
Chapter 1529 Incredible, magical ability?

Chapter 1529 Incredible, magical ability?
As the ruler of the country of returning to the ruins, the demon emperor's palace is naturally the most luxurious and magnificent existence in the country of returning to the ruins.

Tong Yan followed the Demon Emperor all the way, and finally came to this "notorious" palace.

I saw that the Demon Emperor's Hall was three stories high, and the entire hall was oval in shape. The surface of the hall was inlaid with gemstones of various colors. Although it may not look very beautiful, it is definitely eye-catching and amazing.In addition to these, on the ground floor of the building of the Demon Emperor's Palace, there is a circle of red coral, and on the periphery of the coral, there is a layer of well-proportioned square stones.

In fact, for the appearance of the Demon Emperor's Palace, people can't think of originality at all, but what they can think of may be messy, dazzling, and rough.

To enter the Demon Emperor's Palace, you need to go through two doors.The two doors are guarded by sea monsters in golden armor. They look mighty enough, but in fact, they are not responsible for security, but for face. They are purely for other sea monsters to show off. The sacredness and solemnity of the imperial palace made other sea monsters not dare to underestimate it.

Now that the Demon Emperor came back wearing Tong Yan, the golden-armored sea monster in front of the door immediately knelt down on one knee and said at the same time: "My subordinates pay homage to the Holy Emperor, and may His Majesty the Holy Emperor live forever."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor laughed twice, then left a sentence of "Get up!", and continued forward with Tong Yan.

Soon the two came to the second door, and as long as they passed through this door, they could really enter the interior of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

But in front of this door, the Yaohuang suddenly stopped, and turned to Tong Yan and asked: "Brother Tong Yan, enter from here, and this is the main hall where I work and rest on weekdays. Except for my subordinates, there has never been anyone Outsiders have gone in. When you come in with me, you can be regarded as my first guest in the Holy Emperor's Palace."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's my honor to say so. But as far as I know, I should not be your first guest. Could it be that the descendants of Nuwa who were captured by you before did not Are you imprisoned in this Demon Emperor's Palace?"

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "She is different from you. She was originally going to be my queen. Although she failed to take shape in the end, in my mind, she is the best candidate for a queen. Don't talk about it, just follow me Come in. The treasures I have collected over the years are all hidden in my Holy Emperor's Palace. I think you will be very interested when I see you later."

Tong Yan smiled and said, "Hearing what you said, I'm really looking forward to it. Please!"

The Demon Emperor stopped talking, and then took Tong Yan through the second door and directly entered the main hall of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

The main hall is naturally very trenches, and the layout is very similar to the internal structure of the more common halls, so I won't go into details again.

Let's say Yaohuang and Tong Yan entered the hall, Tong Yan looked around for a while, only to find that the hall was empty.

This is actually quite a strange thing. After all, like a normal emperor, how could he not have a few attendants to serve him?
"Demon Emperor, why is it so quiet in your hall? Don't you feel deserted?"

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "Lonely? I think this is the best. I don't like people to disturb me, and I don't want to be found out about my secrets. Of course, you are an exception. Because you have been recognized by me, and you are very happy." May be my only friend."

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Why do I listen to it, and I always feel that you are hiding something? Your secret, what secret do you have?"

The Demon Emperor shook his head and smiled and said, "If I tell it, is it still a secret? Of course, if you discover it yourself, it's a different story. Let's go, I'll take you to my secret room, which is also my hiding place." Treasure Pavilion. I stay there on weekdays, practice, and forge magic weapons, all of which are carried out there."

Having said that, he raised his legs and walked forward again, as if he was going to climb to the second floor.

Seeing this, Tong Yan could only follow quickly.

Both of them moved very quickly, in almost two or three seconds, they came to the stairs leading to the next floor.

The Demon Emperor didn't say anything, and stepped on the first step of the stairs with his legs raised.Tong Yan didn't hesitate, and immediately lifted his legs up.

But what he didn't expect was that the moment his feet stepped on the smooth steps, he only felt his whole body tighten, and then his eyes blurred.After he recovered his eyesight, he suddenly found that he was in a room with no sea water and a suitable temperature.

This room is very big, about half the area of ​​the main hall of the Demon Emperor's Palace.But the question is, how did he get here?He obviously just stepped on a step, could it be that he was teleported to this place?Is everything in front of me an illusion, or is it real?
Just as he was thinking secretly, the voice of the Demon Emperor suddenly sounded behind him.

"Brother Tong Yan, this is my secret room, my treasure house. How is it? Does it surprise you?"

surprise?Of course, Tong Yan was surprised.But what surprised him was not what was placed in the room, but how he got here.

"Demon Emperor, can you tell me how I got here? Is it the problem of the steps?"

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the Demon Emperor behind him.

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor laughed and said: "There is nothing wrong with the steps. As for how you got here, I actually brought you in."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was puzzled, and immediately asked, "You brought me in? You obviously didn't touch me, and I didn't notice any monster power approaching, so how could you bring me here? "

Seeing Tong Yan's puzzled face, the Demon Emperor smiled triumphantly and said, "It's very simple, it's a very powerful ability, and only experts at my level can use it. You can call it Domain Ability, or you can call it Spatial ability. This is my domain, and it is the space I created. Although it is not big, it is enough for me to do anything here, and no one can disturb it, or even find it.”

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his this actually a space created by the Demon Emperor himself?real or fake?This is too incredible.

You know, just creating such a room is equivalent to having the ability to create the world.But who has the ability to create the world?That is the creation god, that is the supreme existence.How did a mere demon emperor do this?Could it be... Could it be that this is the special ability possessed by someone who has reached the level of a god king?

"Demon King, did you really create this space? How did you do it? Could it be that you have been hiding your true strength in your previous contest with us?
(End of this chapter)

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