both dumbfounded.Who would have thought that the real purpose of the Demon Emperor taking all the troubles to capture the descendants of Nuwa to the country of returning to the ruins was to live with the descendants of Nuwa forever?
Well, it might be love, but it's not love.What is love?Love is mutual, if one party does not love, then this is not love, at most it is wishful thinking.

Tong Yan probably understood why Xue'er, a descendant of Nuwa, would rather turn into a stone than agree to the Demon Emperor.Because Xue'er doesn't love the Demon Emperor at all, naturally she won't accept the Demon Emperor's inexplicable love.

And does the Demon Emperor really love Xueer?Not necessarily, what he really loves is Empress Nuwa.Although Xue'er is a descendant of the Nuwa clan, she just looks like the Nuwa Empress and possesses some of the Nuwa Empress's divine power.But she is not the real Empress Nuwa, she is more like the spokesperson of Empress Nuwa, the blessing left by Empress Nuwa to the world.

So from this point of view, Yaohuang and Xue'er, in reality, they don't love each other.The love of the Demon Emperor was passed on to the descendants of Nuwa because he could not get the Nuwa Empress, and Xueer and the Demon Emperor had never met each other, so how could there be any love at all?

Tong Yan always thought that the Yaohuang was a smart person, but now, he suddenly felt that the Yaohuang was also an infatuated kind, and because of infatuation, he became a little stubborn and a little stupid.

He chuckled lightly, and then said, "Demon King, anyone has the right to love others, but at the same time, others also have the right not to love you. There is a saying in the world that a twisted melon is not sweet. You can barely get it." , not really. What if you get people but not hearts? Is this happiness? Wrong, big mistake. I don’t want to rely on your feelings for Nuwa Empress. Do you have feelings? Do you know each other? Have you ever been in contact? If you really love someone, please go from the beginning to the end, otherwise, you are not love, but possession. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor said fiercely: "Possession? I just want to possess! As long as I want it, I will try my best to achieve it. This is me, I just want to live for myself, and I don't care what others think. Skywalker , Maybe what you said is right, but you are not me, how do you know how I have survived for thousands of years? You have not experienced my past, so you are not qualified to judge me and blame me. "

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan burst out laughing and said, "Really? I haven't experienced your past, but I have experienced my own past. Unfortunately, you and I are the same kind of people. You are not tolerated by the Three Realms. And I have been under the pursuit from the heavens. You have hatred against the heavens, and so do I. From this level, we still have something in common, and we have the same enemy. I can imagine How difficult and painful your past is, but do you really want to live like this for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years? In this way, can you have happiness? I don’t know what you live for, but I What I want to tell you is that living is for a happy life, for being happy. What do you think?"

Tong Yan's words made the Yaohuang fall into deep thought.

In fact, many powerful people, they just naively think that what they fight for is what they want, but it is not the case, and many people have entered into a misunderstanding.What he has been striving for may not be what he wants. It is like knowing that he loves another person, but when the person in front of him leaves him, he realizes that what he cares about is what he loves. , is the person in front of him who has been with him all the time.

There is a saying that is good, only when you lose can you know how to cherish.But if you cherish it well, won't happiness come quietly?

The Yaohuang thought for a while, and seemed to have figured it out a bit, then he looked at Tong Yan, then nodded and said: "You are right, I have always ignored what I really want. What do I really want? ?Actually, it is recognition, being recognized by the Nuwa Empress, and being recognized by the Three Realms. Living in this country of returning to the ruins did not make me happy. I have always tried to attack the heaven and the human world. Doing this is to let others know that I exist. So that they can truly accept me and accommodate me. I am lonely, I am really lonely here."

Hearing what the Yaohuang said, Tong Yan knew that he should have thought about something clearly.

So what should Tong Yan do next?Continue to fight to the death with this demon emperor?What can you get in this way?

If he wanted to get rid of the Demon Emperor before, it was to avenge Xueer, but now Xueer is not dead, but turned into a stone.As for the threat of Situ Yuxin from the Holy Gate, he has completely forgotten it at this moment.

Why should he be controlled by others?Why should he be manipulated by others?What he has to do is to change the situation, what he has to do is to have the strength to fight against the heavens.

So he has only one idea now, and that is to unite with the Demon Emperor and join hands to fight against the heavens.

"Demon Emperor, are you willing to join forces with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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