
Chapter 1528 Brothers turned against each other?The Demon Emperor's Secret!

Chapter 1528 Brothers turned against each other?The Demon Emperor's Secret!
Tong Yan's sudden opening not only surprised the Yaohuang, but also made Xuan Mo beside him very puzzled.

"Brother Tong, you...are you joking? He is our enemy!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with a slightly serious expression: "Xuan Mo, I'm not joking, this is what I think in my heart now. I hope to join forces with the Demon Emperor, because we have a common enemy. In addition, if we fight here Who is the one who is happy in the end? It must be those guys from the heavens. Instead of this, why do we kill each other? Why don’t we join forces to fight against the heavens?"

"But...but don't we think about these creatures in the country of returning to the ruins? Do you still let them be under the rule of this guy? You should know how much they have suffered and suffered. Ah. Brother Tong, I think you should think about it carefully, and don’t act on your will? Besides, is this guy worthy of your trust? If he stabs you in the back, how will you be prepared?"

Xuan Mo still felt that Tong Yan's idea was unrealistic, but in the final analysis, it was because of his distrust of the Demon Emperor. He always believed that the Demon Emperor was a murderous demon, and joining forces with the demon would not be seeking skin from a tiger?
But Tong Yan didn't give up this idea because of his misunderstanding, instead he asked the Demon Emperor again: "Demon Emperor, are you willing to join hands with me to fight against the heavens together?"

At this moment, the Demon Emperor had recovered from the shock. He looked at Tong Yan in a daze, and then asked in disbelief: "You... what you said is true? Do you really want to join hands with me?"

Tong Yan replied noncommittally: "That's right, I really want to join forces with you. What's the matter? Don't you want to?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor fell into contemplation, and his contemplation was actually a kind of expression.He didn't directly refuse, which meant that his heart was already inclined to Tong Yan's proposal.

Seeing that Tong Yan insisted on joining hands with the Demon Emperor, Xuan Mo became a little angry and displeased from the original persuasion.

"Brother Tong, it seems that you are determined to join forces with this guy. Well, since you have made up your mind, it doesn't seem to help if I say more. But I must tell you that if you choose to join forces with him If you join forces, then you are a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. For such a person who can't distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, I, Xuanmo, don't bother to be with him. You have kindness to me, and I will always remember this kindness in my heart. But Even so, I will never go against my will and join forces with such evils. Don't speculate, I'm leaving, you can do it yourself!" Speaking of this, he turned around directly, without turning his head. He turned back and galloped towards the direction of Haitian City.

Looking at Xuan Mo's back, Tong Yan wanted to speak several times, but in the end he chose to remain silent.

Seeing Xuan Mo leave with his own eyes, the Yaohuang immediately said to Tong Yan: "Is it worth it for you to get into trouble with him for me? If I were you, I should make it clear to him, or just listen to him and continue to be with me like this." Wait for the evil to be your enemy. After all, in this way, at least in the eyes of outsiders, you are righteous. Are you right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled: "A real brother will really understand each other. He hasn't figured it out now, but he will definitely figure it out in the future. Besides, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. Unless you are already willing to be with me Let's join hands and be my friend."

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "I know you are a smart person, but I am not stupid either. You are right, we do have a common enemy, that is, those masters in the heavens. If we continue to fight, let alone who wins in the end Whoever loses, but the result must be tragic, and such a result may be what the heavens want to see. Only a fool will do things to please the enemy. So I agree, I am willing to join hands with you, and you Let's fight against the heavens together."

Tong Yan said with a smile: "It is indeed much easier to talk to smart people. Now, you should tell me your plan. You have been in the country of returning to the ruins for so many years, don't tell me, you are prepared nothing."

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "Of course there are still preparations. Since you are interested, follow me to my Demon Emperor's Palace. When you get there, you will see the preparations I have been making for so many years."

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Alright, then you can lead the way!"

The Demon Emperor stopped talking and immediately led the way ahead.Tong Yan glanced at the direction Xuan Mo was leaving again, sighed softly, and then followed the Demon Emperor.

Although he escaped a catastrophe, Xuan Mo felt very depressed at this moment.To him, Tong Yan is not just a savior, but also his only friend.Now Tong Yan turned a deaf ear to his words in order to join hands with the Demon Emperor, how could this make him feel better?

He really didn't understand what Tong Yan was going to do, but he couldn't agree with Tong Yan's actions.

Depressed all the way, he finally returned to Haitian City.

His wife, Hei Ling, had been waiting at the gate of the East City Gate all this time. Seeing his safe return, she couldn't help but greet him immediately.

"Brother Mo, you're back. I'm finally waiting for you. Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo forced a smile and said: "I'm fine, I have minor injuries all over my body, it's nothing serious, I'll let you worry about it."

Hei Ling heard this, hehe laughed and said, "Brother Mo, why are you so polite to me? We are husband and wife, and we still have to be with each other for the rest of our lives. By the way, where is Big Brother Tong? Didn't he go to save you? Why did you come back alone?"

Hearing Hei Ling mention Tong Yan, the smile on Xuan Mo's face disappeared immediately, replaced by coldness and anger.

"He... he is with the demon emperor, and he probably won't come back in the future."

Hearing this, Hei Ling was puzzled and said, "How could this be? How could he be with the Demon Emperor? Isn't our enemy the Demon Emperor? He won't turn against him, right? But even if he turned against, you How could he return safely? Brother Mo, is there some misunderstanding between you? Or do you have some misunderstanding about him?"

"Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding? I really hope so, but no matter how I persuade him, he will always turn enemies into friends with that demon emperor. You say this is still a misunderstanding, is this still my misunderstanding of him? I don't want to talk to him again. You mentioned him, I just want to be alone now."

Having said that, he walked past Hei Ling and headed straight for the city.

When Hei Ling saw it, he couldn't help sighing, but he followed quietly.

Is it really worth turning brothers against each other because of a demon emperor?Is it Tong Yan's unscrupulous means to achieve his goal, or is there really some misunderstanding here?

Regardless of these for the time being, let's just say that Tong Yan went to the Demon Emperor's Palace with the Demon Emperor.In the Demon Emperor's Palace, he actually discovered a big secret!

(End of this chapter)

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