
Chapter 1530 Destined, what is on the monument?

Chapter 1530 Destined, what is on the monument?
Hearing this, the Demon Emperor shook his head and smiled: "That's not true. I have tried my best to compete with you. As for how I created this space, I actually don't know. Anyway, when my cultivation level breaks through After reaching a new realm, I can do this naturally. Of course, as you can see, the space I can create is really too small, so for me, this space is not only a part of my own Bringing a secret room has no other effect."

Is it okay to carry a secret room with you?There is no other effect, this effect should not be too big, okay?
Tong Yan really had the idea of ​​rushing forward and punching the Demon Emperor to KO, this guy was obviously too complacent when he said it so casually.

"Demon Emperor, it is said that people are more angry than angry people. You can create such a space and say it is useless? You are really humble enough. If I guessed correctly, you can use it not only to hold things, but also to use it Is it okay to pretend to be a person?"

The Demon Emperor was taken aback when he heard this, thought for a while and said: "I have never tried pretending to be a human being, but aren't you here now?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being a little embarrassed, yes, isn't he in the space of the Demon Emperor now?
"Then can you use it to imprison people? For example, you brought me here, without your help, is there a way for me to get out?"

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "You can try, but I think you should be able to go out, after all, you have that indestructible baby. It can break hard things, and I think your baby should also be able to break space. "

break space?Isn't this a joke?Although Tong Yan knew that the Vajra Pestle was indestructible, but first of all, there must be something, and if there is nothing, hit it against the air?Is it possible to break the space?

Of course, from the Demon Emperor's words, he still heard something else.That is, this space is not as stable as it seems on the surface, and if you are not careful, you may face shattering.The reason why he thinks this way is very simple, it is because of the lack of self-confidence of the Demon Emperor.

If the Demon Emperor is so confident in his spatial ability, why didn't the Demon Emperor use this terrifying spatial ability when he and Xuan Mo were fighting fiercely?So, although the Demon Emperor seems to have mastered the ability of space, and can even create his own space, but his ability should be just a drop in the bucket, and compared with the real God of Creation, I am afraid that it is not only a world of difference.

But even so, being able to create your own space is already very enviable.

"Demon Emperor, since you created this space of yours, why did you bring me to your Palace of the Demon Emperor? Isn't it possible for me to enter your space at any time?"

The Demon Emperor shook his head and smiled: "If it's really that easy, then why am I so afraid? I probably rushed to the heavens long ago and killed a lot. To be honest, although I have mastered a little space ability, this space ability In fact, it is also a double-edged sword. Keeping enemies in the space is better for those whose strength is far inferior to your own. But if you encounter someone whose strength is close to your own, you will face a lot of danger. Once the space is broken, create Its people will also disappear along with it. Therefore, unless you have to, it is best not to use this space ability. As for why I let you enter my space in the Demon Emperor's Palace, one is There are things here to enhance my spatial ability, and the second is because I haven’t tried to bring people into my own space. With the help of things that enhance my spatial ability, my success rate should increase a little. Do you understand this time? "

Tong Yan did understand, but he was also a little speechless towards the Demon Emperor.The feeling guy treats Tong Yan as a guinea pig. He has never tried to bring people into the space, but he did an experiment with Tong Yan.Just imagine, if this guy doesn't succeed in bringing in, then Tong Yan probably will die in the turbulence of space.Of course, this guy also has risks, but generally speaking, Tong Yan can't reap any benefits.

Tong Yan didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore, but got back to business.

"Tell me about your plan. Since you have brought me here, let's have an open and honest chat."

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "I also have this intention, so I will say it directly. My plan is to spread from the country of returning to the ruins to the entire ocean, and then the creatures on the land, and the underworld. Combine all the forces, and finally attack the heaven. I have been to the heaven, so I know the heaven very well. If you want to deal with the heaven, without absolute strength, it is impossible to win. It is because of this that I have planned so many arrangements. plans. But unfortunately, all these plans were ruined. If I guessed correctly, you ruined my plan, right?"

Hearing what the Demon Emperor said, it seems that this is really the case.At the behest of the Demon Emperor, the sea monster clan first launched an attack on the human world, and soon launched an attack on the underworld.According to what the Demon Emperor said, the reason why he arranged this way may not only be to satisfy his own ambition, but more to rule the human world and the underworld, so that he can have the strength to compete with the heavenly world.But unfortunately, all of these were destroyed by Tong Yan.

It's ridiculous to think about it, the two actually had a contest a long time ago, but they had never faced each other.Had he known this, perhaps Tong Yan would not have been so persistent in fighting against the sea monsters back then, at least he would not have caused countless casualties to those sea monsters.After all, in the final analysis, aren't those sea monsters a force that can be united?

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "It can only be said that if you don't fight, you don't know each other. In addition, although your original intention is to fight against the heavens, I don't agree with your approach. You want to get help from the human world, but the first thing you think of is Occupation and domination. There is a saying in the world that if people do not attack me, I will not attack. If people attack me, I will attack. You want to gain the power of the human world through occupation, which is not feasible in itself. Besides, you know the underworld. The underworld and the human world echo each other, one yang and one yin. If you destroy the underworld, the human world will not be in chaos? At that time, what help can you get? Twisted melons are not sweet. Bullying orders is doomed to fail."

The Demon Emperor sighed softly and said: "I just do my best to obey the destiny. I have done everything I can. But if the result cannot be changed, then I can only say that I did my best. Come on, let me show you If you can discover something through it, I think it will definitely be of great benefit to your cultivation."

As he spoke, he took three steps forward, and then pushed lightly, and with his push, a smaller space appeared out of thin air.

And in this space, a pitch-black stone tablet immediately entered Tong Yan's eyes.

There seems to be words on the stone tablet, but what is recorded on it?

(End of this chapter)

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